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The Divine Priestess of Watatsumi Island has come to aid you in your space travels! although she may not understand everything that's going on and might have problems relaying information to you, but don't be too hard on her, she's using her energy points
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Created by - I'm a Nugget
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I'm not usually the type of person that writes reviews for games, i usually don't come back to the store page for games that i buy ever, but this literal piece of art made me feel like it was my obligation to share my piece of mind about it, i'm not going to talk objectively, but more give you a glimpse of my own adventure in this game so spoilers i guess

Dark souls, i remember when a friend recommended it to me after I finished skyrim, i gave it a spin and gave up after i thought that the next place to go after fire link shrine was the catacombs, and then a couple years after i decided to buy it on steam and give it one more shot, what i didn't realize however, was that i would be set on an unforgettable adventure alongside NPCs that I loved as if they were real people, on a quest for a dying world with nothing to start but a broken sword, and that this game would genuinely change my whole mindset on life itself.

I remember the rewarding feeling i would get after dodging perfectly, after parrying an enemy for the first time, or after defeating a boss that I was stuck in, Capra demon was the first vibe check i got from dark souls and how happy I was to getting past that obstacle couldn't be put into words, seeing yourself improve by dodging at the right moment, by attacking and evading your enemies blow makes you feel stronger than your own stats, dark souls is truly an rpg that favours skill more than the numbers in your character's profile, which to me was it's selling point at the beginning, the combat was so flawless and so nicely done that you couldn't but feel proud of yourself for advancing into a new and unexplored area, how sweet was that feeling when you unlocked a shortcut to a bonfire, and how impressive was it that you realized how connected the areas are to each other, and how the level design was actually on a divine level

But none of those was what made me fall head over heels for this game, far from it the thing that made me hold this game so close to my heart was the people that lived in the game, and the rollercoaster of emotions that i felt throughout the journey because of them

I remember meeting solaire for the first time and how i fell in love with his beaming charisma and overjoyfulness, i always felt as if this world wasn't a place for him, i remember meeting with seigmeyer for the first time and aww'ing at how much of a big goofball he was, the game made me care more about these two than the actual storyline, it made me feel so much more happiness everytime i met one of them in my journey to "save" the world that i couldn't help but just take a minute or two just to listen to whatever memorable dialogue they had to say

But dark souls' world nails really hard that you're in a merciless world and that good things don't last forever, including my two favourite things in that game.

No game made me feel this attached to side characters that spoke so little, to a world with nothing that makes you smile but only the few good hearted people that eventually fell to its unfair grasp

No game made me cry so genuinely when i saw those people fall down right before me, nor made me desperetly look for a way to save NPCs from their eventual demise, but there i was, past midnight in the middle of the credit screen not accepting that goodest boy's faith as i could hear his words in my head at that time as he talked about jolly cooperation, it wasn't fair for him

And when i discovered that his faith could be changed, I went to new game +, i met him again for yet another playthrough as each words he said made me more determined on giving him back the life that the world stole from him, and when he said as how he usually get the expression i had on my face, i couldn't help but laugh as only now did i realize what he truly meant by those words, I didn't sleep on that night as that one little character had so much importance in my heart that I couldn't stop playing until i saw that he lived on, it wouldn't be right say farewell to the game like this, and so i fought on for one more time through anything that the game decided to throw at me, i summoned solaire and we fought shoulder to shoulder against the gargoyles and the two defenders of anor londo, and i felt even more determined to help him after each battle together

And when i arrived at the kiln of the first flame as the beginning of the end started, i caught in the corner of my eye a summoning sign,and lo and behold it was solaire, no second thoughts struck me as i summoned him for one more fight together as comrades, and together as comrades we entered the arena to put an end at this madness

The battle ended as yours truly and his companion came victorious, and as i slowly saw him vanish away i was smiling, i was smiling and ready to finally say farewell to this game, and when i looked through the window and saw that the sun was shinning as brightly my comrade in arms, that's when i realized that i'll never play anything like this masterpiece

I'll never forget dark souls one, not even its sequels made me feel this much attachment to this universe, nothing can compare to this, nothing.

It's a bit ironic that the game is extremely nihillistic, as the only nihillism i felt that day was that i'll never experience this journey ever again, but i'm more than glad i took part in it

Thanks for reading, stay hydrated and have a nice day.
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Khaeda 17 Jan @ 12:01pm 
u got me
FeNoRR 17 Jan @ 11:32am 
Khaeda 7 Oct, 2024 @ 6:06pm 
May allah smite you like you have smitten our chances of winning you heathen
Spooshi OG 7 Oct, 2024 @ 4:11pm 
-rep dont call me noob, u got carried allah will strike you down for lying
mope 5 Oct, 2024 @ 5:28pm 
+rep, legend sniper
rxvnormal 30 Aug, 2024 @ 10:19am 
why your pfp changed :o hope you doing well :Glow_Tulip: