Paradox/Ruin (they/them, it/its)
Resident genderfluid non-binary here to make you question your entire existence. :laughlast:
I'm here, queer, and filled with existential fear!
I'm just your resident silly Scottish Corvid Cryptid who occasionally does stupid stuff. :theeidare: 26 y/o. I do not accept friend requests from people I don't know.

Mr. Scratch (Alan Wake) enthusiast.

May be found taunting The Shape & CHORUS overall in The Blackout Club.

May also be found taunting The Darkwalker in The Long Dark. I... have a history of taunting supernatural entities.

Nea/Alan Wake & (currently former) Huntress main. 100% just playing for fun, I don't tend to try too hard unless I'm going for Archive challenges. May your matches be fun & filled with adrenaline-filled chases for both sides! :D

Sure, folks' fun isn't anyone's responsibility but our own, but that doesn't mean any of us should go out of our way to make games miserable. I try to keep up positivity, because a game should never be a point of anger or frustration, and things aren't always supposed to work out in my favour!

Do no harm, but take no ♥♥♥♥, and don't forget to love each other. You never know how the person on the other side of the screen is doing.

If things aren't so hot for you right now, it'll pass. There's always tomorrow, so take care of yourself, yeah? Speaking of...


-have you eaten food and/or drank water in the past couple of hours?

-have you taken a break from your computer/phone/console in the last hour or so?

-have you taken your meds, if you take any?

-have you stood up to move around and stretch your limbs?

If the answer to any or all of those is "no", go do the thing! <3
9月21日 に最後にプレイ
9月21日 に最後にプレイ
9月20日 に最後にプレイ
GoblinOfChaos 2023年12月27日 12時14分 
+Rep Loop god; should be new mascot for Fruit Loops
paul 2017年12月23日 16時30分 
+rep merkimuh
Wraith Dehei 2017年11月20日 11時08分 
+Rep :theskull: Good Survivor/Killer.
▲Skeltak▲ 2017年11月18日 8時41分 
+rep No camping
TwistedMoggy 2013年1月17日 9時13分 
love the avatar pic *_*