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Senaste recensioner av Nanrite

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1.3 timmar totalt
It's a visual novel that will entrap you into thinking you're doing real gameplay, and that's amazing! There isn't a game out there that I can't say "you have to play to get it" more than this. The soundtrack, the effects, and dialogue pacing; everything just melds together so well! I love this game and I think you will too, so pick it up now or one of the many times it's on sale, I doubt you'll regret it!
Upplagd 9 mars 2023.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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5.5 timmar totalt
There is just way too many things this game tries to do and it does them all poorly. Everything feels incredibly clunky. To combat, to lock picking, to even sneaking. The straw that broke the camel's back for me was the Tess part where you have to sneak through the mine to retrieve a bag of silver. Firstly the mine is pitch black so you need a torch (which is provided so cool!). In the mine are enemies that will attack you if you're spotted. And you will be spotted. It doesn't matter if you run by them, crouch by with a torch out, or crouch by in complete darkness. They will ALWAYS turn around and see you. And if you do get the silver, you have to make it back out with guards at both exits that make leaving impossible. Even if I didn't play that part, I can't imagine I'd finish this game. Everything just goes on and on and on. I've play for 5-6 hours and I feel like I've played for 20. It's down right boring.
Upplagd 27 december 2022.
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166.4 timmar totalt (36.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
This is by FAR my most played and favorite MMORPG. I've been playing this off and on since the release back in 2011 and while things are much different now I still enjoy this as much as I did back in the day. I'm not big into MMORPGs, I've played them but normally get bored quickly. This however plays more like a single player game. The main focus is on story with SWTOR. There are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 8 stories that are all like 40 hours! The content for this is insane. What goes good with story driven games? Interactive cutscenes! This game takes right after mass effect and has dialogue options just like MF1. Some more critical options will net you light or dark points depanding on who you want to play. What to kill not just the men, but the women and children too because you hate sand? You can do it! There are so many options that change the cutscenes. For example, I played a Dark Jedi Knight. At the end of the normal story (normal being non-DLC story content) I was denyed the rank of Master because I was too evil. Its stuff like that that really makes the universe of SWTOR feel alive. That's the story side of things though, the gameplay is still standard MMORPG stuff, fun but exactly what you'd expect. If you're a fan of story driven games and games where your choices matter you WILL like this game. Oh! And there is a thing called adaptive armor in this game. Get an armor you really like or weapon? Well you can keep that look through the whole game. You don't have to look like a clown with mismatched armor because you need stats anymore! It's the little things when it comes to this game and I LOVE IT!
Upplagd 28 juli 2021.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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13.7 timmar totalt
This game is good for about the first 10 or so nights then the difficulty just leaps. I'd like to say "Yeah play Darkwood" but I can't. Enemies turn into bullet sponges, are way faster than you, deal more damage, and the worst part is that you aren't stronger yourself! You might have more items by day 11 then you did at the beginning, but that's it. The abilites you get from leveling up are pretty situational *at best* so you're real strength comes from crafting and equipment, which wouldn't be an issue if the weapons were okay, they aren't. Firearms take forever to craft, I think I was on day 12 or 13 when I got a pistol that I could fire more than once and it was very underwealming. The melee weapons are all pretty ♥♥♥♥. Some are better than others but I never really felt good about any. Some don't even stagger enemies upon hit. The last point I want to make is about the night system. Its really cool at first... til you realise surviving the night doesn't really have a point. When you survive a night, you'll normally get 100 maybe 150 influence with a vendor who appears at your base in the morning, influence being this games currency and that influence you get for surviving can only be used at THIS vendor. Here is what you really need to do: Don't build up your base, die quickly to skip the night sequence, then sell the items you WOULD have used for base building to get more influence from the vendor. As soon as I found this out I was pretty pissed off because I wasted SO MUCH resources on securing my bases.

Negatives: Basebuilding is pointless. Enemies become far harder after day 10. Combat is clunky. Weapons are almost all bad. Night sequences are pointless.

Positives: Night Sequences (while are 100% pointless) have some really cool events that are random and only view able during the night.
Upplagd 25 augusti 2020. Senast ändrad 7 september 2020.
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124.8 timmar totalt (23.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The RNG gods have yet to answer my prayers. 10/10
Upplagd 21 juni 2020.
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19.7 timmar totalt (8.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I don't know how to feel about this game. It had a lot of potential but fell flat, that said, it's not terrible. If you have never played the original RE3, you may like this. If you have though... you probably won't. Why? Well three reasons actually: content cuts, length of the game, and Nemesis himself. Alot of stuff has been cut that was in the old game. Even if I listed all the stuff that comes to mind, I would still miss other things. Enemies, locations, even my personal favorite, Live Selection, is gone. Next is the length of the game, there is an achievement in this game to beat it within 2 hours... I'll break this down. That's $60 per 2 hours, $30 per 1 hour, or $15 per 30 minutes. Seem worth it to you? This could easily be fixed by just lowering the price of the game. Finally, Nemesis... this was one of the most disappointing points in the game. If you're hoping for Mr X 2, you're in for disappointment. He stalks you for one section of the game and even that can be skipped by mistake. The rest of the game are all scripted events in which you run away or a boss fight occurs. Don't get me wrong, these events are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ awesome! But Nemesis is SUPPOSE to stalk the player through the whole game. That's his thing... he hunts down STARS members and you are playing as one... so why do I never feel like he's actually pursuing me? Notice me Nemesis-senpai! Ultimately I can't recommend this game and that saddens me.

**Never played this before? You might like it! But I'd recommend waiting for a sale because the length.
**Played the old RE3? I don't think you'll enjoy this.
Upplagd 29 april 2020.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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0.7 timmar totalt
Lots of Alien Isolation vibes but more psychological. It's short but sweet and best of all, free! If you're a fan of horror games then this is for you. These devs have a lot of potential so consider giving We Went Back a try.
Upplagd 10 april 2020.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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2.7 timmar totalt
A short but very sweet game. You play as Edith going back to visit her family's old house. Along the way you find out more about the Finchs and Edith herself. The story is top notch, lots of mystery, tons of sadness, and a few funny moments as well. That being said, there is gameplay too! There are all sorts of minigames you can encounter and each one is incredibly different from the other. Not that the house exploration isn't fun. Each time I went through a door or passage I was actually excited to see what was on the other side! That's something I have never experienced before in ANY game. So if you're tired of your everyday FPS, MMO, RTS, or RPG, then take a break and give What Remains of Edith Finch a try.
Upplagd 3 januari 2019.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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16.7 timmar totalt (16.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Update Simulator. I'll still give it a thumbs up since it is fun—but 9GB updates are a bit much. Not all of us have great internet.
Upplagd 14 april 2017.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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46.5 timmar totalt (32.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I can't really say what others probably haven't. This game is god-like.
Upplagd 26 mars 2017.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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