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Reseñas recientes de baggi helu

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904.8 h registradas (890.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Don't believe twyhards lies
Publicada el 27 de julio de 2023.
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57.8 h registradas (43.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
An absolute blast. An absolutely horribly performing, can't play multiplayer without dropping half of your frames and playing in slow-motion and your buildings traveling in time, blast.

Base building is awesome, and I want it for every monster hunting game from now on.

Karakuri is awesome, there are 6 different base karakuri and multiple Fusion karakuri that combine the base ones.

Weapons are awesome, unless you're playing multiplayer where every weapon that relies on frame-perfect inputs can be thrown out of the window.

Monsters are awesome, some monsters have really weird animations on attacks, and when fighting the lock-on camera likes to spin around so sometimes the combat becomes very hectic. Combined with before-mentioned latency and performance issues it can become very frustrating. Grab attacks punish you for not keeping your distance/dodging, but when you're lagging out of your ass or having to slow down your karakuri building to like 1/10 of the usual speed because the karakuri take their sweet time to appear, grab attacks punish you for no reason.

Then there are the graphics, level of detail and just general terrain issues. Some textures have been ported straight from the PS1 era, and there's generally no coherency where these bad textures or bad low-detail models will pop up at. From afar the world looks really great, but in screenshots or just walking close to some spots that have just been put in because they lead to a beautiful scene can take you right out of the game and wonder what caused the devs to ignore these ugly issues.

For 70€, I can not recommend this game at the moment. I enjoy it alot, but I can run the game at near-60 fps with good internet.
Publicada el 28 de febrero de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
375.9 h registradas (142.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Monster Hunter but more anime.
Wirebugs bring skills from past games and you can choose your skills. Lots of playstyles for weapons, and some skills are just never used.
Not as much to the world as World, but you get to focus more on the hunt and progression, gearing, improving your playstyle.
Easier to get into hunts as you don't have to look for trails, and you can instantly see where monsters are on the map. Also you can climb over everything and Wirebugs let you basically fly around in the map.
The scenery and theme of the base game is amazing, it's built around a heavily japanese-themed village where everyone knows everyone, but you venture out into varied zones with monsters from past games and a couple of new ones based on japanese mythology. Goss Harag is a scary mountain bear with a demonic face.
Somewhere in the High Rank quests it starts to get grindy without much reason to continue besides finishing, but after you finish you have the DLC expansion Sunbreak waiting for you, and if you get through Rise I highly recommend getting the DLC as it opens up the gearing options again, and it has a bit of story to keep you going to the endgame.
Publicada el 29 de noviembre de 2022.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
538.1 h registradas (157.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Beautiful, wonderful game. The series has had my curiosity for over 10 years but this is the one that finally got me in it. Granted, I played for 15 hours with a friend trying to force our way through the story via the horrible Co-op hurdles. After some point I lost my interest, and came back two years later. And now I'm hooked, I think, breath, eat, sleep Monster hunter.
It's a long game, with lots of grindy bits and mechanics you won't hope to understand even for the first week of playing. I am still learning new things aafter 150 hours. I haven't touched half of the weapons yet, but I'm having fun with every weapon I try out.
Music is amazing, the world areas are amazing, sometimes there's jank, and some of said jank only adds character. I recommend playing in small bits whenever you can, and think of what would work against which monster. That way you'll make your own goals and really enjoy the game when you reach them on your own.
Publicada el 17 de septiembre de 2022.
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Nadie ha calificado esta reseña como útil todavía
2.3 h registradas (2.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
for the two hours of playing its been fun. some of the maps are harder to get the rhythm down, but its satisfying on certain songs when you can keep the chain up and your weapons sound effects compliment the music.

the maps are quite short, usually takes like 2-3minutes.
gearing seems arbitrary at best, there's some kind of elemental damage system but it doesn't really matter so far.
there's a way to import your own songs into the game, although i haven't figured it out yet.
30€ is a high price and i don't know if the game quite meets its price point.
Publicada el 12 de mayo de 2022.
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7.6 h registradas (1.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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its so slow paced
EDIT: they added run customization where you can decide starting items, so you can make it as fast as you like
they also added alot of content in between rounds so i can recommend it now
Publicada el 28 de abril de 2022. Última edición: 9 de agosto de 2022.
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0.2 h registradas
game sux
Publicada el 26 de enero de 2022.
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17.0 h registradas
idk what this game has to do with sexuality but its fun to play board games with friends or mess the board up and just have fun
Publicada el 11 de enero de 2022.
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2.5 h registradas (2.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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"abandonware" (not accurate as it did update after a long dry period), doesn't feel good to play in the state it's in right now. has some nice ideas but feels like a mess.

was approached by the dev to update my review at october 2021.
tried to play the game for a while, spent some time mining trees, killing slimes, first i teleported to some snow biome and got my ass kicked, then i walked right until it became night time and a zombie killed me. tried to leave the game, it asked me what language i want and i alt f4'd
Publicada el 9 de julio de 2021. Última edición: 19 de octubre de 2021.
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2.1 h registradas
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Seems like they've dropped support for this game. Try the demo, it's fun. Don't spend 20€ or w.e on it.
Publicada el 26 de junio de 2021.
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