Jason   United States
Timmar spelade
77 timmar spelade

It's been over a year since I've written this review. I thought I'd come back to post another adjustment to show some of the improvements and such.

A TL;DR of the year-in review; Game is even better. Still very worth buying.

I decided to come back to play Rimworld some more. It's been quite some time since I played it, but I mainly came back because a friend was playing. I looked at some of the many many mods that are supported, and went with a mod called "Phi". Basically, a multiplayer mod. There is Server chat, trading, and more, between players. It's a fantastic mod, and a few buddies of mine and I are going to all start a new colony on a harder difficulty, and "work together" to survive. Basically, one person will specialize in farming, other in mining, other in research, and we send items to eachother as we need.

There have been a ton of updates and improvements to the game since I wrote the review. Many of which you'll just have to see for yourself. The main thing I want to touch up on is the lack of some content.

Even though there are mods to cover this, there are still some things I wish that would have been handled already. For example; Unless you have a Charge Rifle, then your early game ranged combat is terrible. You're often killed by someone with a shoddy knife, than you killing them with a strong bow. It's frustrating that ranged combat is so terrible, even with someone who has maxed out shooting.

Also; Hydration is not a thing yet. To be honest, I just remembered about it as I'm writing this update. I'll check to see if any hydration mods are a thing; but I would love to see that implemented. We already require people to eat; but there's no water source (wells, rivers, boilers to purify, etc) and hydration system.

All in all; The game is still worth buying. What the vanila game lacks in, mods make up for. There are so many mods out there. I suggest looking at the mods before deciding to buy the game to see if that helps influence your decision.

Game is a 10/10; especially with the multiplayer mod. They should get an official server for it!

Firstly, I'd like to note that most of my logged hours have been on offline mode. I've got 16.5 hours game time while online, and approx. another 30 hours on offline mode.

This game is without a doubt one of the best games I've ever played. It's got tons of content and MODs from the steam workshop only expand upon that. There are a few issues with the game that I find; I'm sure they'll update and change as the game goes on though.

My first issue was how overwhelming the game is for new players. It took me about 2-3 hours, and several failed colonies to actually get the hang of it. Once I did though, things went smoothly for the rest of the time playing. I'm just worried It will discourage many new players.

My second issue is with the food system and (lack of) hydration system. There is a food feature which requires you to make food for your colonists but there is not one single thing to require water. Not only does it not require water, but it's virtually impossible to do anything WITH the water. I feal this is a feature that is missing that will prohibit the more hardcore fans from staying. I've already stopped playing because of this specific reason. (This does NOT make the game bad however)

My third issue is the lack of map sizes, and lack of multi-biome maps. In this game you get to select one tiny pixel area of a very vastly large map. Inside the map you actually play, It is all ONE biome. You cannot explore to other biomes either. Decide to pick a dessert? You can't explore to that rain forest over to your left. Pick a mountain biome? You can't explore over to that snow/ice biome. You're stuck in that one area forever.

My solutions:

Create a hydration system. Implement a few structures so that water can be gathered. For rainforests; There can be rain-catchers, for Dessert biomes; there can be wells, for ice/snow biomes there can be fishing holes and boilers/purifiers. Bring a purification system too. Either a whole new structure to purify water or let it be done on the stove for the cook.

Create maps with multiple biomes, and/or allow the travel to nearby biomes. I'm running an i7 6700k, and SLI GTX 980TI. Many other high end rig owners would love to see some bigger maps and the ability to travel. Even if it's an option that you have to enable, at least cater to those gamers.

All in all, The game is fantastic. I'd give it a 9 out of 10. Would I suggest it? Yes. Simply for the fact that I got an amazing 50(ish) hours out of the game, and for the fact that you'd help support the game to make it better.
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