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216.3 hrs on record (190.9 hrs at review time)
Overall a fantastic game, great addition to the other 2 Total war: WH games.

Last few DLC's are a bit of a disappointment. And lets be honest the amount of DLC's there are, will add up since all the WH, WH2 and WH3 DLC's combine into this game. But most are worth it plus it gives you a massive amount of replay-ability.

So long story short highly recommend this game.
Posted 25 April, 2024.
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4.4 hrs on record (3.9 hrs at review time)
Kinda fun but also a strange sim to play. It definitely gives a high satisfaction rate after doing a complete job.
Posted 2 September, 2021.
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614.7 hrs on record (84.7 hrs at review time)
Decided to get back in the game after a few years. And was supriced by the improvements made by the dev team. The amount of tanks, planes and ships added since the last time I played is amazing.

Still best Tank and Warplane game out there. Certainly in a better class as WoT/WoWp only ships lack the feel of actually batteling since its mg vs mg for a long time.

Positive: You can get free premium tanks/ships/planes by playing the game and completing missions.
Negative: Premium is recuired to make a profit on higher tiers.
Positive: a game mode for everyone. Arcade/Realistic/Simulator (Easyest to learn - impossible to play without proper gear.)
Negative: Big RNG on takedowns and being taken down.
Positive: Lots of different country's you can play (USA,UK,Sweden,Italy,Germany,USSR and more)
Negative: Matchmaking feels weird at times, plus spawncamping might be a problem to some.

Reasons to give this game a go.

1: Its FTP
2: Its FTP
3: Its FTP

No all jokes aside if you like these types of games you should give it a go not only cause its ftp but also cause its just the best of these games out there.
Posted 9 May, 2020.
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36.5 hrs on record
Ok, so hopefully without any of you getting angry. This was indeed my first playthrough of The Witcher.

Amazing story, yet horrible/aged combat system.

The open world aspects of this game even tho limited provide a vast area to discover. With a great story to follow. And even tho I feel that the combat system implemented in this game is not only aged but one of the worst combat I've seen so far. It doesn't take to long to get used to. And it is certainly not a reason not to play it. Cause even with that fairly big negative it still managed to capture me and make me fall in love with the story.

So again a must play in my books!
Posted 3 March, 2020.
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193.3 hrs on record (185.3 hrs at review time)
Still one of the best all time classic strategy games ever made in my opinion.

Previously known as Age of Empires II HD was basically a remake of the AoE2, wich fixed all the performance/color issues. And after adding a dev team to it, gave it even more dlc's and content. With new playable factions and maps/option while also allowing the community to start modding.

Overall It's just a great game to play and very difficult to master. With a still active and growing competative scene.
Amazing for lanparty's and multiplayer with friend's

I highly recommend getting this AoE2 if you havent done it yet.
Posted 4 December, 2019.
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693.2 hrs on record (599.9 hrs at review time)
So perhaps one of the most difficult games for me to write a review about.

So I'm not gonne make this a long story as I've done for some of my other reviews.
Overall of the 600 hours I've played this game at the time of writing, I've enjoyed most of those hours with a lot of competative and team focussed gameplay with friends.

There were a few updates that makes it hard for me to leave a positive review.

Not only it took them a decrease of about 80% of the active playerbase before they actually started to try and fix the game with there o so horrible "fixing the game" updates. The damage was already done by the time with the implementation of lootboxes and pay2skin systems to what basically still was the same game as in BETA stage. With a slight increase in performance overall but also with every update ping, delay and other issues being added to the game.

Where in the end of my playtime I mostly got killed by people behind rocks/hills or walls or by the increased amount of hackers.

Also they listned half by implementing the server locks, no longer allowing me to play with my American friends.

First standalone BR after the promising ARMA mod.
Good bullet travel system, with you actualy having to account on distance/movespeed
Nice maps

Still a lot of hackers.
Server Delay might still be a issue to you.
They went all CS-GO on the recoil system, making it better to single tap almost every AR unless your shroud :P
maps have heavy performance issues
You still need a decent rig to get above 100 FPS at decent graphic settings.

