Rogue Huntress
Taylor   Los Angeles, California, United States
Geek, gamer, unabashedly obsessed with my fandoms.
Timmar spelade
I have played the game since launch and I loved it enough to buy it again on Steam. The story grabbed me from the minute it began and it just kept getting better. I loved how there were Easter eggs throughout the game - both for the OT and for Dragon Age, but they never felt out of place or awkward.

The combat is amazing. The worlds are beautiful. The characters are fleshed out and interesting from the get-go. The story (even with a few key moments hearkening back a bit too much to the trilogy) is really good. In fact, the game has one of the few lines from a bad guy that actually made me want to throw things. Smug bad guys are absolutely infuriating.

As much as I enjoyed the Paragon vs Renegade options in the OT, the dialogue wheel in Andromeda felt a lot more organic - and the Renegade style options that do exist feel absolutely in character to pick - even if you have a super chill Ryder.

I did all the romances at least once (Jaal, Gil, Reyes, and Vetra are the ones I end up repeating) and the worst thing I can say about any of them is that Bioware really needs to put the same amount of effort into each romance that they did with Cora and Jaal - because you really notice the difference. I still love the others but Jaal and Cora have significantly more content and infinitely more detailed romance scenes than any one else.

I can not stress enough how much fun the combat is. Between jump jets and the ability to switch profiles on the fly, I never stopped having fun with it. Not being locked into one fighting style just made fighting so much more interesting and challenging. If I felt something was too easy or hard, I could switch accordingly to a different profile that kept things fresh.

I do have a few gripes, but they're not game breaking. There are key moments where the game feels TOO much like the OT. The writers manage to make it their own, but odds are you'll know exactly what I'm talking about when you get there.

There are a couple lines that make me facepalm - I mean....come on "My face is tired"??? I mean, yeah - I can relate to the sentiment but who actually says that? The makeup on the feminine characters can be down right bizarre. It's almost like someone handed a 4 year old a makeup palette and said "go ham." The 70's called and they want their looks back. :P

Animations can get a bit weird here and there - like when you first meet Jaal and are walking with him - that posture...just oof. The trilogy had those moments, too, though, so I just shrug it off as a "typical Bioware" thing - although Dragon Age Inquisition proved that Bioware can do animation brilliantly without fail, in all aspects - so here's hoping the next game steals from them. <3

My biggest issue is the hinted at DLC that just never came. We still need it - so hopefully the next game addresses those moments. :)
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Trouble 1 jan, 2014 @ 19:55 
Civ 5 soon :)