Diego Rodríguez Larenza   Distrito Federal, Argentina
Currently Online
100% Achievements
- A Bird Story :abs_happy::abs_birdfly::abs_surprised::abs_zzz:
- Adam's Venture Episode 1,2 & 3
- Among the Sleep :atsteddy::atspendant:
- Another World
- Batman: Arkham City GOTY :arkham::joke::tyger:
- Borderlands
- Broforce :satan::broforce::murica::rambro:
- Broken Age :shay::mom:
- BUTCHER :butcherchainsaw::bloodsaw::damagedskull:
- Costume Quest :Tombstone::DeviledEgg::RottenEgg::SkeletonWolf:
- Cuphead :cupup::cuphead::mugman::cupdevil::cupdown:
- Day Of The Tentacle Remastered :theworld::hams::chattering::dentures::decaf:
- Deadlight :DLskull::crow::floppy::tape::tw:
- Eversion :neutral::pinkflower:
- Fist of Jesus :bethlehem::blackbeardchest::eveleaf:
- Full Throttle Remastered :corleybunny::bikerskull::goleft::notleft:
- Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series
- Grim Fandango Remastered :salvador::glottis::domino::miniglottis::sproutella:
- Guacamelee! Gold Edition :luchamask::bigheart::sugarskull::guacchest::guacfist:
- Gunpoint :conwayshrug::conwayfacepalm::conwaypunch:
- Hatred :EmptyShell::EvilGrin::SmokingGlock::UnholyEye:
- Haunt The House: Terrortown :nurseghost::diverghost:
- Home :homeangry:
- Hotline Miami :TheRooster::Burn::Horse::Owl::Pig:
- How To Survive :Kovac::ArmdZombie::NewZombie:
- INSIDE :INSIDE_boy::INSIDE_chick::INSIDE_mindhat:
- Journey Of A Roach :blooming::fly:
- LIMBO :LIMBO_candle::LIMBO_run::Limbo_worm:
- Little Nightmares :Crying_Eye::Fed_Guest:
- Mark of the Ninja :dragon2::koi::oni:
- Monkey Island 2: Special Edition
- Moonlight :wizupo::lanuno::mayo:
- PAC-MAN 256
- PIXELMAN :pmsmile::pmhorns::pmno::pmok::pmskull::pmvictory:
- Pony Island :ponyisland::hopeful::hopeless::lucif4r::ponycrusader:
- Psychonauts :Lili::Milla::Morry::Sasha:
- Return to Monkey Island
- Rock 'N' Roll Defense :skull_angry::skull_happy::skull_rolleye::skull_wink:
- Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken :rbtag:
- Rocksmith 2014 :2014lead::2014reel::2014rhythm:
- Seen :s_smile2::s_line::s_cat::s_crying:
- Spelunky :shopkeeper::snake::spelunky:
- Star Sky :starskycouple::starskyrainbow::starskyfaerie:
- Star Sky 2 :starsky2torch::starsky2apple::starsky2rightsign:
- SteamWorld Dig :swdrusty::swdboozer::swdmecha::swdshiner::swdshinersleep:
- Super Daryl Deluxe :daryl::erl::fowlmouth:
- Terraria :terraria::demoneye::zombiehead::dirtblock::greenslime:
- Teslagrad :teslakid::kingsguard::teslacat::teslastaff:
- The Cave
- The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim Special Edition :falkwreath::markarth::riften::windhelm:
- The Slater :theslater_leathergloves::theslater_handgun::theslater_weddingring:
- The Swapper :spacehelmet:
- The Walking Dead :Lee::Carley::Doug::Kenny:
- The Walking Dead: Season Two
- The Walking Dead: Michonne
- The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt :Dandelion::Eredin::Toxic_Geralt::yennefer:
- They Breathe :glenn::TBbubble::moose:
- Thimbleweed Park :raysarcastic::reyesscared::deloresexcited::ransomeangry::franklinsad:
- To The Moon :neiljaw::evafacepalm::neilfacepalm::zombieva:
- Toki
- Trine :healthvial::pontius::rosebud:
- Trine 2 :butterfly::knight::thief:
- Type:Rider :asterisk::abc::comic:
- Unepic :poohappy::pooangry::poocry:
- Wallpaper Engine :eaglegrin:
- World Of One :woo_one:
- Zombie Driver HD :nuke::life::thebomb:

- Far Cry 3 - Blood Dragon :Doomsday::Dr_Darling::Rex:
Favorite Game
Hours played
Artwork Showcase
Terraria's Flying Dutchman
Review Showcase
319 Hours played
What an amazing adventure!
REALLY CHALLENGING game. Hard as Hell. Random generated scenarios. LOTS of hidden stuff. Beautiful Art, Music and SFXs. Perfect control.
Absolutely awesome experience for Achievement Hunters
If you love movies like Indiana Jones, you’re gonna enjoy all the references.
The Deathmatch mode with friends is incredible fun
Extremely HIGH Recommended!
Favorite Group
Official Group for Steamworks Development Support
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Market Transactions
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Screenshot Showcase
Terraria - All bosses trophies
Workshop Showcase
Cuphead Gameplay - Final Boss Battle - Expert Difficult no Damage! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyj8tDiJMcg
8 ratings
Created by - LordDiego
Completionist Showcase
Video Showcase
Cuphead Gameplay - Final Boss Battle - Expert Difficult no Damage!
Recent Activity
49 hrs on record
last played on 16 Mar
173 hrs on record
last played on 15 Mar
24 hrs on record
last played on 14 Mar
LordDiego 21 Nov, 2013 @ 5:38am 
Jajaja, sabia que no eras un Booster Pack, porque el último me tocó el 17/11/2013 / Sunday - Afternoon / McPixel Booster Pack (viste? ESO es ser obsesivo :dealwithit:)
DAGGS 21 Nov, 2013 @ 2:03am 
No, no te tocó un nuevo booster pack, soy solo yo mandandote un mensaje, que obsesivo que sos! : P
LordDiego 11 Nov, 2013 @ 5:02am 
Jajajaja El tema no es cuantas horas jugaste... es cuantas horas estas dispuesto a seguir desperdiciando :terraria: :terraria: :terraria:
DAGGS 11 Nov, 2013 @ 3:07am 
Werty te gana con las horas de Terraria jajajja : P
LordDiego 20 Jul, 2012 @ 8:09pm 
Lo se... Maldito Steam y sus superofertas irresistibles!
DAGGS 20 Jul, 2012 @ 5:21pm 
Dejá de comprar juegos! No vas a tenér ni para la hamburguesa el viernes que viene! : P