So overall at this moment I will not recommend this game as a must buy now. But I do still hope that this might change to where I can change this review into a positive. So I will still keep an eye out on the progress they make and hope to get in touch again with good news.
Posted 4 December, 2019.
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4,942.4 hrs on record (2,966.0 hrs at review time)
So a review about BDO, where to begin with this.....

So as you can see I've had this game launched for almost 3k hours.
Now I use the launched there with a reason cause the actual time I've might have played is probably closer to 1k hours since a lot of things are AFK grinds. For example Horse Training is best afk, Strenght is best trained by afk running with a tradepack on the back. Fishing is tedious to do active and with the right fishing rod it can cover the 6-8hours of sleep while making money by getting fish.

Now this will probably make you already know where im going.

Great combat system.
Enough playable classes
Decent amount of time needed to complete all quests.

Pay2Win in a way there is a lot of items giving you an edge in actual pvp/pve grinding by spending big $$$$.
Content gets boring cause all you can do is grind.
No dungeons/raids
No way to get decent "high" gear through farming.
Best gear to get is by grinding World Bosses. And even then it will only be better after going through a horrible Pay2Luck system with upgrading your items past +15.
Not enough content to play with your guild. Only some grind quests or a guild boss that you can get by grinding the grind quests.
Even top end systems might find insane framedrops/lowframes in towns.
Game can crash when on the back of a 2player mount, due to the fact that the servers wont keep up with the sending/recieving data.

So as you can see there are a lot more con's in comparison with pro's.

Now this doesnt mean this is a horrible game on itself, cause if someday you get lucky or just keep grinding to finaly get the money to get full TRI or TET the world pvp with your guild/friends is actually fun. And thats also the thing that gave me the most fun in the game.

But overall i'd come back to the fact that it might take 5k+ hours of grinding or P2W to get somewhere I think its not worth buying this game.
Posted 4 December, 2019.
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3,338.4 hrs on record (1,601.5 hrs at review time)
Still one of the best games I've played and will still continue to play it myself.
The easy to learn/enjoy, hard to master gameplay makes it by far the most enjoyable competative game I've played.

But my recommendation is to only get the game if you dont intend on buying any cosmetic items.

Since with the last update the prices are insane with cosmetics more expensive then the game itself. With cosmetics that you were able to get for about $4 dollar worth of keys now buyable for 2400 credits worth about $20.

Pretty sure that EPIC had something to do with these prices, it seems they've done a FULL PUBG on us. And decided that ripping off the community is more important then making good content.

So due to the new "Empty your wallet here" update I got to leave with a negative review.
Posted 4 December, 2019. Last edited 1 September, 2022.
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42.1 hrs on record (35.4 hrs at review time)
First ever time playing through Middle-Earth: SoM and it was the most fun I had in ages. Enjoyed the story line and the way you can play through the missions. From full stealth to the just run in and murder every ork you see tactics. Combat system works great with both a controller/keyboard and mouse. I did feel like the mounted riding/fighting system was a bit weird, but not at all gamebreaking or anything like that.


Nice camera while using your special attacks.
Good story
Enough side quests
Decent lore


Mounted System could be better
Posted 2 December, 2019.
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20.7 hrs on record
Must say that I have to take back the doubts I had when they asked me to play through BL for the first time. I've always stayed away from the game cause I felt it wouldn't be my type of game.

But after playing through the game for the first time I'm more than pleased with the game.

Loved the Story + the Semi open world/Exploration options.

Played the enhanced edition and didn't run into any memory sink/framerate issues untill the last area at the vault, there I ran into game lag and a lot of issues with the map, like getting stuck on stones that were not there and auto walking off rocks.

Overall a must play.

If you want to see me fail through the game twitch.tv/thatsMAD or youtube.com/lordsgaming1
Posted 2 December, 2019.
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