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Останні рецензії користувача TheFacelessBananaTTV

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Показані результати 11–20 із 20
1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
6.5 год. загалом (5.3 год на момент рецензування)
This game is a load of fun. We need more co op VR games like this!

Game play is smooth
Combat is satisfying
With the added "manual reload" option for weapons it makes it so immersive. Nothing like scrambling to reload your shotgun while a horde of zombies shuffle towards you.

And the best part is you can enjoy it all with friends in co op.

Solid job Devs. Solid.
Додано 17 березня 2020 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
105.0 год. загалом (22.9 год на момент рецензування)
Finally finished creating my first character....
Додано 13 лютого 2020 р..
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311.8 год. загалом (107.8 год на момент рецензування)
I have played this game since the start of the alpha phase, and I have always loved it. It has a pretty big learning curve that leaves you feeling really fulfilled when you get a few player kills and extract with the bounty. I suggest this game with my whole heart.
Додано 16 січня 2020 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
19.8 год. загалом (7.5 год на момент рецензування)
This still plays quite well for such an old game. A truly great game with a truly great story.
Додано 27 грудня 2019 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію кумедною
10.8 год. загалом (6.4 год на момент рецензування)
Its anime Dark Souls. Whats not to love?
Додано 19 грудня 2019 р..
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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
18.7 год. загалом (15.7 год на момент рецензування)
So I see a few negative reviews, and honestly those people are stupid. This game is great for any group of developers, and considering this game was built by like 12 people that just makes it so much more impressive.

This game is pretty great, solid questing, pretty much every quest can be solved in different ways, interesting storyline, like people have said, there is a little problem with the voice and mouth sync, but the voice acting is solid, very talented.

This game is like fable, dragon-age, and witcher rolled into one. The combat is really fun, and a decent challenge, which alot of games do not give you these days.

The only negative thing I have to say about the game, and I mean the ONLY thing is that when you holster your weapons they disappear. The NPC companions weapons don't disappear, so I do not know why your characters would, even for a small group of devs it feels kinda lazy, and it is a real break in the immersion of the game. But luckily there is a nexus mod that fixes it.

TLDR; If you like stories and RPG's. Its worth it.
Додано 17 вересня 2019 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
130.3 год. загалом (24.1 год на момент рецензування)
So I know the reviews for this game are mixed, but it really is a fun experience. It has kind of a Mount & Blade feel with the open world map. PvP is fun and challenging. And the unit control is unique.

I would also advise ignoring the reviews that say this game installs malware onto your PC. That is just simply not true. On some systems their anti cheat software gives a false positive with you anti-malware software. The developers have even commented on the false positive's that some people get, offering reassurance that there is no malware and they are working to fix the issue. I have had no problems with it messing with my antivirus at all.

Short and sweet: If you like Mount & Blade give this a try. Its worth a download IMHO. And it is free. You can't lose.
Додано 14 серпня 2019 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 12
140.7 год. загалом (59.4 год на момент рецензування)

Firstly I have to say since the release last year this game has made some improvements. And it is a fun game if you're playing with your friends. And its about to drop it's subscription requirement so that is why this game is "recommended" in my case. But it is a typical MMORPG and it does not really capture all the things we loved about Skyrim and Oblivion. Enjoyable yes. Dissapointing, yes as well. I'll list the games highs and lows and you can decide for yourself.

I am a huge fan of the past elder scrolls games. I've played them all and fell completely in love. This game holds the elder scrolls name, but that is where the similarities end. Don't get me wrong. I'm not dissing the game. Its a good game. I'm just being honest. So many reviewers on other websites and youtube channels (ESPECIALLY AT RELEASE) danced around the differences, not really telling you what they are. If you want a elder scrolls experience, this is not the game for you. However, it's not your typical MMO either, and is a little more fun than most.

