Accepting all donations, to fund the book(s) i am writing. each donation depending on amounts equals the amount of spoilers/ plot of said book(s) i am writing.

the fees for learning the plots;
$20 = basic bch knowledge (not much to learn except the idea of book here)
$20 = wow you learned about the second book this time!
$20 = thanks for the support.
$50 = a summarized plot of the book without spoilers
$50 = a summarized plot of the second book without spoilers
$50 = thanks for the support.
$100 = all of the above
$1,000 = all of the above with more in depth detail.
$1,000 = thanks for the support.
$5,000 = all of the above including parts of the book to showcase as writing.
$10,000 = all of the above including a PP signed book copy upon completed
what is PP signed book? i put my (soft and hard) pecker in ink and slap the blank page in the front/back of the book with my PP.

only 1 PP signed book available (for each individual book) so get it now!! or else you'd be mad at the guy who bought it and sold it for $250,000 because the book(s) are going to be THAT good.
Çizim Vitrini
Favori Grup
GalaxyTrail - Herkese Açık Grup
GalaxyTrail Games Official Group
Randomness of me.
TEAM RED!!! ALL AMD!! (mid/entry level specs, so nothing special)

your above average jack of all gamers. (good at all genres, but "not" [good] at any of them)

games i enjoy the most are listed in order son, from stonkiest to wonkiest.

Fallout 4 <- if i had a choice and had to pick 1 game to only play this is it. (that's available on steam/ pc originally)

Runescape3 - just a really fun grinding mmo with such a diversity of things to do none even come close in comparison to the content in it. if i had to pick 1 mmo out of every mmo that came out to this day (any mmo) runescape by far wins.

Stardew Valley - a god tier gem.

Terraria - such a well written masterpiece.

Bomb rush cyberfunk - not as good as JSRF (imho) but the best JSRF based game we got on steam.
(my favorite game just to play and mindlessly screw around in, but NOT my favorite game)

Dirt Series - yes the series, because they're the best racing games and none even compare, here is my reasoning behind my strongly felt beliefs on it. rally is the hardest and most challenging of all motor sports, real rally racing is the most deadly and a very scary racing type. you're going hundreds of miles per hour on a dirt road drifting around a corner near a cliffs edge because you're trying to WIN the event and get the best time. rally is all about your completion time. and dirt games have the rallying mechanics down so WELLLLLLL.

Honorable mention(s)
DISCO ELYSIUM - absolutely amazing of a game. i won't spoil it.
Grim Dawn - WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY better than Diablo will ever be.
that dragon cancer <- only game that made me cry
this war of mine - a game that almost made my cry, very well written story telling through interesting gameplay with rpg elements.
Planet centauri - people sleeping on it.
Pokemon series - emerald is/ was prime.
MGS series. metal gear solid will always be a GEM. SNAKE SNAAAAAAAAKE.
freedom planet <- a old school styled sonic like game that is amazing (it's better imho)
Jet set radio future - one of the BEST games i've ever played.
HOVER - a jet set radio based game that is very good, it's not better than JSRF (jet set radio future) but it's just as good as the available JSR games you can get. "that is NOT JSRF."
Undertale <- this game was so good i had to uninstall it just to forget it so i can play it again in the future. sans <3
Resident Evil series - love capcom mainly for the RE series. (only AAA dev/publishing company that didn't go downhill yet) <- that is a opinionated belief.
the sims series - very game time consumption based games (hate all the DLC BS)

As for the pc it's a AMD this and AMD that. :cupup:
Christian 30 May @ 15:31 
pp signed books are limited specifically towards donations. but if you actually do want to donate. just let me know, and pick one book you want spoiled. based off the donation spoiler amounts. if no one donates towards the pp signed books. since you asked first, you'll get one if donated.
Christian 30 May @ 15:29 
don't play cs2 sadly. the pp signed book is limited directly towards donations for the book giving a detailed short story of either two books. one based off of zombie like apocalypse and one off of fallout like apocalypse.

both books will be based off of my own creative writing style, it'll be narrative, point of view, 3rd person, and 2nd person based all-in-one novels. in a video game/anime like format that shows the characters views/ perspective of things as (they) figure out the journey and solve the mystery behind hidden truths/ meanings.

both books will have similar structures "based off of governmental influenced apocalypses." but neither will be of the same structure, for one will be to take down their brigade, and the other one is to stop their brigade.

(i had more written, but 1,000 character limit said.. no) so sadly i won't state that stuff.
Atomic Fat Man 30 May @ 14:46 
can I have a PP signed book for 1 cs2 case?
Christian 22 May @ 21:47 
Semen Semenov... lmfao :lunar2019crylaughingpig:
((((Semyon The Great)))) 22 May @ 2:24 
I live in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. My name is Semen Semenov. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older.

There is an idea of a Semen Semenov; some kind of abstraction. But there is no real me: only an entity, something illusory. And though I can hide my cold gaze, and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable... I simply am not there.
((((Semyon The Great)))) 17 May @ 10:35 
I will never even think about killing myself. I have never thought about killing myself. I never put myself in any danger or risk of death. I never go outside. I don't have a job. My house is nowhere near any plane paths, trees, or roads. I have no knives, no scissors, nor anything sharp enough to kill myself with. I have no rope. My identity is entirely falsified on the internet. There are no poisonous plants or animals near my house. I eat healthy and provide food for myself. I don't drink alcohol, coffee, or soda. I don't eat fat, sugar, or salt. I exercise properly. I stretch every night before going to bed. I always sleep 10 hours. I burn 1200 calories every single day. I live near a hospital and have immediate access to them when I am put in any danger. I have a black belt in jiu-jitsu. Every corner in my house is safely cushioned. I am only 20 years old and I have nothing wrong with me. In other words, it is impossible for me to die unless someone else comes here to kill me.