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53.9 h registradas
TL:DR rating - 8.5/10

A top tier emotional journey which unfortunately, also has some real issues with it.
Nevertheless, a must play.

1.) Story:- Need to experience it for the feels. The emotional rollercoaster and personal journeys of the characters and how they grow across the games is monumental.
2.) Combat:- Combat is different from 2018 GOW and it has been tuned really really well now to the point where you actually have to think and manage your combos.
3.) Audio :- Audio in general is top tier across environments.
4.) Voice acting and facial animations:- While this is good across every character, super special shoutout to voice actors of Sindri and Odin. Odin's voice is such that you could never tell is the guy is lying or not. And Sindri's voice actor shows such incomprehensible range across the game(especially the final 1-2 hours of the game, it is absolutely staggering and is a phenomenal performance). The facial animations for Odin,Sindri,Kratos is also god tier.
5.) Maps/Levels:- Big sprawling maps with secrets,shortcuts. All around good time.
6.) Fun boss fights.
7.) Shoutout to whoever at SantaMonica studios came up with the Brok and Sindri story arc.

1.) No input buffering :- This is a combat con. Combo inputs don't seem to be stored in an input queue for long enough.
2.) Camera:- The camera is good from a story perspective, but it is terrible for a 3rd person melee action character. This is why combat with Atreus feels much more natural and cohesive compared to combat with Kratos. While its not a deal breaker it is certainly an annoying aspect of this game.The camera also has exceptionally terrible tracking for locked on enemy tracking and tracking them through dashes. Also big enemies often push your character into walls where you have to decide whether you want to blind attack them with no vision or sacrifice the attacking opening to try to move into better open space. This was really annoying throughout the game.
3.) Unskippable cutscenes:- My brothers in christ, please let us skip cutscenes when we are replaying a segment or area. Its 2024.
4.) Pacing issue:- There are some segments in the game which completely kill the pace of the game and slow it down to a crawl.
5.) Side companions with incessant hints:- Companions are bloody relentless in trying to tell you all the solutions to the puzzles you are trying to solve. This is supremely annoying.
Imagine finally realizing the solution to a puzzle only for your companion to tell you in game what the solution is. Like shut the hell up man. And its not occasional. Its every time you take more than 2 seconds to solve a puzzle.
7.) Technical Issues:- My game ran fine for 40 hours. Then randomly it started crashing on the same spot in a main story mission. Reinstalled the game, reinstalled gpu drivers, verified game cache,tried everything but nothing worked. Then finally had to turn run game in windowed mode and that somehow worked. This is unacceptable in a AAA game. This should not be a precedent and is extremely disappointing.
8.) PSN requirement and sony.
Publicada el 23 de septiembre.
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76.9 h registradas
TL:DR rating -> Epic/10
I rarely get the urge to platinum a game, but after what the devs gave us for the secret boss fight, it became a game worthy for the 100%.

Detailed Review:-
So Wukong chapter 1 starts off with a fairly linear map and straight forward fun bosses and you get the impression that its 7.5/10 or 8/10 game.
Then chapter 2 starts and it opens up. And then chapter 3 is just massive and the ante just keeps picking up from there till the end.
As someone who has played the souls games a lot, I didn't face any issues with any of the bosses in terms of difficulty(Only 2 secret/optional bosses are a good challenge).
Wukong's focus is mainly on level design, storybuilding/lore, enemy design and variety. And it exceeds expectations in all these departments.

1.)Every chapter ends with an animated short clip. These clips are astonishingly well made and deserves special plaudits.
2.)Enemy variety and Design - There's so many enemies and bosses in this game and none of them are really copy paste bosses(except the frogs but even they have different elemental effects).
3.)Storytelling based on existing lore. This is spectacularly done. The quest design is also quite fun. If you are exploring well, its very hard to miss questlines.
4.)Level Design - Chapter 1 and 5 are fairly straightforward and linear. Chapter 2,3 and 4 have massive sprawling interconnected multi-layered levels. Very fun to explore.
Chapter 6 is basically a big circle with bosses spread around the map.
5.)There are 2 secret optional bosses who are a good level of challenge. One of these fights is extremely special and is easily the most fun I have had in years. Jawdropping spectacle.

