Greig Willams
Greig Willams   Anar Darreh, Farah, Afghanistan
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Not actually trading anything, but look at all these sardine cans.
Review Showcase
12.3 Hours played
This game took up far too much of my time and left-hand. I missed my childs first steps because of this game. I also missed the fact that I ever had a child. He is going off to college now and I am on level 9999999. My arm is completely numb, and I cannot say that is a bad thing. Would recommend for those horny time-traveling enthusiasts.
Screenshot Showcase
Emoji collection (updated 9/10/18)
:I_am_happy: :build: :rpr: :akinBlue: :ar_earth: :ar_pill: :snowflake_ar: :dealwith: :bones: :HeroTale: :At2_Elleria: :42blocks3: :wisdomchest: :DeterminedRobot: :BeermanEmotion1: :redcrow: :torchb: :bsskull: :mygrandma: :sleeprighthere: :horse_noir: :noir_glass: :noir_knuck: :stock_noir: :KandarRage: :cavern: :smithy: :CoC_Medkit: :BabyBomber: :CosmicPlanet: :csgoanarchist: :stopping: :trafficlights: :bullt: :thepistol: :cnchg: :getin: :dcgun: :DataCore: :dhbob: :deathitem: :slowmoitem: :teleportitem: :timebonusitem: :diehard: :icedemon: :GreenMan: :HeroSmile: :RedMan: :YellowMan: :sailor: :DoDStahp: :Jamison: :djpotion: :cooldwarf: :Mdynamic: :blessyou: :E2Monique: :eotg_eye_of_horus: :malegender: :TRAK: :Pinkys: :Stonesball: :Braaaaains: :FleshEaters: :StopHammerTime: :Astonishment: :FluffyPet: :FluffyPet: :Prickly: :Bato: :MrSaw: :MrSnuggles: :FlyLlama: :PlanetVenom: :PlanetWater: :RusLang: :evilcunning: :fredisappointed: :happyfrog: :vsword: :balloon: :facepunch: :column: :gmbomb: :whitekitty: :guacpinata: :beerio: :savedisk: :hardie: :thetreeoflife: :hellslaver: :heroquesthealing: :oldmap: :hexhappy: :bum: :hoplite: :hopliteatack: :Coool: :iamcrackerbread: :iamcrackerbread: :insincere_ammo: :2018salienbeast2: :2018saliengoo1: :2018salienpsychic: :hagalaz: :kickhim_drill: :kickhim_man: :kickhim_pill: :CashDollar: :OpenTreasureChest: :linsignia: :lastsnowman: :boomer: :GreatTreasureChest: :mxteleport: :grogue: :M2H_M: :maskedcorporal: :mite: :mface: :maoihw: :XSwords: :pickuper: :mcgloves: :black_dot: :blue_dot: :green_dot: :red_dot: :spacy2: :neskull: :stuntrap: :Comedy: :OkaySir: :GoldenRider: :Ragerider: :WetRider: :WaldensRifle: :dropcat: :TheD: :_Bullet_: :paTongue: :angravi: :pashield: :LTTR: :projectstarship_smile: :111_: :NO_: :RoB_: :YES_: :Milla: :blocks3: :dblue_en: :red_en: :The_Soldier: :rt5tent: :Reset_Coin: :rrrAhoy: :skull_angry: :rbchicken: :AgentKimiko: :sakuranovareika: :sakuraspacekotori: :sakuraswimclub: :itemcrate: :spikeybomb: :stnc_warning: :hoji_smile: :SYMScoin: :cl_trngl: :yrbface: :sw_bombard: :grogue: :surprised_yeti:
CheesecakeNeko_ 14 Feb, 2018 @ 2:35pm 
Happy V-Day, loser :8bitheart:
doge 31 Jul, 2015 @ 9:04pm 
+rep dumpstered me so hard