Mydia Stardream
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165 Hours played
I played roughly 100 hours in three weeks after purchasing it. The game is really absorbing and likely the best earlyaccess game i've ever seen.

However there's a lot of issues which refrain me from recommending this. As of now, i spend more time on the menu than the game itself. The community, once good, turned into a mess of self-entitled children belonging to one or more of the massive clans, which ran this game into the ground.

Due to not being a balancing system, servers usually look like:

Server1: 70 Warden vs 30 Colonial.
Server2: 5 Warden vs 20 Colonial .
Server3+: <10people.

Clans like "82dk" are the main culprits of ruining game balance. I can't count the amount of times i've been playing a proper 20v20 game, and suddenly some blob clan enters the game, turns it into a 60v20, completely destroying any fun in the game, then hop onto the next server, repeat. They are very well known to use exploits in order to be unkillable, gain more precise shots, grief with the enemy supplies via joining the opposite team, or other unjust advantages.

Moderators (With the power to ban) are chosen from among the playerbase, which obviously causes the main clan players to never be banned no matter what they do, as a moderator will vouch for them.

This all caused the game pop to drop from 5000 to ~200. And since the devs/mods clearly aren't going to adress these issues (rather adding more content to the game, which isn't bad, but not as important as solving gamebreaking issues), i can see this game being played by less than a hundred players , with most of the servers ending up like 30vs0 , people getting bored and leaving.

Edit: As expected, there was massive backlash from the community for posting this, being even more toxic. Mods literally telling me to kill myself. DO NOT get this game at all!

Edit2: Wow, this exploded. Glad to see so many people listening to my counsel. In all honesty, i must admit i also got certainly fired up during that last talk with the moderators, but that was due to them getting me kicked/banned without proof as some sort of "revenge" against my person, whereas in the other hand you'd expect mods to be professional at all times, explaining stuff (rather than going "no u"). It really, really saddens me to see such a promising game being ruined by the aforementioned issues. Will maybe check it again in a few months, if it's not dead by then, and will let you know.

Edit3: As of 1st of December, i tried to go back to the game and see how it's developing.

I instantly see these scenes related to the Mod Abuse issue i was talking earlier (For those people that keep asking for "proof") from the same day, with several different people :


Note that neither of the people is me, so this Mod Abuse isn't just to my person but to many others. Also, example of how the servers are horrifyingly unbalanced:

On the bright side, i talked personally to one dev, and managed to calmly expose the issues the game has, the reason that led me to this review, and gave him a few tips about what i'd personally do to drive the game forward. I'll keep you informed in the coming days.


So i've been playing a bit these last days. Servers were hit and miss : most of them unbalanced and/or empty, but some OK. Got into two servers : In one, full of toxic players wishing cancer to each other. Fleed immediately to another which was balanced and had a great time with a group of players. Faith restored? Not so much.

After checking the official discord (Because guess what? they don't have a report player system. They have a third party voice/textchat to report people where everyone can simply spam and blame each other), i saw something absurd:

*One of the most toxic players at the time i posted this review originally is now a mod*.

Had only to scroll up one hour in the chat (roughly 20-or-so messages) to confirm he was effectively keeping on with the same behaviour, except now abusing his new modpowers.

Two players quarrel. One of them a member of 82DK, the exploiter clan i talked about before. The other, a complete random. They start teamkilling each other (bannable offense) and the 82dk player starts insulting pretty much everyone on the channel. This corrupt mod jumps in and bans the other player, and does not even warn the 82DK about this kind of behaviour.


Names censored as usual for privacy, but i'm not against naming-and-calling such people from now on.

This does simply prove my point: it is a good game, you can have fun with some people... but the community is just as toxic as it can get, mod corruption runs rampant and devs do nothing to stop it.

Edit 5 (28 april 2020) : Well, almost three years later, i'm glad this review helped the many thousands of people who comment, like, or even directly message me about it. Sorry that i no longer answer people here. I just don't feel the need to, as i have put the game aside since two years ago. I'm aware some things have changed, while many others remain the same. At this point, i will simply leave the review here as proof of what happened throughout the game's development timeline, and i encourage you to read the comments and make your own decision.


PS: Please don't be toxic on the comments. I'm seeing some people (You know who you are) that keep bashing me and others that expose how the community has gotten worse. You make yourself (and your whole community) look bad, so please refrain from insulting comments from now on. Thanks!
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Cork V2 4 Feb @ 4:43am 
Alice mgq based
Remi메이다이 23 Sep, 2024 @ 11:13pm 
lol To you Darth Porgus, pretty funny that you got your comments locked but you wanna say something to me, say it on my profile not someone elses. Who is giving who money. We are paying them for a product, if people don't like it they can express it. Companies are supposed to be professional. Like cops are but aren't...
Also, did I say it was constructive, you need some reading comprehension
✪ Bits 22 Sep, 2024 @ 10:53am 

Pr0x0 15 May, 2024 @ 5:40pm 
street cred++
getting review comment locked by developer.
Darth Porgus 15 May, 2024 @ 4:54pm 
I don't think it is a bad thing when devs react to a review, especially when they actually address the review rather than a copy pasted reply. To you, "Remi May Die", well insulting devs because of their game is not constructive feedback. Talkin about how devs treat acommunity but not considering how a community should treat devs when pointing out feedback?
Kenny 15 May, 2024 @ 12:49pm 
"insults and vulgarity" :steambored: silly devs adding hp bars to tanks is genuinely upsetting