1.) To get platinum, NG+ run is a must as some weapons only unlock in NG+ and the components to craft 2 pieces of an armor are also only available in NG+.
But that is still fine since you can speedrun NG+ which takes a few hours. The most annoying thing is to obtain certain items you need to either get lucky, or farm a single enemy for hours.
I had to waste nearly 3 hours killing the same enemies to get -> thunderflame seal curio and tiger tendon belt curio. I don't know what the drop rate is for these items but its terrible.
This is a shame and a practice game companies should lean away from. It sucks the fun out of things having to mindlessly run a loop killing enemies hoping to get an item drop.
2.) Some areas of the map look like they can be easily dropped down to and explored but there are some invisible walls. That is kind of immersion breaking.'
3.) Technical issues for a lot of people with texture popins, lighting imbalance etc. I got lucky to not get any major technical issues. I did face some lighting glitches in 1 or 2 areas.
4.) English voice acting is ass. Especially for sun wukong. Thankfully, your character ddoesn't speak at all during the game. The only part where wukong speaks is during the intro and the end of chapter
cutscenes. The chinese voice acting on the other hand, sounds exceptionally good but then again, that is to be expected.

That's about all the major issues I had with the game tbh.
Very fun game overall. And especially coming from a studio with their first major release, Game Science have done a spectacular job. Hopefully more to come from them with this same level of quality.
Publicada el 8 de septiembre. Última edición: 8 de septiembre.
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A 2 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
79.1 h registradas
May 06,2024 UPDATE -
We WON. For Super Earth! For Freedom!

The community won. Mandatory PSN linking has been withdrawn by Sony on the face of community outrage.
Its sad that companies now pull these outrageous stunts and then back off when people are outraged trying to show themselves as an empathetic company to gamers. When in all reality, they are just limit testing how much BS they can get away with if the backlash from the community isn't loud enough. Truly sad times. Sony, Battlestate games(Tarkov devs)..all part of the same poop pile.

But for now...Victory!
Get the game, its awesome fun.

Negative review to Sony's mandatory PSN Account Linking Patch:-

Game was good. Game was actually VERY GOOD.
9/10. The only good live service game in nearly a decade.

But SONY messes things up as usual with their greed.
Game was bought by players all over the world. Now they want game to be playable by only people in those countries where PSN is available. So thats sony giving the middle finger to people who don't stay in their approved regions. Absolutely filthy display of corporate greed.
Take this negative review to help with negotiations.
Great job ruining the best live service game in recent memory Sony. Truly spectacular job. Hope you crash and burn.
Publicada el 5 de mayo. Última edición: 5 de mayo.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
38.4 h registradas
Rating - 7/10 (Only because of absolutely horrendous optimization and crashes).
8.5/10 if we are ignoring the terrible optimization and performance.

TL:DR version :- Bigger, better version of the previous game Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order. Beautifully crafted environments, challenging combat(on master difficulty), clever puzzles,
fun and new force based and lightsaber based gameplay mechanics. Story is...okay enough. Plot slows down towards the middle and there is a huge spike in difficulty and intensity towards the end.
All this brilliance is ruined by the absolutely shambolic optimization for this game(I have an extremely good PC with a 4070ti and a ryzen 7600 with 32gigs of DDR5 memory running on a sabrent SSD. Its not a problem with my PC, its the game).
With raytracing on, game crashes very frequently and its a well known issue. Its a shame that such a good game is ruined by such horrible optimization.

1.) The world - Just stunning. Extremely well designed. Great interconnectivity and extremely varied environments. Lots of places and secrets to explore. Variety in intergalactic species is also astounding.
2.) Characters - The characters are really well done as far as their integration goes in the story. Really well fleshed out. Combat with companions is lacklustre though.
3.) Enemy variety - There are a bunch of different enemies. From creatures, legendary beasts to imperial soldiers to raiders to robots. And often you will run across factions fighting among themselves. Very well done.
4.) Environmental art - The world is just surreal to look at.
5.) Combat - You get 5 different lightsaber stances to play with (you can only use 2 at a time). Very fun swapping out and trying different combos. A lot of really cool jedi powers introduced here as well. Also massive props for letting the
protagonist keep all his skills from the last game.
6.) Music is decent
7.) Customization - Welcome customization options for Cal's haircut, clothes, lightsaber, BD-1/

