Buqayq, Ash Sharqiyah, Saudi Arabia
Just a regular guy that loves to play videogames :D
Screenshot Showcase
Review Showcase
11.8 Hours played
When it comes to choices in Videogames, some of them give you the illusion of choice, as if you are impacting the story when in reality: You aren’t doing anything. While some just give you 1 or 2 big choices and that’s it. D:BH is none of them. In this game, EVERY CHOICE no matter how big or small it is, whether it’s a life of death situation or a simple dialogue option, it all matters in the end. And that’s the beauty of the game.

Set in 2038 in the city of Detroit, you take control of 3 androids who have their own unique adventures which can impact each other. Each android’s story is different which makes the story feel fresh. In here you will decide the fate of your people: Will you wreak havoc on the city to free your people or will you adopt a more peaceful approach?

The soundtrack of this game is nothing short of spectacular. From fast paced beats to slow and dreaded music. This game delivers in its score.

This game has one of the most realistic graphics I’ve ever seen. Character models and the attention to detail is superb, even in low settings. You will not be disappointed.

It is no surprise that quantic dream games focus more on Cinematics than actual gameplay. And this game is no different, it is more of an interactive movie than an actual game if I’m being honest lol. But nevertheless, out of all the quantic dream games I’ve played, this has the most gameplay of all of them, so don’t expect this to be boring in the gameplay department. The QTE’s are fun and you really have to focus when these sections come up. As I said before, whatever you decide to do will impact the story. Making it fun to play again.

Honestly when it comes to choices in videogames, Detroit is the best and I’m not exaggerating. If you want a game where your choices ACTUALLY MATER cough Telltale cough, get this game, you will not regret it one bit. Its also not very long, I finished it in 10 hours. But these 10 hours can Easily become 20 or even 30! The replayability is INSANE and you will definitely get a bang for your buck.
1MantisPhoenix 24 Feb @ 2:54pm 
WλLLe 5 Dec, 2023 @ 10:06am 
gate keeping ♥♥♥♥
Uncle Sam 3 Dec, 2023 @ 8:04pm 
thumbs down for the holier than thou attitude
🔞𝕂𝔸𝕋𝔸ℕ𝔸🔞 29 Nov, 2023 @ 1:25am 
Thumps up for anti Pirate-1d1ots :D
Cronoxe 24 Apr, 2020 @ 7:59am 
+rep very good and polite player, was a pleasure to play against you :)
Error 404 12 Jan, 2018 @ 3:09am 
~:xboson: LovelyWeekEnd ..:dokidoki: