King Of Nothing   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
In a bunker deep underground, a relic of wars long past, something stirs. In a place long abandoned by human hands, where corridors once bustling now lie empty, everything covered in a thick layer of dust, something moves. In a hangar where all its bays are empty... save for one, an old machine flickers to life once more.

Main System, Engaging Combat Mode...

The Harpers Harped, The Minstrels Sang, and at the gates the trumpets Rang. The World is Gray, the Mountains Old, The Forges Fire is Ashen-Cold. No Harp is Wrung, No Hammer Falls. The Darkness Dwells in Durin's Halls.

I have at my command an entire battle group of the Imperial Guard. Fifty regiments, including specialized drop troops, stealthers, mechanized formations, armored companies, combat engineers and mobile artillery. Over half a million fighting men and thirty thousand tanks and artillery pieces are mine to command. Emperor show mercy to the fool that stands against me, for I shall not.
:Pickax: :goldvein:
:Pickax: :Morkite:
:Pickax: :Nitra:

You're going to be all right. You just stumbled over a stone in the road. It means nothing. Your goal lies far beyond this. Doesn't it? I'm sure you'll overcome this. You'll walk again ... soon.

Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and for thy possession, the ends of the earth. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron. Thou shalt dash them in pieces, like a potters vessel. Be wise now, therefore ye kings. Be admonished ye judges of the earth. Serve the lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the son lest he be angry, and ye perish in the way, though his wrath be kindled but a little.

Sometimes you can lie to yourself, enough for it to sound reasonable.
Sometimes it´s born from an experience, which etches itself in like a trauma.
If someone asks you to come to a party, the healthy way to respond....
Would be to trust that the person asking actually wants you to come.
"He is only asking to be polite."
"i don´t belong in that crowd anyway."
But then you decide to go.
Because, secretly you still want to.
You find yourself sitting quietly in the middle of a filled room...
...wondering if it would be ok for you to speak.
But everyone is talking, and you don´t want to be rude.
Because then you might not get invited anymore.
So, you just sit there.
With your ugly, fake smile.

Part 1: Super gentlemanly manly muscle man
Part 2: Not so gentlemanly manly muscle man
Part 3: Manly muscle man
Part 4: Sorta manly man
Part 5: Not a manly man
Part 6: Not a man
Part 7: Half a man
Part 8: Two men in one body

║██║Put this
║(o) ║ on your page
╚══╝if you love music

3 1
147 時間プレイ
The best Combat Flightsim out there. Its incredibly fun to fly those planes and it just looks gorgeus. Never thought learning could be fun.
9月24日 に最後にプレイ
9月24日 に最後にプレイ
9月24日 に最後にプレイ
Dr. Yang 9月11日 12時11分 
The fastest man that i`ve ever met in the world
Zozo 8月28日 1時25分 
I live!
Zierus 2023年4月15日 16時51分 
@Void Cos im a badass:B1:
HyperEthereal 2023年4月15日 14時00分 
why the hell u got that many games
Ghost 2022年5月9日 13時40分 
+rep Nice M8 💯
JackeyBoy 2021年9月6日 12時08分 
were you this much of a loser before you were stuck in youre house because of the pandemic? or were you always seeking attention in the discussions of apex legends LOL? doesnt get much more pathetic than that. anyway you commented on my profile so dont act like this came outta nowhere like the other reject losers seeking attention tried. peace get some ♥♥♥♥♥ and clean yourself up you smell like ♥♥♥♥.