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1 person found this review helpful
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35.1 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
majima is so fun to play that I didn't realize I'd spent four hours sitting here knocking out american tourists in honolulu out of ten
Posted 23 February.
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91.4 hrs on record (89.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 17 February.
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25.2 hrs on record (21.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It reminds me of Phantasy Star Online (specifically Portable/Portable 2 for me) in the best ways and the characters are pretty cute. You can make them absurdly curvy if that's your thing, but you don't have to.
Came away from my playtime still surprised that one person makes this game. Easily worth your time.
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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18.6 hrs on record
Metroid Dread would still be my favourite if the music were any good, but The Lost Crown has it beat for its mix of persian instruments and rock. The art style is great and the stages are fun to explore, Sargon moves really fluidly and it feels great to unlock his whole kit to really zoom around the map. The bosses are all great and the way you can get special parries in on each of them is a really fun way to turn normally sort-of annoying boss moves into a window to do some damage if you're good enough. There's a lot of playstyle expression you can get up to with certain amulets and moves as well that I really appreciate.

Looking forward to the content DLC, hoping its a proper expansion pack.
Posted 24 August, 2024.
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1.9 hrs on record
A friend and I had a lot of fun trying this game out- we play PlateUp! a ton so we were looking for more cooking-game co-op fix, but the biggest issue we had was that it was too difficult to discern patron names on the fly when you are delivering food- the font for them is really bad when you're in a rush and trying to do everything. Hopefully you guys can add another font as an accessibility option in the future!
Posted 20 August, 2024.
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15.6 hrs on record (6.7 hrs at review time)
Unironically the best fighting game I've played in the last few years
Posted 24 February, 2023.
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73.7 hrs on record (67.7 hrs at review time)
It's weird, it can be clunky as hell, and the story is unfortunately bare in some places, but Dragon's Dogma remains one of my favourite games ever for it's mix of engaging combat and endless character and pawn variety. I'm so happy that a sequel is coming someday soon, and hopefully it can live up to and even surpass this gem.
Posted 24 July, 2022.
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618.6 hrs on record (411.7 hrs at review time)
I really want to get everybody I know to get into warframe, but the barrier of entry preventing somebody from picking up and playing is just too high. You either have to buy your way in with platinum, or have friends who can just give you all the things that you need. They can of course help you grind for things, but grinding for hours/days/weeks potentially to get one warframe built and then being made to wait another full couple days to actually try it out just.. takes the wind out of your sails. Not to mention that you also have to purchase a slot for it, upgrade its reactor so it can hold enough mods, and probably re-level it two to three times so that it's functional against higher level enemies.

Building certain things requires you to have a clan at a certain level or be in one at a high enough level with the right research unlocked, which itself takes ages to do. I'm fortunate enough to be in a fairly well off one just full of a few people who used to play the game a ton and benefit from their research, but that's not the case for everybody.

Story missions require you to have certain things unlocked, be it an archwing, k-drive, or the necramech, or an entire railjack-- these things take forever to grind influence with the appropriate factions to even build, putting aside the time it'll take to assemble all of these individual parts and then the additional time to construct the actual items. Sure, they're only required to be made once, but that's the barrier of entry that I'm talking about. You have to grind for ages and spend days of time a piece or spend a good amount of money to afford these things, some of which are barely used save the one time the story requires you to have it. I genuinely feel it'd be better if they just gave you one of each, after a required mission or three. People who have been playing far longer than me still don't have these things they need built because of the RNG of drops or the sheer time investment required, and there's nothing I can really do to help them out short of just buying it for them or assisting in the never-ending grind.

The gameplay is really fun once you make it past all that. Lots of content to play. Each warframe is fun to learn all the new abilities and tricks they bring to the table, there's a gigantic amount of weapons and companions you can get, but each and every one of those also has that giant crafting time attached to it as well as ranking requirements, slot requirements, and the needed materials even dropping. Some warframes have alternate abilities that you can unlock by grinding factions out, or buying them from other players with platinum-- paying real money again. Some of the requirements wouldn't be so bad, but there is a daily cap of standing you can earn based off of your rank that keeps you from even grinding out the things you want on your own time. If you've managed to earn negative levels with a group, good luck digging yourself out of the hole, and I pray you've purchased everything you wanted from its opposite group or you'll have to get in their good graces again to regain access to their items.

I feel like I could go on and on about individual nit-picks, but I hope this is a broad enough summary.


People dismiss a lot of issues with Warframe because it's a free to play game, but there are free to play games that respect your time a lot more than this. Should you still play it? If you're really patient or have a lot of expendable income, maybe some very generous friends, sure. Otherwise..? It's worth trying, seeing what you think about it, but I wouldn't recommend investing much into it at the time of writing.
Posted 23 February, 2022.
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17 people found this review helpful
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5.5 hrs on record
Scammed again by Konami. This game isn't finished, don't let the 1.0 release trick you. They stated that additional characters and other features were coming in the early access period, and now those are more than likely going to show up later as paid DLC. There are actual tabs and parts of the existing menus in-game where content was going to go that's just empty space now.
Posted 20 February, 2022.
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10.6 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
Posted 5 November, 2021.
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