1.) Optimization - Elephant in the room. On a Ryzen 7600, 4070ti, 32gb DDR5 system on a blazing fast Sabrent SSD, this game gives me 50-70 fps on epic settings + raytracing ON at 2k resolution. Absolute joke. Turning off Raytracing gives a boost off
around 20 fps. There is no DLSS in this game(in 2023 lmao). There is only amd's FSR here(turning it on made no difference with the 4070ti). And also, if you keep raytracing on, the game crashes every 15-20 minutes. This is a well known
problem and there is still no fix for this. Unacceptable.
For reference, my PC handles Cyberpunk with its new pathtraced raytracing at max settings and gives me 80-90 fps in that game. Jedi survivor is a good looking game, but its not on the same graphical fidelity level as the updated CP 2077.
2.) Shader compilation EVERY time you start the game. Yep. That's right. It caches shaders every time you launch the game.
3.) The story takes a bit of time for you to care about it. The prequel has a more gripping and instantly engaging storyline tbh. Here, I found it hard to care about the story untill certain events happened towards the midway mark.
4.) The fact that there are no fixes for the terrible optimization even months after release.

Honestly the bugs ruined a big chunk of the experience for me. I'd suggest to hold on buying this later on when it is on sale and hopefully by then, the developers would have sorted out the performance issues.
Publicada el 6 de julio de 2023.
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Nadie ha calificado este análisis como útil todavía
57.2 h registradas (56.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Rating - Solid 8.5/10

TL:DR review -
Super fun open world zombie survival game with brilliant gameplay mechanics and zombie hordes(like hundreds of them. And they sprint at you).
Decent story, excellent audio. Beautiful open world with lots of things to do and places to explore. Must play.

Long review:-
Remember when AMC's walking dead TV show came out in 2010 and it was so good and fresh because it was something people hadn't seen before. Following that, every
year there have been countless zombie based movies and games. Some good, some bad and some very very generic. But only a handful of these captured the magic of the
original AMC's TV show(the 1st season atleast). Days Gone manages to do that beautifully.

The opening 3-4 hours of this game is nothing short of exceptional and is an excellent hook. Towards the middle of the game, there is a bit of a slowdown because you get
some search and rescue type missions/clear camp missions which might put some people off. But then it picks up again and there is a slowdown again before the final act of the game.
This is quite a long game(took me around 55 hours to complete) and I love doing most of the side missions and stuff in games like these so I did most of it. Skipped some stupid questlines like\
clear out 42 zombie bird nests(like...no,thank you).

1.) Opening act - The opening 5-ish hours of the game is just a brilliant experience and is a great hook for you to completely immerse yourself in this world.
2.) Audio - Excellent audio design. Intense music which raises your pulse while fighting hordes, suspenseful music while exploration, upbeat music in combat. The only place where audio was a bit meh, was where there was a speech cutscene and you could hear the background character's chatter over the lead person giving the speech. Minor mixing issue.
3.) Open world - The open world they have crafted here looks amazing and it feels even more thrilling exploring this world with its abandoned complexes, tunnels,caves,jungles. The environmental design is quite honestly phenomenal. Brilliantly captures the post apocalyptic vibe with immobilized vehicles, destroyed barricades, abandoned rescue camps, derailed trains etc. Its really enjoyable to explore and I loved
every minute of it.
4.) Environmental Design - Brilliant. As good as environment design in Last of Us.
5.) Hordes - This is one of the most exhilarating experiences in any zombie game ever made. Imagine a pack of 50-500 zombies running at you full sprint and you having to outrun, shoot, manage stamina, use the environment to guide them into choke points, blow them up while not getting cornered or pincered by the pack. Think Dying Light 1's night zombie chases but on steroids. It is absolutely insane fighting hordes in this game.
And there are some hordes which you cannot tackle early game at all simply because you don't have the resources to do so. Yes, you can cheese some of them through youtube video techniques but that cheapens the experience imo.
Anyway, hordes in this game -> Insanely fun experience. Fun, Tough and gets your blood flowing.
6.) Enemy Variety - Wolves, Infected Wolves, Infected crows, Bears, Infected bears, humans(unarmored enemies in early-mid game to armored enemies late game), normal zombies, tougher normal zombies, screamers(calls other zombies to your location),newts(kid zombies annoying af), brute zombies, runner zombies etc. Good enemy variety. Did not have any complaints with this.
7.) Characters - The protagonist is basically a dude being shoved into leadership positions when he clearly isn't a leader. And that is fine, there are people in the world like this and its okay for a game to have a character who isn't an uber macho perfect born leader leaking testosterone out of his eyes. But yes, there are quirks to his character and he does grow somewhat throughout the game(though not as much as I would have liked). The side characters are good too.
While they too aren't perfect, they are extremely believable characters. You have the idealist camp leader dude, the conspiracy theorist camp leader dude, the slave labourer camp leader lady, the sleazy scumbag
"bro" character who lies while smiling and shaking your hand, you have the bisexual badass chick who is interested in you, the religious nutjob, a militant with a gob complex etc etc. Very nice, believable characters.
The world isn't perfect and neither are the people in them.
8.) Gameplay - As Tuco Salamanca said.. " Tight! Tight! Tight!". No seriously, inventory wheel, weapons, gunplay, character movement felt fine and well done. Would have preferred a bit more variety with melee but thats okay.
9.) The Bike - While this is also technically, gameplay, I'm making a separate point for this because with the amount of effort and maintenance you put into the bike it is basically a character in its own right.You start off with a real broken down mess of a gas guzzling fragile vehicle which you upgrade throughout the course of the game and end up with some really nice wheels(for an apocalyptic world) by the end. It serves as your mobile quicksave station, your limited ammo refill station(if you have bought saddlebags for the bike). The bike can run out of fuel and you can get stranded at someplace with no fuel pump or fuel can nearby. Very nice mechanic with the bike and how the devs have integrated the vehicle in the gameplay.
10.) Goes to some difficult places - There are some missions which tackle really difficult societal and philosophical topics like drug abuse, loss, sparing someone through death etc. That was a nice touch.

