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Expositor de Workshop Wallpaper by Mirajane-Akuma is edited from the original image - - Wallpaper is customizable - Audio Responsive - Displays - Change color to monochrome a
4,233 valoraciones
Creado por - Kim
Expositor de Workshop
Card from the Gwent expansion - Way Of The Witcher. Make sure to check out original content creators, without their works these wallpapers wouldn't be possible. Original artwork by Bogdan Rezunenko. Soundtrack: Pilgrimage by Vincent DiFrancesco. Special th
382 valoraciones
Creado por - Bruhsty
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642 horas jugadas
Overwatch 2

Let's face it. Overwatch has "2" in it simply because of marketing. It's laughable that this game was supposed to, in Jeff Kaplan's own words "redefine what is a sequel". It not only failed miserably in that regard, because devs decided that it's not worth their precious time to come up with evolving abilities for every character, even tho, The Invasion, so far has like 8 characters to choose from, but also failed at delivering a working game. A lot of things went wrong, starting with the fact servers could simply not handle the amount of players on day 1, a lot of features from first game literally being removed, and those were things that didn't really needed to be removed. For example they got rid of Levels and borders you got, which would have been pretty "meh" if they didn't add new level system for account and heroes. Like, how come I have 2k hours on the game but some 250 hour Andy have level higher than me because he played more since the release of 2. Might sound pathetic to compare this, but I wouldn't mention it if they didn't add the new system. Next thing was showing rank of players. This would also be okay if game didn't provided option to make your profile private. Now we can't see who we play against and only reason they hide it is because they are unable to do something about matchmaking, or are too lazy and do not care enough to do anything (probably second option). The endorsement mechanic that this game is completely useless and cosmetic. I'm almost always level 3 endorsement but I have to play with level 1 players, despite the fact that earning level 2 takes almost no effort. I have friend who played on season 4 and his level 2 did not drop when he returned to Overwatch in season 7. And these level 1 players are often not in voice chat and are one-tricking character, despite the fact they are getting countered or the team cannot play into that hero. At one time they also somehow managed to break endorsement menu by making all players same color so you didn't know who you played with unless you remembered their name. Currently, the game has ongoing issue of not being able to leave game as group when you are group leader, it just kicks you out even with box marked. This has worked for years, yet here we are. With addition of 3 Push maps, a little sneaky trick from devs made its way into the game. Push clearly has bigger chance to be picked when searching for a game, yesterday for example, I was forced to play Push, Payload, Push, with push being the SAME map BOTH times and Junkertown between them (Junkertown is a Widowmaker map, a one shot character that, unless your team is capable of countering it, has a domination over the map, therefore securing you easy defeat). And this is so obvious I'm really confused how it has not been addressed yet. This game also used to have gamemode called "Assault" which consisted of capturing 2 points. It was very hated and I personally don't miss it, but would trade it for a Push in a heartbeat. You can be winning for 7 minutes but if enemy team make one good push, then good luck getting the lead back in those 2 minutes you have left. Dev team made some very bad decisions including Orisa rework, addition of Wrecking Ball and remaking Doomfist into the tank. Skins cost ton of money, which is debate for another day, but the fact some skins are locked behind very expensive bundles is very concerning. Also the mega bundle that gets released every season and consist of few items like skins, 2000 coins, battle pass and 20 BP levels, always used to cost 29,99, which was somewhat acceptable price, still too much but according to game economy it would be literally steal to not buy it, have increased in price by 10 bucks thanks to the Invasion PvE missions last season. But no new mission were added this season yet price is still sitting on 39,99. Why, you may ask? Money. And that is all this game has become. Since the dev team got replaced on some spots, even papa Jeff Kaplan left, the game just hasn't been same since. Overwatch 1 was not perfect by any means. Smurfs, Goats, 2CP, lack of new content, SR system and much more has been a bane of my Overwatch carrer since 2017 anniversary when I picked this game to be my League of Legends, my VALORANT, my CS:GO. When this game become mine source of dopamine and my source for hatred of everything the said game stands for. I hate this game with burning passion, I abhor this game, I hate every Ball and Doom player that have a need to destroy my game, while being in my or in enemy team. I despise the devs that worship the altar of some Pharamercy shipper on twitter and twist the game's lore to make their weird, fetish fantasies reality (Yes, talking about you Gavin Jurgens-Fyhrie) so annoying that someone like this is the lead write for a game that had somewhat interesting premise and lore. You might see example A here: . As you may notice by looking at profile picture, the person who Gavin is talking about is very obsessed with this weird ship. Devs also can't even get their lore right, as seeing how they stated Hanzo, Genji and Kiriko's ages. Hanzo is 40, Genji 37 and Kiriko 21. Nothing seems weird? Oh, I forgot to mention they trained together when they were kids. Yes, when Genji and Hanzo were around 14-17, Kiriko trained with them. The lore has become more of a "We have it because why not, we can at least sell PvE missions by bundles" than "Here is a somewhat interesting story for a FPS PVP hero shooter game that we want to design". Invasion Story has also been very "meh" so far. Instead of expanding the character lore, it's more focusing on "diversity good, racism bad". Like, I don't care one bit Rein made friends with Bastion, despite Bastion being walking minigun. I want to know what Talon wants to do and why the hell do I even care about Null Sector. Or I want to see some more Talon action in general, even if it would be just Sigma and Moira talking about some science stuff or Gabe and Amelie talking about who left the fridge door open. It's laughable how they put more effort into forcing a ship than fixing a lobby bug or getting their lore correct. I do not recommend Overwatch 2 at all. Do not play it, do not invest time into it, and by no means invest any money into it. That's exactly what devs want. Milk every penny they can out of this game before even whales give up and say they simply not care anymore. Play Fortnite or LoL instead. Fortnite has waaaay better economy and waaaaaaaay more content than Overwatch will ever have. It even has story from what I've heard. And League at least, for that 20 bucks, gives you not only skin you actually see whole game, but also other things like recall effects and sound effects and such. I didn't played much League, but I know this. This game is just not really worth it. With every season, new bug appears and devs simply don't care. They updated shop today but guess who still can't leave match with his group? I'm very sad and angry this game has become a cash grab and I hope people responsible will step on lego barefoot every day.

