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Análises recentes de Angmar Black

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152.2 hrs em registo (148.0 horas no momento da análise)
It's okay
Publicado a 17 de Março.
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9 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
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140.7 hrs em registo (140.5 horas no momento da análise)
>Steam Deck Compatibility: Verified
Enigma DRM: "Hold my beer"
Publicado a 22 de Janeiro.
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4.9 hrs em registo (1.7 horas no momento da análise)
A great introduction to city builder managerial games. Simple to get into so new players can decide if they like the genre or for those like me who want to play a city builder game but on a smaller less stressful scale.

My only real suggestion for improvement would be some kind of sound or alert when your buildings need repaired, something like how Command and Conquer does it.
Publicado a 19 de Março de 2023.
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9 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
14.6 hrs em registo (3.6 horas no momento da análise)
Not as good as the classics, but not bad by any means. If you were a fan of the old games and see it on sale def grab it.
Publicado a 14 de Novembro de 2022.
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75.0 hrs em registo (31.7 horas no momento da análise)
Wait for a sale, especially if you don't have too many people to play the game with. This game's single player is hamstrung by the braindead AI, although I love this games multiplayer.
Publicado a 23 de Setembro de 2020.
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14.4 hrs em registo (3.0 horas no momento da análise)
tl;dr, Mix Diablo RNG with a Mad-Max wasteland and a healthy dose of dry humor.

Borderlands has long been one of my favorite video game series, as it features a number of qualities that make it different from other shooters on the market. While it does feature all the hallmarks of shooters and Role Playing Games, Borderlands mixes the ideas together. Borderlands uses RNG ala Diablo to produce many variants on each of the weapons used.

The RPG elements also expand to action based leveling and skill points. Action based leveling increases your proficiency based weapon usage. If you use revolvers for example, each kill will increase your pistol exp until your weapon level increases. You also choose a class (a balanced soldier, melee focused brute, long ranged focused sniper, and an elemental based siren) and level up to put skill points into your skills.

A unique shooter
Multiple play styles, four classes
Lots of guns and lots of variations of them
Unique art style helps it stand out

shoddy hitboxes (ESPECIALLY for the sniper rifles)
Occasional frame-rate/pop-in issues
It's sequel is superior in every way.

8/10, this game is STILL after all this time one of my favorite games.
Publicado a 21 de Abril de 2016.
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0.2 hrs em registo
tl;dr, a mediocre entry in a fairly solid franchise.

The Call of Juarez is a western based first person shooter; think cowboys, revolvers and such. This entry in the franchise took the franchise to a more modern time, centering on gangs and drugs. This upset many fans who immediately gave it a 0/100. While I personally believe the preceding and following games (Bound in Blood and Gunslinger) are far superior products, for the most part this game is mediocre and not terrible.

Gameplay 7/10
At the heart of the game is fairly solid gameplay that plays like all the other entries in the Call of Juarez series. Weapons are powerful, but manageable, and the game ticks off all the positive points of a first person shooter. What brings the game down is driving sections or really anything that relies on your allies.

Characters/Story 2/10
Without a doubt the weakest part of this game is the characters you will be interacting with and the story you'll be interacting in. Your AI team will complain if you miss, complain if you play well, and factor into the non-sense story with secret agendas (Everyone is bad etc.). My least favorite parts of this game are the parts where you have to rely on your team mates for anything, as they are just terrible. Not only are they absolutely incompetent, but their one dimensional personalities are absolutely grating and their tacky voice acting is just awful.

Sound 8/10
Easily the strongest part of this game is the excellent sound design. Music is well written and fits the period well, with modern western metal mixing with a score. Firearms have a powerful sounding boom, and even the starter AK and pistol sounding like a cannon when it goes off.

Visuals 7/10
While I experienced no major pop-ups/glitches, the game is average for the course. Serviceable with occasional rendering delays.

Overall 24/40 or 60%. I personally would recommend skipping this game, for even with the solid sound engineering and gunplay, it's sequel (and prequel) do that without the irritating characters. If it goes on sale and you're a completion-ist, by all means go for it.
Publicado a 21 de Abril de 2016.
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0.3 hrs em registo
tl;dr, Improved mechanics over FEAR 1 and a move towards action over horror.

While the first game (and it's DLC's) strove to find a balance between spooks and shoots, the sequel aims towards action over horror. There are still spooks abound in the sequel, but the lean towards action can make or break the game for players. That being said, (almost) everything from the first game carries over and is improved. Guns handle much better than they did in the first one, they also do more damage. The flashlight and Slo-Mo are both much better this time around as well. The cover is the (for the time) standard crouch behind objects, and the weapons are somewhat balanced.
Also, the slide kick (Dash forward and press melee) is awesomely broken. Unfortunately, as is often the case with 2nd games in a horror franchise, this game is a transitional game between the spooks of the first game and the action of the third game.

I also never played the multi-player so I have no opinion on it.

Much improved mechanics in every aspect
The action parts are done much better than the first
You mostly no longer need an entire clip to kill one guy
The horror is still intact

The scares are much less frequent
The levels are much more linear
The game is (much) shorter than the first one
Fear 3 does the action better
Fear 1 does the scares better

Publicado a 23 de Fevereiro de 2016.
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2.7 hrs em registo (0.4 horas no momento da análise)
One of my all time favorite shooters. When it came out I spent easily 60+ hours playing the game's story and Terrorist mode on PS3. When I saw it on the steam sale I bought it. While it has aged a bit in terms of game-play and graphics the majority of the game holds up very well compared to modern shooters. I'd even say this game surpasses many of the newer Tom Clancy games. Just don't focus too much on the ending, it's really bad.

Tactically straightforward while being diverse
Many ways to play
Terrorist mode is awesome
Character customization (armor, looks, weapons, gender)
Minimal set-pieces

AI isn't quite the A team I remember it being
Visually getting old
The ending still sucks, seriously, what a lame ending
Guns handle fairly "old" (not THAT old but some may not like it)

9/10, an amazing game that is sadly starting to age (hence the 9/10 instead of 10)
Publicado a 19 de Fevereiro de 2016.
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6.5 hrs em registo (0.1 horas no momento da análise)
I've played all the Call of Juarez games except the first one. This one is by far the best one. The writing is top notch, and the stylized graphics give the game a unique look. The plot itself is pretty straightforward (mostly) as an old outlaw tells his versions of famous outlaws. What makes the game stand out however, is the execution of the story. The protagonist regularly back tracks, so you play different versions of the level. Normally, this would be frustrating, but the dry smart-@$$ humor the narrator has makes it awesome. The game also features mini RPG elements like level ups that upgrade specific play styles. There are also collectibles.

Solid Gunplay
Great writing
Hilariously over the top characters
Stylized visual style
Multiple ways to play
No uPlay (I don't mind it, but I know some do)

Visual style may not be for everybody
Occasional pop-in/Frame rate/draw distance issues. It only happened to me twice.

Publicado a 29 de Janeiro de 2016.
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