1.) Deacon's Code - The protagonist, Deacon St.John lives by a code which is reinforced again and again through the game that he doesn't like people who "kill unarmed women". Though it is never explained exactly why he has this very specific code especially as he kills probably hundreds of female goons over the course of the game(most of them are armed but hey some of them he sneaks up on). This feels like a character just having a code to live by for the sake of having a code to live by as a protagonist because thats the cool thing to do. This felt jarring and out of place to be honest.
2.) Some specific missions - There are a few missions where you have to go check up/talk to certain characters and they just say one line like "I'm fine. I have to go."/"Get outta here. I have work to do." and the mission just ends. This felt incredibly annoying and ridiculous but thankfully there are only like 3 or 4 of these missions in the whole game.
3.) Pacing issue - Before midgame and post midgame the game is bogged a bit by some pacing issues mostly due to camp clearing missions etc.
4.) Irrelevant choices and No choices - There are some choices you make early game which result in basically...nothing. And some choices you make early game seem like they would be available again later in the game but you never get that option again in the game in similar scenarios. Fairly linear game in terms of story progression which is completely fine but then why have us making choices in the first place? Seems like a bit of a missed opportunity here. Mid-late game choices basically boils down to you rescuing survivors and deciding which camp they go to based on which camp you are trying to max out or need reputation/money in. They could have done so much more with the camps.

Overall, a very very fun and engaging experience and a must play.
Publicada el 18 de junio de 2023.
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19.8 h registradas
Rating:- 9/10 ( Must play if you like story/drama based games. Don't play if you don't want to spend hours upset after finishing the game because of 1. how good it is 2. spoilers so can't discuss)

1.) Artwork - Close to being insane. From painterly environments to jungles, forests, forts.
2.) Visuals in general - Extremely beautiful game (max settings with high frames really lets you enjoy this)
3.) Story - Man. I'm not even gonna bother. Real tearjerker and a wild emotional journey.
4.) Audio and Voice Acting - Absolutely top notch. For every character who is not a random goon.
5.) Gameplay - Lot of hidden pathways and clever little puzzles all around the map. Some really well hidden puzzles too. Combat is fun, sneaking is also fun. And there are multiple ways to handle combat encounters and some puzzles. So even if your way isn't the best way, it is still just as effective.
6.) Side Characters :- Really well fleshed out side characters.

1.) Crashed twice so..
2.) Some AA studio jank is there in character movement at certain sections of the map. Nothing too major though.
3.) Sometimes in order to be great, certain story trajectories have to go in the direction of tragedy/grief. This isn't really a con as such since you kind of already know what you are signing up for but damn, a certain part of this game left me with a heavy heart.