+ I can't really think of anything besides workshop being a thing but that's work of players

- Literally everything I mentioned and more
- Smurfs are still a thing
- No balancing is taking place ever (Orisa got some ability nerfed by 5%, she is still immortal)
- Game really depends on Tank, if your Tank can't perform, It's gg no matter how good rest of the team is

Final Judgement

Go rather watch that 34 thing, artist there put way more effort into their works
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◥꧁💫Alina💫꧂◤ 11 NOV 2024 a las 9:59 a. m. 
═══════════ 🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱🔱═════════════
🧡 Cool Guy 🧡
⚡⚡ Let’s be friends for future games ⚡⚡

🌟🌟 Have a wonderful year🌟🌟
💫💫 Stay safe & take care💫💫

🔥🔥🔥+REP The profile is fire 🔥🔥🔥

ÐraburOFF 21 SEP 2024 a las 4:10 p. m. 
┌─┐ ─┐☆
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░░░░░░░╚═╝░░╚═╝╚══════╝╚═┌─┐ ─┐☆
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nazor na vysledky volieb?
Testicular Torsion 5 ABR 2024 a las 1:43 p. m. 
nazor na sorosa?
princess robot bubblegum 5 ABR 2024 a las 1:41 p. m. 
ahoj pagan tu mato kedysi sme spolu hrali ce esko tak 8 rokov dozadu, nechces si niekedy zahrat nejaku hru a porozpravat sa o terajsej politickej situacii v nasej krajine, takisto by ma zaujimalo ci nemas archivovane nejake stare videa kde sme hrali csko s timom
Kovyslaf 17 FEB 2024 a las 1:59 p. m. 
Bravčové pliecko opláchneme a pokrájame na kocky.
Cibuľu nadrobno pokrájame a opražíme na masti.
Pridáme papriku, pokrájané mäso, osolíme a okoreníme.
Za občasného podlievania horúcou vodou udusíme do mäkka. Kyslú kapustu udusíme vo vlastnej šťave.
Ryžu zvlášť uvaríme alebo udusíme obvyklým spôsobom. Ohňozdornú nádobu vyložíme kapustnými listami alebo vymastíme a naplníme vrstvou kyslej kapusty.
Na kyslú kapustu dáme vrstvu ryže a uduseného mäsa.
Pridáme časť pokrájaného bôčika a kolieska klobásy.
Postup opakujeme do spotrebovania všetkých pripravených potravín.
Povrch pokryjeme kyslou kapustou a zalejeme smotanou. Popicháme vidličkou, aby sa smotana dostala aj do nižších vrstiev.
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