Lets talk about some of the differences between elder scrolls and this game:

The combat UI: The health, Mana, and Stamina bars are the same as they were in Skyrim; however the rest of the combat UI just doesn't feel quite right, it doesn't feel as smooth when hacking and slashing as it did in Skyrim, and it holds a little more of a typical MMO type combat, similar to the KOTOR online combat. This is especially true with the archery, where as in Skyrim and Oblivion archery was realistic and a little challenging to master, In ESO you basically just draw back, point it in the enemies general direction, let loose and the arrow will simply find its mark.

The graphics: The graphics differ alot from Skyrim, but they are not bad. The character graphics are good, you can tell little things and aspects of your character, very clear and crisp coloring. However I feel like the graphics slipped a little from the realism of Skyrim into the un-realism of some other MMO's. It is only slightly though, they luckily don't even come close to the cheesy WoW graphics. This also depends on what graphical setting you run your PC on.

The questing system: The questing system itsef is actually really impressive. The entire game is fully voiced, by wonderful voice actors. And the conversation with NPC's has a similiar look to Skyrim (just to give you an example). That being said, some of the quests are pretty boring, typical MMO "go for" missions. But there are several fun quests, and the game leans moe towards exploring than questing anyway.

The weapons: I have to touch on this because a part of me was super dissapointed. I really dislike the way most of the weapons look, especially the one handed swords and bows. They just look cheesy and un-realistic. Now that being said, some of the weapons are alot easier to use than in past games, take a two handed sword or axe for example, in skyrim you were limited because they were so incredibly slow. They move alot quicker and alot more fluidly, which gives you the power of a two hander without a huge speed reduction.

The PvP: Now this feature I like, I wish there was more of it. When you reach a certain level, you and your friends can besiege a castle controlled by other players, if you win, you keep the castle and get rewards. You can also gain and use siege weapons (like catapults and ballistae) If you control all the castles around the imperial city, you control imperial city and the highest scoring player on your team becomes emperor. There can be hundreds of players in PvP which makes it daunting, but fun at the same time.

I hope you can see that this game is its own type of beast, if you want a elder scrolls experience, you're out of luck; if you want a typical MMO experience, you won't really find it here. This game is enjoyable but after playing it, I have to say I wish I would have waited for full "free-to-play" instead of paying 60 dollars for it. But if you've got the money, and can't wait to try this out for yourself instead of reading about it, go ahead. The subscription fee is about to be dropped anyway, but who knows how big a role in-game purchases will become. It may end up that we were better off subscribing. Just remember all the things I told you in this review, know what to expect so you're not dissapointed, and enjoy. I hope you found this review helpful.
Додано 10 березня 2015 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 4
6.4 год. загалом
I am a huge GTA fan. Played the games for years. However, this is the first time I played one on the PC. There are alot of negative reviews out there, and I feel like some of them are being a little unjust. Written by gamers that are not smart enough or patient enough to work out any issues they run into. So let me just tell you what I experienced. Good graphics after you edit the start parameters so that you can change the graphic quality (it is a pain that you have to do it, but it is really easy). I played this game on the Xbox 360 before and the port over to PC is fine. Just as good as the port for the Saints Row series, or any other free roam driving game. Controls are easy to use and easy to remember. Run's great on my computer, I have the graphics on ultra and it runs perfect with no issues. Now... Down to the meat and potatoes of what most of these reviewers complain about. Let's get real for a second here gamer guys and gals. Honestly, GFWL sucks, I know it's a thorn in some people's sides, and everyone complains about it but c'mon... All you have to do is log in. It is not a big deal. I logged in to both the rockstar club and GFWL and have not had a single problem.

So in summary:
IF you are smart enough to log into your GFWL account and your Rockstar Social Clup account (if you do not have one or both of those you can create one on the spot) then this is an amazing free roam driving game/shooter/gangster/bowling sim. Once you get it going there should'nt be any problems, and if there are just check the forums or mod it.
Додано 5 березня 2015 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 6 березня 2015 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
8.7 год. загалом (6.3 год на момент рецензування)
It's a mixture of grand theft auto and spiderman. What more can you ask for??
Додано 3 травня 2014 р..
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