TLDR: Tearjerker/10 game. Play if you love stories.
Publicada el 7 de junio de 2023. Última edición: 7 de junio de 2023.
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12.7 h registradas
Rating - 8/10

You can see the things they carried over from their previous game Absolver which was an absolute banger as well. Very tough but extremely fun.

1.) Enemy Variety/Design
2.) Combat
3.) Art Style and Environmental Design
4.) Audio
5.) Gameplay loop
6.) The story is surprisingly nice :D
7.) Arena levels are really fun.

1.) Tutorial section is terrible. The developers really need to learn how to express complex game mechanics to people. Too much is left for the player to figure out. And no this is not dark souls. This is essentially a fighting game so stun, combo and avoid mechanics need to be explained much better to people who don't play these kind of games.
2.) Apparently they introduced an easy mode where you can completely go through the game spamming basic attacks. The death mechanic turns into a joke in that mode and you can recover 5 years at a time in shrines which essentially makes that mode absolutely useless.
3.) Game crashed 3 times(once stuck in fall animation and the other 2 times mid-combat).

Publicada el 14 de mayo de 2023.
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A 16 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
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13.7 h registradas
Rating - 8/10

Quick Review - Super fun game. Bit of pacing issue in the middle and some absolutely unnecessary levels.
Not gonna win any awards, but a very fun game to play.

Plot - You are basically Clint Eastwood kicking vampire butt.

Pros :- Weapon variety, Enemies, Boss Fights. Gunplay(except the flamethrower and railgun). Combat is also pretty good. Fun game to play.

Cons - Kind of one dimensional characters but you can't really complain about that in a western vampire shooter. Effects can be a bit much towards the end-game. Too many flashy things on the screen. That probably should be tuned a bit. Pure melee could have used a tiny bit more variety.Some levels could have easily been cut. The game drags a bit after the midway mark till it reaches the final few chapters.

Overall, a good game to get on sale.
Publicada el 2 de mayo de 2023. Última edición: 2 de mayo de 2023.
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28.5 h registradas
Rating - 7/10 (If not for the gameplay ruining bugs, would have given an 8.5 or 8.8/10)

1.) Lore and Environment - Unique setting and aesthetic. Beautiful art all around. Interesting worldbuilding too. Worth playing just for that.
2.) Combat Variety and Options. Gunplay also feels very very solid.
3.) Enemy Types and Variation.
4.) Music (Just on its own. There are some looping and sync issues with the combat and whats happening on screen, but by itself the music is good)
5.)All characters other than the protagonist.
6.) Boss Fights.
7.) Granny ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Zina.

1.) GAME BREAKING BUGS - So, you get a shotgun at the start of the game and you are supposed to get the blueprint for it along with it. But you don't apparently. And there is no blueprint for the actual shotgun weapon anywhere else on the map. So if you deconstruct the shotgun to respec or try out other weapons(like I did), you can no longer reconstruct the shotgun and you can't get the achievement for having crafted all weapons. This is a well known bug and its shocking that the devs have not fixed it even now.
2.) The hostility of the not-so-open open world - After the first 2-3 hours, you eventually step out from a bunker into the world and it is unnecessarily and overly hostile. Wayyy too many cameras. and robots moving around in sporadic patterns. And you simply don't have enough ammo(even the free energy ammo) to deal with all of them.
3.) The morgue section - Like...why was that in the game? So bloody unnecessary. That entire segment could have been skipped and noone would have given two wet farts.
4.) The protagonist is an absolute moron with no capacity for contemplation,apprehension or self-thought. His default setting is to revert to saying "Crispy Critters" (he says that like a 100 times in the game) and then start shooting everything.
5.) Getting stuck in geometry - Got stuck in geometry (chairs, behind a ladder, on a wall, elevator door). Button mashing jump and running with direction keys eventually helped in getting unstuck. Very annoying. Very surprising that this is in a game coming out in 2023.
Publicada el 30 de abril de 2023. Última edición: 30 de abril de 2023.
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32.4 h registradas (13.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
If you like rythm games,music and have a VR headset, this is an absolute must buy.
I'm currently hooked to this game. Such a simple concept but so so well executed.
Insanely fun experience even without mods and custom songs. Higher difficulty modes are basically for ninjas I feel. But I'm currently enjoying the hell out of this game in normal and hard modes.

Rating - 9/10 ( Wish they had some more songs available by artists by default. You have to buy all the artist music packs separately as of now)
Publicada el 20 de marzo de 2023.
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