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5.2 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Really mediocre feeling game that just lacks any true difficulty besides issues with friendly fire and the game just dumping special mutated on you at every corner. All the characters and areas are generic and forgettable, with unnecessary bloat from the card system. When combining all this with the lack of mod support to even attempt and infuse the game with longevity or personality, it becomes clear that this isn't a "successor" to Left 4 Dead in any fashion.
Posted 27 March, 2022.
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5.0 hrs on record
The first couple of parts are interesting, but then everything starts opening up too wide and it becomes based a lot more on tedious traveling and footwork from puzzle to puzzle with some potentially punishing falls that require you to walk through multiple areas to retry what you failed.
Posted 24 March, 2022.
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70.2 hrs on record (67.3 hrs at review time)
it's alright but it's not nioh 2
Posted 2 March, 2022.
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18.4 hrs on record (9.6 hrs at review time)
I haven't played until the Act 1 drop off, but got to the Magellan Station until I finally called it quits - it's very reminiscent of the same experience I had with Wasteland 2-3 where there could be a good, interesting game underneath but it's a lot of moving around large areas, doing basic side quests, and just focused on a lot of size but not much to fill it out with.

The only reason to play with companions so far was just to use them as extra guns - any in-depth conversation was locked behind a 25 relationship score, and my skills were much better than theirs for almost every skill check needed. The biggest issue is that the companions tend to get themselves killed by environmental hazards, like when you open a valve to stun/damage an enemy but have a melee character standing right next to them after the fight is over, your companions will flock around the melee character and then run into the same steam that lays on real-time damage until they just die. Also, if you break into a restricted area and don't bring every companion into the room with you or they move back outside through poor pathfinding, the whole party gets caught.

There is an interesting premise here, but it feels like a game that's just cobbled together with mechanics and parts from superior games like the original Fallouts, Divinity Original Sin, or Wasteland. If you're going to get this I'd recommend grabbing it when it's on a heavy discount.
Posted 25 January, 2022.
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7.5 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
Right now it's just too generic and kind of slow in terms of gameplay - my first whole game just felt like I was playing the early phase of Civ until I won by turn victory on turn 300. My main issue with the game thus far is the content creation, which is a pretty essential part of the Civ series.

I was disappointed to find that you can only make one AI Persona of your own, so to get other personas you'd have to sift through other people's avatars on a tedious third-party website that doesn't work to try and find another unique historical figure to play with (please stop trying to send people to third-party websites just for an empty boost to membership/stats,) or just hope that you have a friend who is willing to make a deal with you and you both sacrifice your one AI Persona slot to make historical figures that you can both have. It's silly you're restricted to creating one yet can supposedly have fifty downloaded. Along with that, if you wanted to make a specific Persona, you'd have to play through the game and complete various trophies/challenges to unlock AI behavior settings to use for your Persona.

Also, I recall seeing a Workshop tab before it came out, but this has disappeared and in-game modding through mod.io instead is shown. However, you can't even access in-game modding at the moment because it has to be added in a later update.

Going into the map editor also shows that the game is pretty scarce in terms of different environment tiles, natural wonders, & landmarks.

I didn't pay full price for this game, but it's pretty deceitful to change certain things on the fly and release such a barebones game with a wishy-washy concept in execution. This feels like more of an Early Access title than anything close to a completed game.
Posted 20 August, 2021.
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20.2 hrs on record (20.0 hrs at review time)
The gunplay is fun but the antagonist twins are such massive geeks and the worlds are pretty bland. Everybody talks too much in really unfunny dialogue and outdated references, forcing you to stop and wait multiple times until you can properly leave the area to go to the next objective or leave early and realize that the objective was still at their area.
Posted 8 June, 2021.
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3.7 hrs on record
I had this on my wishlist when it originally came out, but hesitated due to initial reviews; after getting it from the latest Humble Bundle, I was pretty disappointed in just how dull it was. The story is a simple one where you're framed for a crime and have to end up paying back to the local mafia by any means possible, whether that be flipping burgers or doing criminal acts for Bruce, your mob handler.

The characters and quests aren't that interesting, and the gameplay is very simple with you mostly running around and doing tasks for people that may involve punching, shooting, or stealing something. The most interesting part is that the town has some visual changes as you proceed through quests, the most noteworthy one being a large Hollywood-esque sign that is on the cliffside that shows any word you set it as.

The endings aren't that great and end up putting the game off the rails in a very silly way. I'd say if I pulled full price for this instead of getting in the bundle, I'd be very disappointed.
Posted 16 May, 2021.
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4.9 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
if you get this on sale for maybe $20-30 and realize it's a 6/10 eurojank game instead of the AAA $60 Destiny killer that Square Enix and some gaming journalists try to force it you'll have a good time.

it suffers from a lot of the same issues that lesser polished looter shooters have, lacking a proper variety of interesting loot, slow inventory management, absolute bullet sponge enemies, and connection/FPS issues.

Posted 1 May, 2021.
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36.1 hrs on record
With a discount, this game can provide a good 20 hours or so of fun before you start running out of events to do. I think going down the Horizon route & presentation for the 2nd game was a bad move, but they are trying some Hollywood stuntman-esque events with the season passes that are pretty fun. The motorcycles handle terribly and the planes/boats aren't that exciting to pilot, but I did enjoy the monster truck & demolition derby modes.

The performance is a bit hit and miss with quite a bit of micro-stuttering and the Ubisoft launcher is finicky to start. If you go into it while it's on sale and with the knowledge that it's a lesser Forza Horizon, you'll probably have some fun with it.
Posted 29 April, 2021.
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17.4 hrs on record
I got a few decent hours out of it buying it discounted, but the lack of variety in maps and enemies combined with the lackluster combat and various bugs, glitches, and performance issues drained my interest in the game pretty quickly. This game is one of the worst performance-wise that I've played in a while.

The VAs did a good job with a few decent quips and it's lame that this Kamala Khan wasn't in a better game.
Posted 29 April, 2021. Last edited 29 April, 2021.
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