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Nylige anmeldelser av Spectre

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260.4 timer totalt (9.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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Got lost in the city, met up with a guy who helped me find my objective, I helped him with his, he gave me a key, we shared some loot from a stash I already had a key to, when we made it back to base I gave him another key I had a second copy of. Then I saw some new guy running an AK that was missing parts and gave him a complete AK and ammo to go with it. Much more enjoyable than everyone just ganking each other on sight. Haven't ran into any other PMC groups yet... but there's a PvE only server option so you don't even have to worry about that if you don't want.

Also, even if you have Nvidia run FSR instead of DLSS. I got 50% increase in frames with FSR. There's bugs but it's not bad for a newly released alpha early access game.

EDIT: Yea to hell with PvPvE. First time logging in tonight, first deployment, got fragged by my own teammate so he could steal my kit. I'm not playing this like Tarkov where you have to kill every player you see because everyone is a murderhobo.
Publisert 1. mai. Sist endret 1. mai.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
13.1 timer totalt
This game is not a game. It is an interactive work of art that questions how you define humanity. It presents you with situations of hope and hopelessness in a dark and oppressive environment. It is one of the few special games that made me feel my feelings.
Publisert 8. februar.
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26 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
52.6 timer totalt (13.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Day 1. Get bit by something in a cave. Trying to find medical herb I got lost. Passed out twice trying to get back to camp and bugs kept laying eggs beneath my skin that hatched into larva while I was unconscious. Day 2. Using 4 bone needles I extract 4 worms eating me alive from inside. Still can't find any plants with medical properties. Die from infection.

Died from poison bites a few times. Died from infection twice. Got mauled by a jaguar while picking leeches off of myself. Went insane and got killed by a hallucination. It's basically what happens when I have to go outside and do yard work.
Publisert 10. desember 2023.
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386.4 timer totalt (40.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Review Update 2
WTF moments are still there and ship building can still be a giant pain with interior layouts, but they're starting to roll out updates and with additional game play have found the quest lines to be superb. So good in fact it has tipped the scales and I'm now switching to recommend the game.

Review Update 1

There's wtf moments. For example, you can choose to "hide" your space suit in settlements. But you're still technically wearing it and can boost jump (edit: it magically appears on your back when you boost jump). People comment about the helmet you're not wearing but technically are. And there's no hotkey to unequip spacesuit. You have to go through inventory to unequip your suit if you actually want to just wear clothes in settlements. Also when on expeditions your companions will take off their space suits every time you go into an interior. So you're wearing a suit and they're not. Which doesn't look stupid at all (sarcasm). Sometimes they won't put them on when you go back outside. Nothing like somebody wearing pants and a jacket on the moon.

The shipbuilder is fun but infuriating. You have no control as to the interior layout of the ship because it'll place ladders and doors automatically. I've heard companionways are supposed to fix this but I haven't had any luck with them and they're troublesome to use on small ships.

For full price I'm going to recommend waiting until they sort out some of these issues, but it's worth it at a discount. Since the recommend decision is binary I'm going to not recommend at this time but expect that to change as they patch the game and the price comes down.

EDIT: Had complaint about bullet sponge enemies, problem seems to have gone away after following the story and side missions instead of just exploring for a little bit. Perhaps I wasn't leveling up quick enough or loot drops weren't updating? Because I'm now getting "calibrated" weapons that do 2x the damage of the original versions. Before I was just exploring and everything was so spongey it was impossible.
Publisert 7. september 2023. Sist endret 25. september 2023.
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24.6 timer totalt
If Dead Space 1 & 2 are survival horror games with action elements. Dead Space 3 is an action game with survival horror elements. Isaac Clarke's inclusion in the story feels forced, the backstory on the markers given in the beginning doesn't seem to fit at all the premise of the 1st and 2nd games, and unitology... don't even get me started on where they went with that.

But, story issues and genre bending aside the customizable weapons were fun to tinker with and what survival horror aspects they had was good. As much as it wasn't what I hoped it would be, I did have fun with it which is why I'm still going to recommend Dead Space 3 despite its flaws.
Publisert 21. desember 2022.
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177.4 timer totalt
My 6 year old really enjoyed watching me play this, we had fun.
Publisert 12. november 2020.
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31 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
5 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
100.1 timer totalt (3.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
My boy saw this on youtube and wanted to me to buy it for him. Since it wasn't Fortnite, I agreed and 3 hours later am writing this review, mostly as praise and constructive criticism for the developer but maybe it'll provide value for potential buyers, idk.

The premise of the game is fun, and I really enjoyed the mini-games. But there's only 2. Workshop support to share worlds would be awesome. In addition, more scenario options such as resetting breakables/destroyables upon respawn and setting victory conditions would greatly expand replayability. Right now, there's not much. But considering I watched my kid run into a wall for 15 minutes, maybe there's plenty of replayability lol. I'd especially like more scenarios modeled after challenges from shows like Wipeout.

Progression was a bit weird, the longer we were in a world/scenario it felt like the less points we earned from hitting stuff. Right away starting out we got massive points, often jumping one or two levels in a short time. Then it was like getting no points. Then hitting max level at 20 we'd gone through all progression in less than 3 hours. I'd prefer the rate for earning points was flat and levels went up infinitely. Maybe require more points per level, but I'd do it gradually and not exponentially. Give Steam achievements at milestones like 10, 50, 100, etc. Add multiple profile support so it's easier to switch between skins and faces and have levels per profile. This game really appeals to young child gamers so support for several kids to have profiles on mommy or daddy's account would be great.

I asked my 7 year old what he wanted to say and transcribed his answer to end the review.
"I love your game. Your game is super good like Minecraft. My favorite part is when you build."
Publisert 14. november 2019.
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38.4 timer totalt (37.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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Shooting in the general direction of where you think the enemy is and hoping you hit close enough they stop shooting at you.
Keeping the fun switch on semi-auto for anything over 25 meters.
Deploying a HAB, taking it down it down, and putting it up again 2 meters to the left.
Getting yelled at by the squad leader while your buddies laugh at you for getting the truck stuck in a ditch.
Filling sandbags. Filling more sandbags. Oh look here's a truck bringing us even more sandbags to fill.

- Deployment simulator 2017
Publisert 25. november 2017.
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53.2 timer totalt (50.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
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Ever play a game and feel like it crushed your soul?
I feel dead inside.
Publisert 25. april 2017. Sist endret 26. april 2017.
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13 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
36.9 timer totalt (27.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
It's coming along nicely with regular updates, I really enjoy watching games progress through development and they do a good job of telling you what they're working on and the lead developer does livestreams on twitch.


As far as gameplay goes my biggest gripes are the AI gets a little derpy once your base gets really big and sometimes colonists get stuck on the environment and starve to death. But those problems may or may not even be there in a couple of weeks.

Since my major draw is the development process and watching the game grow I'm quite happy with how the developer is doing and how the game is coming along, but if you're primarily interested in playing it may be a little frustrating with the bugs. Such is Early Access, it works for me but not for everybody.
Publisert 23. mars 2016.
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