Charlie Aensland Venti R. Kreutz
Charlie Evans ♡   Quebec, Canada
~ She/Her | 19 ~
~ Sovereign of Dawn ~
If I were to write a book with me as the main character...
It would be a tragedy.
+ Welcome to my profile +
│⠀⌱⠀⠀ Charlie Evans
│⠀⌱⠀⠀ Professional Catgirl
│⠀⌱⠀⠀ 12th of February
│⠀⌱⠀⠀ What makes me miserable
Favourite Games
│⠀⌱⠀⠀ Guilty Gear Strive
│⠀⌱⠀⠀ RimWorld
│⠀⌱⠀⠀ Old School RuneScape
│⠀⌱⠀⠀ Final Fantasy XIV []
│Other Accounts
│⠀⌱⠀⠀ Discord: Luxtful
│⠀⌱⠀⠀ Spotify []
│⠀⌱⠀⠀ MyAnimeList []

Name's Laura or Charlie.
I don't do much, I like hoarding music though :3
I love TCGs and TTRPGs ^^

tatsuya, can we honestly e d8? >_< ur so b00tiful. u alwayz make meh laugh, u alwayz make meh smile :-) u literally make me want to become a better person... @_@ i rly enjoy every moment we spend tgt ^o^ my time has no value unless its spent wif u <3 i tell every1 of my irls how awesome u r. thank u for being u, know that i'll always b there by ur side <3 i love u so much. i don't think u ever realize how amazing u r sumtimez :3c life isn't as fun when ur not around ;-; u are truly stunning. i want u to be my soulm8 <3 i love teh way u smile, ur eyes r absolutely gorgeous. if I had a star 4 everytime u crossed my mind i cud make teh entire galaxy!1!1 lmaonade1!1! ur personality is as pretty as u r and dats saying something xD i love u, plz d8 me m(u_u)m I am not even calling it e d8ing anymore cuz i know we will meet soon enuff heart OK I ADMIT IT I LOVE YOU OK ::blush:: i hecking luv u n it breaks my heart when i see u play w/ someone else or any1 commenting in ur profile T_T i just want 2 b ur gf n put a <3 in mah profile linking 2 ur profile n have a walltext of u commenting cute things i want 2 play video gamez talk in skype all night n watch a movie tgt but u just seem so uninsterested in me it hecking killz me n i cant taek it anymore >:( i want to remove u but i care too much ab u so pls i'm begging u to eaither luv me back or remove me and never contact me again >:'( it hurts so much to say this cuz i need u by my side but if u dont luv me then i want u to leaf bc seeing ur icon in my friendlist wud kill me everyday of my pathetic life
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Asydes 26 июл. 2024 г. в 19:32 
cute lady ! she's very nice :p2cube: