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20.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,231.1 hrs on record (373.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Jun, 2016 @ 1:40pm
Updated: 18 Feb, 2018 @ 9:41am

This review will compare HOI4 to HOI3 in my own words...

+ Easier to create ahistorical games / you can create ahistorical factions, other than the preset ones.
+ Equipment system is really great, it gives some more in depth meaning to managing your army.
+ User friendly UI

- Lack of details in Order of Battles.
- Alligning towards countries aint that easy... you have to rely on focus trees pretty much.
- AI is completely incompetent in almost every aspect. As Germany you can sit by the river going by Warsaw and let the Soviets attack you till they have depleted their manpower (takes a few months) where as you can then just steam roll them. Like comeon...
- AI Naval Invasions are ♥♥♥♥♥♥ beyond ♥♥♥♥♥♥... UK suddenly invading northern Germany at the outbreak of the war losing a bunch of divisons...

++ A proper command structure. This is something that I am very happy about thus the 2 +. Basically HOI3 actually features a proper command structure all the way down from regiments to threatres. You always have to keep your units in radio range of their HQ's or they will suffer penalties.
+ More interesting politcal system
+ A LOT more technologies to research.
+ Supply System works a lot better in my own opinion.
+ Espionage
+ More in depth diplomacy... I have used diplomatic options a lot more in HOI3 than I have in HOI4...

o A single game can easily take weeks / months to complete.

- Can be unstable, unless you get podcats.exe from the pdx forums.
- Steep learning curve

HOI3 and HOI4
- AI seems to be completely lost when controlling Germany and sometimes Japan...

While HOI4 is a newer game, then it does lack alot of stuff in my opinion. It's too streamlined and casual to actually be enjoyable. It's so bad that I find modding more fun than actually playing the game. Ofcourse it should be said that they have always said that the game would be targetting a more casual player base as to draw in more players to the franchise.

Overall I'd give HOI4 a 6/10. The game would get a better rating from me if some of the pluses I listed in HOI3 would be given integrated into HOI4. Note that I'm one of the more hardcore gamers in the Pdx games, and so I like a challenge... and HOI4 just doesn't give me that.

So... If you're a casual player, buy this! but if you're a more hardcore and serious gamer, go get HOI3, you'd be a lot happier!
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