Sweets Creamly
United States
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6,608 hrs on record
last played on 25 Mar
114 hrs on record
last played on 25 Mar
712 hrs on record
last played on 25 Mar
Sweets Creamly 22 Mar @ 3:16pm 
You should ask Pill Popper what kinds of anime he likes then ask his opinion on what the age of consent shoudl be. You can also tell him I'm the reason he had to change his profile pic from borderline CP. Maybe instead of worrying about people I've disowned years prior, you should look into who you're hanging with now :)

P.S. You need to confront your inner turmoil before you will be freed from your shackles. Making up stories based on the memory fragments floating around the hole filled pumpkin that is your brain, and running from the truth, will only increase your suffering. I have fond memories of your nightmares <3
Krash!! 22 Mar @ 3:09pm 
BUT i do LOVE watching you get so upset when my team stomps your team and all you can say is "look at the scoreboard" funny because the last 2 games we were in, it was 5 to 2 pts for MY team lmao poor little twink. BTW hows bussing those tables these days , selkie said you were a waiter for some low end burger joint ..oh right she never told you she told me all about ya,
Krash!! 22 Mar @ 3:07pm 
you hung out with all of those cheaters, and expect me to think YOU'RE taking the high road?lmao that you'd NOT stoop to that level, they were cheating with you, you're hilarious if you think i'd believe you ya twink. The funny part of it, is that the guy you "crit" in the first game was like wow dude just got 4 crit rockets right off the beginning of the game, they werent mini they were full crit, and it was HIM who called you out, and i just backed him up and then you started "haha hey krash remember when" LOL yea remember when you and your 5 buddies ALL cheated on skial, selkie, samien ,you , Derek and his little brother, i dont remember his name, but yea "you were the one who "didnt cheat" right lmao, ok .
Sweets Creamly 22 Mar @ 12:31pm 
Show me where I've ever been banned. I met these people through ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on you. You made yourself a target with your attitude and we bonded over making you meltdown. I've never cheated. I will always ♥♥♥♥ on you, you are always welcome to use your usual strategy of cowering behind others though.
Krash!! 22 Mar @ 11:36am 
You call me "delusional" , i called you all cheaters back on skial what 8 years ago? you all called me all kinds of funny names, then suddenly your girlfriend, you , samien and Derek and that other kid DISAPPEARD, lol all removed for using silent aim and whatever other downloads that helped your abilities, it was the funniest few days of that skial history ill always remember. You guys did torture me using walls, silent aim etc, that was the extent of your "strengths" , and me being at your guess "46" lmao You're welcome to come prove you're "stronger than me" anytime , i dont mind knocking out a punk twink.
Sweets Creamly 22 Mar @ 10:40am 
Krash, you have always been delusional. I have always been and will always be better than you, stronger than you, smarter than you. I thought maybe after all these years you'd have changed but evidently not. I'd rather be a child with his whole life ahead of him than a 46 year old waste who isn't even good at the game he's been playing for the past 14 years.