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Análises recentes de FatalThrive

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250.0 horas registradas (233.9 horas no momento da análise)
After 233 hours in this game I can say that while it used to be fun, it's a tedious mess now. I don't understand what the devs were thinking when they decided to take away refillable glass jars for water. Now you are forced to either find water through RNG and boil it or build dew collectors which is not an immediate thing you can do when you start. Also, one of the most common things in the game (Getting an infection by a zombie) requires one of the most uncommon items (antibiotics). You are now forced to go searching for books to learn ANYTHING in the game (i.e. workbenches, furnaces, etc.) which are crucial part of advancing. They took a survival game with RPG elements and made an RPG game with survival elements. The trader (which used to be an optional element to the game) now feels required. This game is a blast to play with friends but if you want to play solo, good luck. It's nearly impossible unless you set your "death" to drop and lose nothing. I really wish the devs continued to improve on the game instead of taking systems away that no one suggested should be out of the game.
Publicada em 31 de julho.
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156.1 horas registradas (121.7 horas no momento da análise)
The amount of work the devs put into this game to bring it back from death is unbelievable. I'm 121 hours in and I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface of content this game offers. 10/10
Publicada em 8 de março.
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64.7 horas registradas (58.2 horas no momento da análise)
Honestly, one of my favorite games to play these days. Reminds me of Red Orchestra 2 and OG Call of Duty 2.
Publicada em 2 de março.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
54.1 horas registradas (20.1 horas no momento da análise)
Just pure fun. This is the first game in a while that brings gamers together instead of pulling them apart. Also super happy the devs already confirmed no PVP for the future.
Publicada em 28 de fevereiro.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
12.4 horas registradas (0.6 horas no momento da análise)
This game forces you to use resolution scaling which is ridiculous. Also, the games concept is so simple yet people have no idea how to play.
Publicada em 8 de dezembro de 2023.
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11 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
2 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
3.1 horas registradas
I bought this game when it first released because I figured a PC Pokemon style game would be awesome. I was wrong. Not only did it have little to no content when it first released, the structuring was terrible. Now, after over 7 months of development time, I can still say it's bad. First off, this game basically forces you to die during the tutorial just to teach you how and where you'll revive. That makes absolutely no sense. Also, one of the first side quests you pick up, you can't complete until later on in the game. Just go download an emulator and play a Pokemon game because this isn't worth your time or money.
Publicada em 15 de fevereiro de 2023.
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6.0 horas registradas
I was honestly enjoying this game at first but after a while it got to annoying. When there is more than 4 people in the ring it's nearly impossible to see your wrestler. On top of that, the battle royale mode is the worst. Not only is their like 8 people in the ring, when they are eliminated, they STAY IN THE RING. The only way you know they were eliminated is because their character goes "dark". It is extremely frustrating when you are trying to eliminate the other wrestlers and you keep hitting the ones that should already be out of the ring. Don't even get me started about how the referees are invulnerable and you can't knock them out or the fact that this game is old school style 2d so hitting people with weapons is nearly impossible. For a game that looks like this, there should be WAY more content as well. Also, it only has partial controller support so good luck trying to figure out the buttons that correspond with the moves list. Oh, and this game is no longer supported.
Publicada em 17 de março de 2022.
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125.3 horas registradas (93.8 horas no momento da análise)
With almost 100 hours in New World and only level 35, I can honestly say this game is not worth your time. New World should have been delayed another year with the amount of bugs and issues it's facing now. The enemy variety alone is an absolute joke. Once you grind to get to the first dungeon you too will realize that this game was rushed out. The first dungeon shouldn't even be called a dungeon. It's comparable to an ESO delve at best. You will have fought the enemies inside the first dungeon, outside the dungeon in random areas over and over again before you even make it to the dungeon. There are absolutely no boss mechanics at all either. The quests in the game are the most repetitive quests I have ever played in any MMO. Kill enemies/ search chests. That is literally it. The game also slows to almost a grinding halt once you hit level 25. So enjoy the long and agonizing pain through 100s of more quests to get to the next dungeon which is level 35. But wait, it gets even better. Once you hit level 35 and are ready to run the 2nd dungeon in the game, don't think it's that easy. You'll need to complete even more quests that the game didn't previously explain to you OR grind corruption quests to make a key for said dungeon. Oh, and you can't have any help from your friends when it comes to this because the materials you need to grind for that key, are bind on pickup. The PVP (which originally was the main focus of the game when no PVE content was even thought about) is completely broken with exploits and lag. The PVP missions you get do not reward you enough to justify flagging yourself and risking being killed (once you're killed by another player, you lose your PVP quests you've picked up from your faction) Also, killing another player gives you no reward so there really is no point in flagging yourself for PVP, ever. Like I said, all in all this game needed another year of development at the minimum and I don't really trust Amazon to fix this game. I have a feeling they will try and release multiple expansions in the future to make this a full game just like Bungie did with the first Destiny. We shall see.
Publicada em 21 de outubro de 2021.
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16.6 horas registradas (5.4 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de acesso antecipado
Better than Tarkov.
Publicada em 3 de julho de 2020.
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0.3 horas registradas
Copy of WAR Z.....that is all you need to know.
Publicada em 10 de outubro de 2015.
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