
Pengus の最近のレビュー

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32件中 11-20 を表示
記録時間: 751.6 時間 (レビュー時に502.3時間)
TL;DR go to SteamLibrary\steamapps and look for a file called appmanifest_377160.acf and mark it as READ ONLY so you can be safe from immoral updates from Todd Howard

Bethesda seems to have this issue where they want to randomly update games that don't need updates. This review is being changed in light of this "next gen update" that really only positively affects console players while setting back PC players.

Fallout London is an upcoming mod that has a large amount of content, as an example. The devs for it have actually been in communication with Bethesda regarding its development. This update was never brought up to the dev team and is actually setting their work back by at least a year, and its just to capitalize off of the shows success. I like the show. I like bethesda games (not you starfield, you can crawl in a hole and die), but what I don't like is how bethesda only updates their games when it comes at the expense of their fans goodwill, which they are hemorrhaging faster than blood from a man whos legs where blown off.
投稿日 2022年7月10日. 最終更新日 4月23日
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記録時間: 49.0 時間 (レビュー時に37.0時間)
EDIT: Online services have been restored.

Main thing people enjoy about the games is being able to co-op/pvp and at this time THAT IS NOT AVAILABLE. FromSoftware took the servers down due to cheaters/hackers exploiting a game bug, (maybe) fixed it for elden ring and NEVER put the Dark Souls servers on PC back up. Absolutely disgraceful.

投稿日 2022年5月9日. 最終更新日 2022年12月23日
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5 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
記録時間: 34.1 時間 (レビュー時に7.6時間)
Main thing people enjoy about the games is being able to co-op/pvp and at this time THAT IS NOT AVAILABLE. FromSoftware took the servers down due to cheaters/hackers exploiting a game bug, (maybe) fixed it for elden ring and NEVER put the Dark Souls servers on PC back up. Absolutely disgraceful.
投稿日 2022年5月9日.
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記録時間: 1.5 時間
At this moment I'm at Mission 4, but have not started it. I played the demo version of this game and while it was very buggy then, i still decided I would buy this game to support a cause that is righteous. That said the game play is pretty solid. The Bullet Time mechanic, as well as the weapons switching are not as responsive as I would like but there is usually enough time between zionist soldiers to switch when I think I need to. The bugginess I experienced in the demo is also gone, aside from the bullet time consistency I mentioned previously.

Gamepad support is there, as thats my primary method of playing. I will say ADS in 3rd person is a bit inacurate (shoots lower than reticule) and while in 1st person with some weapons (mainly the Tavor, a ♥♥♥♥ zionist weapon irl anyway) the optic that is on the model (non functioning) does get in the way, but is honestly not that big of a deal.

Truly I say if you want to support Palestine and its effort to destroy the Zionist invaders of the region, $20 is a fair price to pay for this game. Muslims and Christians have a common enemy, and quite frankly the Palestinian people need your support.

I did attempt to leave this same review on Metacritic, however the website 404s everytime I submit it, though I was able to give it a 10 for user score withouth a review. Will attempt to update this once I am allowed to place it there.
投稿日 2022年4月21日.
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記録時間: 12.0 時間
Why are you here? This was released Mar 21, 2014 and theres no new content. You'll get nothing out of buying this. It was fun when I bought it back however long ago that was. Just "acquire" another way. This is no place for you now.
投稿日 2022年4月12日.
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記録時間: 13.1 時間 (レビュー時に9.1時間)
TL;DR If you're scared of women this game might be for you

Really intimidating at first. Watch some YouTube videos to help you get the basics of the game. Then once you have an idea of how you get started, it will still be intimidating, but you'll have an idea of where to go from there. Friend of mine recommended against this game, and the dev himself responded pretty shortly after, and from what I've seen Vic is pretty responsive, so when you see this, if possible, may a tutorial for new players? Not super necessary but at least something that better explains some of the systems.

Combat is still an enigma to me. Battles go off of Odds (so like 2:1 in your favor or 1:24 against your favor) but as for how the game determines stuff past that is beyond me. Still, generally speaking if they are stacked in your favor higher than like 12:1 you'll be fine

Game uses a Card stratagem system I feel like I've seen in other games but no name comes to mind. Pretty okay system imo.

Lets you build your units as you unlock them to suit your needs. Want a tank with a massive gun but ultra light armor? Want to have 3 different types of infantry with different equipment to suit your needs? Lets you decide all that stuff. Pretty neat.

The visuals look really dated, like somewhere around the time of the first fallout game maybe but i think it works in the games favor. Something about in depth systems and ♥♥♥♥ graphics just works, like dwarf fortress or that old Dune game for MS-Dos

There's a lot more than what I've covered and the game does a good job at not necessarily requiring you to learn them. Also gives you a ♥♥♥♥ load of metrics on how your empire is performing, none of which I am capable of putting to any use at this time.
投稿日 2022年3月5日.
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記録時間: 1,108.7 時間 (レビュー時に923.3時間)
Obviously I've played quite a bit of this game, with at the time, of writing 923 hours. That said at this time the game isn't worth getting. The game is only really enjoyable with mods, and from what I can tell a lot of those mods don't work, or dont work well with most other mods. For certain types of mods, im sure you may have seen at some point, Paradox decided that you aren't allowed to use for some arbitrary reason. The last few "DLCs" have been pretty lack luster. If you've already bought it and gotten your moneys worth, fantastic. If at this point you haven't bought it, I can't really say its worth it at this point.

I will also say that most of the fun interactions you may have seen in videos from creators were recorded around the time of their respective DLC/Update releases. A classic paradox trope is to increase the frequency of certain events and nerf them into nonexistence after a few months.
投稿日 2022年2月21日. 最終更新日 2022年2月21日
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記録時間: 0.8 時間 (レビュー時に0.2時間)
met the recommended requirements and this game was running as fast as you can if you were waste deep in liquid ass.
投稿日 2022年1月27日.
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記録時間: 38.6 時間 (レビュー時に9.1時間)
Objectively better in all regards than the base game Call to Arms. I hope they take what they improved here and reapply it to the base game, as there aren't really enough modern military RTS games but theres many WW2 ones
投稿日 2021年12月16日.
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記録時間: 2,540.2 時間 (レビュー時に1,113.1時間)
The only game where war crimes and hate crimes are not only available as an option, but encouraged as a strategy.
投稿日 2021年10月14日.
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32件中 11-20 を表示