I'd tell people not to be stupid but I'm supposed to accept them for who they are.
Enamel Badges
Do you think they'll ever make enamel pins for the Steam game badges ?
เล่นไปแล้ว 1,046 ชั่วโมง
Has potential but feels a bit bare bones as it is. Was looking for something functional, gamified, and has all the study tools in one place, and most importantly, actually lets you focus instead of demanding your attention.

Props for not tethering the player and being actually AFK, BUT it has issues in terms of both functionality and game aspects. The interface is rigid and you can't customize it as much as you would like (e.g. time display size/location, timer style, no built in alarm/reminders that you can set, etc.), and despite advertising the quality of being cozy and customizing the space to suit you, the cosmetic/color options (player appearance, room, decor, clothes, accessories, spirits) are very limited. Also would really would like an option to set your timezone and have it reflect the hours in game. Having to manually change it between morning/night is disruptive. For a game that's meant to be cozy, the entirety of it was mildly unsatisfying. There's also really not that many spirits to discover which was a bit disappointing.

I'll still use it, but it's okay at best as it lacks a lot of tools and interface options. Maybe with some feature and content updates that provide more expansive tools/customization for interface, cosmetics, and spirits, it'll be worth it.
Wowzer. If you're willing to stalk a profile this far then you're either incredibly bored or after Deets. :auimp:

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