J.H. McPosterior   United States
Life's too short.
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Feel not the sting of fear, but instead the song of victory. Sure, you could go play Daggerfall or a later entry. But unless you play ESO, this is the only game in the series where you can explore all of Tamriel. One minute you'll be in Necrom getting insulted by some dunmer bar patron, and the next minute you're in Black Marsh getting attacked by a tribe of argonians(no, not Lizard Men). If you feel like it, you can take the long walk from Solitude to Riften. Maybe even stop by Riverwood on the way for extra work. I'll admit, the lore itself is underdeveloped here. But there is still plenty of small lore to wade through if that's what you're in it for.

The controls aren't that deep. After playing vanilla Daggerfall, this is far superior. So superior that playing Daggerfall is actually painful. Keep your wasd hand on the arrow keys, and your pinky on the right ctrl or shift. Learn how to move and attack at the same time, and you'll die less often. Learn to long jump with shift+both clicks, you'll spend less time swimming and climbing. Forget about the "a" key and just click the ready weapon icon. Remember to mark your map, and you'll get lost less often. Save one side file for dungeon front doors, and you won't get lost in dungeons. Take some physical notes, and you'll have an easier time remembering your quests. Actually pay attention to the dialogue, and you'll know what you're supposed to do.

Many guides to play this are unhelpful. If you use them, you can fully expect a terrible experience. I wrote a guide to properly configure this game in DosBox if you want full detail with maximum framerate. There is a pre-built version of the fix on Nexus.
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193 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 11 Thg03
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656 giờ được ghi nhận
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I do