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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 223.7 hrs on record (194.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 22 Aug, 2016 @ 12:16am
Updated: 3 Jan, 2019 @ 4:53am

"it's a great game just not a great fallout"

lots of my friends have used this statement and I totally aggree with them.
the combat is more SHOOTY SHOOTY then in other games while it is a bit floppy the VATS system makes up for that. the world is great and if you really start reading everything and looking around you will find that the world itself is so "in depth" that you might as well be at the mariana's trench.

while the story wasn't that great I still felt immersed and had fun with it. the amount of sidequests is large so to finish the full game it will take you more than 100 hours for sure even if you didn't focus on building anything and just flew through everything and even if you used fast travel for everything after putting in that one handy command ;)

the main story itself as I said isn't that great but still takes about 20-25 hours minimum. A game you should buy if you have lots of time on your hands.

why I said it's a great game but not a great fallout is because while the game is in depth and all and very well made the storyline of fallout 4 and of fallout 3 wasn't all that great and doesn't really give you that many options to put in your own opinion or way you wanted to play like in other fallout games like for example new vegas.

I give this game an 7.9/10, reason: because it is an older engine and the graphics show that and it has a lot of bugs however it is very fun and therefor I rate it this high.
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