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4.7 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
An anime game where I was invested in the story? Impossible!

The story, atmosphere, gameplay, and characters, were good. Great, even!

We rarely get anime horror games like this, so this is a lovely treat. It has no business being this damn good. I'm excited to see what updates will come to it next year.

Posted 23 December, 2024.
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36.9 hrs on record (29.0 hrs at review time)
Dead Space but as a guilty pleasure.

I really wish I could give this game a "meh" review, like a in between one, but because of the fun I've had i'll give it a thumbs up.

Dead Space 3 is a good game, but a bad Dead Space title. It has great combat, amazing atmosphere, fun characters (for the most part), great art direction, but deflates in everything else it wants to achieve.

Dead Space 2 felt like a horror game disguised as a action game, where Dead Space 3 feels like the complete opposite. Necromorph designs aren't gory or visceral, we fight humans now with a crouch, cover, and gears of war roll mechanic.. very generic.

The weapon system also squeezes the last bit of survival horror this game could have had, as every weapon shares the same ammo type and you can very easily make OP weapons within the first 3rd of the game. Chances are, EA wanted to appease a more broad audience, opting for more traditional weapons rather than the niche makeshift weapons from the previous games. Granted, they still exist in this game. You just have to make them yourself.

I like the atmosphere, gameplay, art direction, gun customization (It is FUN, just doesn't work as well as it should.), but it just is not the Dead Space I know and love.

The suits also are all purely cosmetic which is so disappointing, but damn do the actual designs of the suits go hard.

Co-op is also really fun if you have a buddy to slog through the 10-12 hour campaign with. But it's BS that there's content like full missions completely locked behind Co-op play.

Overall it's just a sad ending for the original trilogy, hopefully we'll get a more psychological horror remake of this title one day, since the original concepts were actually pretty cool.

With that said, using a pump-action shotgun on Necromorphs feels so damn good.

6.5 / 10
Posted 11 December, 2024.
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3.6 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
why is it actually so good
Posted 29 November, 2024.
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18.6 hrs on record (16.6 hrs at review time)
One of the darkest, but mature horror games I have ever played.

It has issues with crashes, but there's a charm to the graphics which aids the games incredible atmosphere. The soundtrack is also incredible with some emotional music.

A very tragic, yet beautiful survival horror game. I'd argue this game is the modern Silent Hill 2.

Posted 4 October, 2024.
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25.7 hrs on record (12.7 hrs at review time)
This game let me remember how much I love games as media, and how great it is when a game lets you be with an amazing art style, fun gameplay, interesting lore, and doesn't beat you over the head with DLC.

Indie games truly are where the heart of gaming is at the moment.

I love this game. I had genuine fun playing a video game again.
Posted 6 September, 2024.
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112.6 hrs on record
One of if not my favorite game ever made. I've spent thousands of hours playing this game, hundreds of different characters, so many adventures to be had.

Flaws and all, no game has ever came close to being anywhere near as impactful as this game was on me.
Posted 2 July, 2024.
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323.6 hrs on record (310.0 hrs at review time)
One of the few games I've ever played that I can say is "perfect." At least close to it.

The atmosphere, characters, weapons, enemy variety, maps, workshop, everything about it is S+ tier.

There's a reason this game has been out for 15 years yet still maintains a large playerbase. You are legally required to own this game if you have a Steam account.

it's $9.99 normally and a DOLLAR when on sale. There is no excuse to not have this.

I have been playing this game since I was a wee lad. Now as a 21 year old man, I love it even more.
Posted 2 July, 2024.
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40.9 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
Posted 17 May, 2024.
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6.1 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
This game gives me the feeling of a PS1 horror game that I saw in my dreams.

Meaning, it's really damn good so far in my hour and a half that i've played.
Posted 10 May, 2024.
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1.4 hrs on record
Short and sweet stalker horror game. We need more werewolf games.
Posted 9 May, 2024.
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