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21.3 hrs on record (10.5 hrs at review time)
If you use Malwarebytes, you have to disable all of your protection to stop the frequent hanging and freezes. It really ruins the experience for an otherwise amazing game.

Will update if this is ever fixed.

Posted 23 May.
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46.0 hrs on record (41.4 hrs at review time)
Amazing game and devs. Highly recommend either solo or with friends. Live service where all seasons and cosmetics can be earned just by playing, the way all games should be.

*Updating my review to positive because Sony has backtracked and is no longer adding required PSN accounts. Gotta love democracy.
Posted 3 May. Last edited 5 May.
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3 people found this review helpful
131.8 hrs on record (127.6 hrs at review time)
This program has only worked on less than 10% of the games I've ran through it ever since I bought it. I understand different games handle fullscreen / window differently but I'm disappointed with how useless this has been for me. If you're considering, download the free version off GitHub first and see if it works for you.

Additionally, the recent update adding a simple dark mode overhaul to the UI which was excluded from owners who already paid for a free program and sold for $10 (more than twice the price of the alternatively free program) really grossed me out. Finding out dark mode can be downloaded for free from GitHub is nice but it raises a lot of mind boggling questions. The largest is that if you wanted to donate $10 to the dev, there is already a donation listing and a second one could have simply been created rather than gate keeping an incredibly basic feature from Steam users.
Posted 26 March. Last edited 27 March.
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4 people found this review helpful
6.4 hrs on record
Hands down one of the most fun party games I've played, really nothing out there like it! The game gets frequent updates that add new content and has one of the best dev teams I've seen from indie games! Great with a group of friends since things can get super chaotic but also a lot of fun solo with online matchmaking. You can also play with bots which is equally just as fun.
Posted 24 December, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
It's Halo 3? Buy it, what's wrong with you?
Posted 14 July, 2020.
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310.1 hrs on record (173.4 hrs at review time)
Story is boring and uninteresting. They went for a new style thats much different from GTA IV, including playing as 3 characters instead of one but in my opinion, this was a mistake. It doesn't allow you to connect with the people you play as or really feel that they are in any kind of danger. You don't have as much freedom as you did in GTA IV neither do you have similar mechanics and physics. The game plays more as a cartoon where as GTA IV felt realistic. Online is nothing but a mess and will be an awful experience to anyone just buying the game. The developers made Online more of a Pay-2-Win type where unless you drop hundreds of dollars on the game, youre gonna be working for a solid week grinding boring game modes to get a single thing you may have had your eye on and in the end, it wouldnt have been worth it. The developers are also attempting to remove all mod support for the game entirely so if you wanted this game for that, I would recommend taking your money elsewhere. You can easily find hundreds of games on Steam alone that are far better than this pile of garbage.
Posted 5 July, 2017.
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15.7 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
There's more content in a McDonalds menu then this game. Don't buy it unless it's on sale for the price of a big mac.

Insanely repetitive and get's boring 30 minutes in. $60 for this? The price is a literal joke.
Posted 14 August, 2016. Last edited 14 August, 2016.
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46.1 hrs on record (32.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
As a current free to play, I highly recommend trying this game. Gameplay wise, this game is very fun and easily addicting. There is currently no pay to win system which is great. The mechanics are fun! I do have some critisism however.

-Most maps in the game aren't designed well and some maps have a side advantage
-Bullet Registration can be very odd. You can shoot half a magazine from an M4 into someones chest at point blank and none of the bullets would register
-You start out with your 1st teir ability at the start of the game which should be earned over time instead
-Abilities that place down equipment last way too long and have too much health
-In TDM, team spawns are set to one area on each side. This makes it very easy to spawn camp in TDM (which you will spend most of your time playing since getting into a lobby with more than 2 people is impossible for the other 2 game modes)
*To fix this, spawns should be set at random locations where enemies are not near, although this can be difficult due to the size of some maps*
Posted 25 July, 2016.
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0.4 hrs on record
This game has a lot of potential and it could've been really fun, but it just isn't.

The controls are extremely difficult to get use to, it's almost impossible to drift for more than 1 second, the game doesn't really feel like it's effected by your music when your playing, and the game completely butchers any sound that has bass to it. For example, if you were to play a dubstep song (since they have a lot of bass) or perhaps a trap song, it will sound like a distorted mess. The game just can't handle any bass for some reason. A lot of the odd curves and twists will just send you into a wall or will end with a ramp without giving you enough reaction time ultimately leading to you flying off of the track and into the abyss. The vehicle customization is very frustrating. At first from the trailer, I thought you immediately started the game being able to using everything you want right off the bat. Nope. You have to buy all the cars AND each individual "paintjob" for it, since there is no real customization like I was expecting. Earning money is also annoying. Everytime you start a new song you haven't played before, it will award you with 100 credits(?). Typically you earn between 100-150 in one song. The problem is cars will cost somewhere between 1,000-10,000. The cars (at least in my opinion) don't have a very great default paintjob, so you will try to get another one. Instead of them being free, the paintjobs on the very starter car are between 1,000-7,500 (if my memory is correct). The biggest problem I have with this "buy to unlock" system is that it makes playing the game feel more like a greedy race where every time you miss money, you can't help but to think "♥♥♥♥!" while you slam into a wall 3 seconds later. Not to mention about half of the money pickups you get don't even register. It just feels like an eternity to finally get enough money to buy something. The whole "relax and play" concept is just out the window for this game, which was a thing that made games like Audiosurf fun and kept you playing and wanting to try different songs.

I really want to like this game but there's just too many problems right now. I'm probably going to refund this game, but I won't mind buying this game again if these problems are fixed.
Posted 12 May, 2016. Last edited 12 May, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
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0.6 hrs on record
TL;DR: If your buying this game entirely for it's multiplayer, don't. It's an absolute ♥♥♥♥ show. It has not aged well and is not what it used to be back in the golden days.

Multiplayer Based Review:

Vietnam DLC is NOT worth it. There is only one server with people playing on it and the server is located in Europe. If you live in the US, you will have a ping of 500+ making the only Vietnam server extremely laggy.

All servers are flooded with max level players who will use all the annoying, soul crushing strategies and tactics in a typical multiplayer FPS game. A great example is spawn camping. The spawn camping is horrible. As soon as you will spawn, you will immediately be sniped within the first 3 seconds of spawning. One time, I spawned and I was alive for 0.35 seconds. That broke a record for the shortest life I had ever lived in a video game unintentionally. Sometimes a group of friends will get in a helicopter on fly circles around your base at a certain distance that makes the helicopter practically invincible. It will rain missiles on you the moment you spawn and there is no effective way on dealing with it. Tanks cannot aim high enough to shoot the helicopter and infantry die before they can even pull out a RPG or whatever rocket launcher you have. I never lived long enough to see what it was. I may have less than an hour on record, but all of this was experienced in 30 minutes of me constantly changing servers and checking back at different times and days in hopes to fix the problem, but the problem seemed unavoidable.

*Be aware that the helpful review ratio for recent reviews is not very reliable. Fanboys will search through reviews and will down vote negative reviews. So please, do not rely on the scores of a review.*
Posted 3 May, 2015. Last edited 24 March, 2016.
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