4 people found this review helpful
Not Recommended
44.5 hrs last two weeks / 4,254.0 hrs on record (3,298.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 May, 2023 @ 11:32am

I can deal with the awful economy, the overpowered russian vehicles, with over-performing armor and many "unintentional bugs" that benefit them. I can deal with all the time-consuming grind.

But the cheater problem is just too much. As an official Content Creator of this game, i can no longer showcase this game in a good light. The fact that people have to watch on stream as we get sniped crossmap through several bushes, forests, smoke and whatnot, by something lacking even the simplest rangefinder, makes it an awful experience. Aimbots, ESP, and automated grinding programs run rampant, and there seems to be no end for it.

Furthermore, many people on the CC community, as well as the player community, seem to be extremely Transphobic, spouting racial slurs, painting swastikas on their tanks... you know, the kind of people you don't even want to be shown onstream.

This is not part of a review bomb - This review will stay negative until they adress the cheater problem, and purge all the LGBT-phobic CC's.
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