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2 people found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
An interesting way to showcase the public on your project skills.
Realistically speaking of a project done off your own backs its impressive. To have something made in an entirely different engine feeling similar to half life is a achievement. The art direction is looking great and the level and environmental design has been well done.
I look forward to seeing what the team does with the feedback they receive from the people who have had a chance to playtest it.

The good

Needs work
the movement feels very floaty
sounds are a bit lacking
guns feel a bit stiff, i'd heavily look into black mesa's gun mechanics and trying to improve upon those.

keep up the great work! we're really in the golden age of fan creations due to the industry collapsing lol
Posted 13 November, 2024.
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20.1 hrs on record (20.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Its what I always wanted sim city to be. city building with an end game.
Posted 1 June, 2024.
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85.0 hrs on record (84.1 hrs at review time)
Not only does the game feature a fantastic coop PVE experience with deep mechanics and a great art style but it also has out of game community events
Posted 6 May, 2024.
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6.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This is how people explain being employed to me (I wouldn't know)
Posted 18 February, 2024.
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6.7 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
Short review that will be updated upon completion
Very fun
Art Direction

issues so far
had a few bugs with tabbing in and out causing money issues
making ships feels a little clunky but still possible
Posted 1 June, 2023.
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5 people found this review helpful
101.7 hrs on record (25.0 hrs at review time)
- Zealot

The Good
This game is everything I wanted vermentide to be, no rats, no crappy fantasy warhammer and especially no rats
enemies are much more appealing to fight as are the environments.
From what they've allowed us to play so far there is a good variety of missions environments and enemies along with a large array of weapons to choose from that all sound fantastic. The gore is amazing for those who love it and the soundtrack is phenomenal each class has a weakness that must be covered by another making team cohesion essential in the later ranks.
the asking price for this game is amazing in a market of £60s
lots of people complaining about it not being jam packed with content compared to vermentide 2 which has had years of updates and was infact lack-luster in its early development are crying over a lot of nothing considering this game has a great amount to offer in a completely new setting for such a cheap price (£33) during a development time where we saw many companies had to close due to Covid they have produced a great product so far. I am heavily looking forward to its full release to complete my review

The bad
I think the UI needs A LOT of tweaking, its simply un-informative in many areas particularly the stats of weapons, we need to move past this old terrible system of bar damage that leave you squinting and placing your finger nail between the bar and letters to see if the damage bar is going beyond the a in damage or is it falling behind. we need actual presentable numbers possible cone spreads and actual definitions for what the icons on weapons mean so we dont have to open up wikis to look them up. additionally we need to see what player is carrying a tomb as its currently unknown who has it which is odd as it'll tell you who has the med or ammo pack.
I think suppression needs to be adjusted a small amount as its currently awful to get essentially stun locked as 2 gunners shoot you making you unable to move and just get obliterated without being able to retaliate.
additionally cover doesn't seem to work a lot which maybe affected by the choice to allow players to choose heights.

The Ugly
Most people I know are having a terrible time due to crashes and dc's I am one of the lucky few chosen by the emperor who suffers no crashes and very infrequently have issues with connection I really hope that these issues are ironed out upon release as i'd love for this game to do well

Its a great game so far, the beta has given me 20 hours already and the beta before another 25 which should tell you how much i've enjoyed this game
there is a great amount of fun to be had in a title that is a very nice asking price for what it offers and nails the aesthetic of the 40k universe with a few small tweaks to the UI and gameplay this game will be incredible to play for a good few months and I pray that it gets the support vermentide did. I really hope that the crashing and connection issues are solve in time for the launch so that the effort put into this product can be realised.

For now I will recommend this game with a caution for those who may experience excessive crashing.

my pc specs
Intel Core i7 7700K @ 4.20GHz
24.0GB @ 1066MHz
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (NVIDIA)
Drevo X1 960GB (SSD)
I note that those with higher end g-cards capable of running ray tracing seem to be having these crashes happen more often.
Posted 20 November, 2022. Last edited 21 November, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
49.3 hrs on record (29.3 hrs at review time)
To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day

Fallout New Vegas is Obsidian Entertainment's take on the Fallout Universe which is a far more faithful adaption compared to Bethesda's past and current additions.
Set in New Vegas you play as the courier who has set out to get revenge on his would be killers.
along the way you'll meet many strange and interesting characters unlike the other titles by Bethesda

The Good
New Vegas's writing is far superior to Bethesda's in every way. It is far more akin to the superbly written characters in the First Games made by Interplay Entertainment and many of the factions can be argued on who are the "Good guys" and who are the "Bad guys" each who are a reaction to the Post Nuclear apocalypse's circumstances. Many of the characters can be spoken to in length and there are several ways to handle quest outcomes using your skill tree or looking around properly. It is probably the only recent game I have played where I've genuinely had to juggle which faction I wanted to side with and way up their pro's and con's to the world itself.

The Bad
The vanilla combat is honestly bad, The guns all feel very dated, their animations and some models don't really make much sense and on the higher difficulties many of the utilities and plans you logically make no difference, and example of this is the reaction speed of the AI. I took a chem which slowed down time for a small period and the instant I shot one of the NPC's from behind they all 180 degree turned instantly in slow motion and shot at me with perfect precision along with pretty much all of the battles on hard AI resulting in they do more damage and are massive bullet sponges which result in you mostly sitting in the corner of the room abusing a small hole to keep shooting them as they stand there. This results in a pretty underwhelming gun-play which being half the game does take away from it.

The Ugly
This game definitely has a issue with its performance and crashing, this is partly due to the time constraint they had on the game when published by Bethesda at the time with many of these issues having to be resolved with an array of mods. I'd recommend binding the save key to the mouse and saving regularly

Overall Thoughts
It's worth picking up at its usual price, its age does show but I will say that most of the faults in this game are carried by its unique quests and story writing and characters. They are interesting enough that I was willing to push past them to find out the stories unfolding as well as wanting to look up extra lore on the Wikipedia afterwards, the game absolutely benefits from extensive modding which fixes a lot of the issues it comes with.
Posted 23 August, 2022. Last edited 14 September, 2022.
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1,667.8 hrs on record (1,520.2 hrs at review time)
The story is pretty non existent unless your willing to to delve into countless forums to find out all the obscure lore, There is currently no multiplayer but you can share saves easily with other players. The graphics are really weird because when ever I look up blender game-play online the graphics look really good but my graphics are basically always cubes and blocks and i can't seem to find the options to fix that.
The actual skill progression in this game is limitless, you can learn so much just from one day of playing and if your looking up meta strats online and in forums you can improve really fast. I've not encountered any hackers on here either
Optimisation is all over the place, some levels run at 1fps while others I get hundreds.

overall for a f2p game its very fun and i have lost many hours on it
Posted 26 July, 2022. Last edited 21 July, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
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27.3 hrs on record (20.3 hrs at review time)
The end credits music is Alicia Keys - Girl on Fire
I think that's all you need to know
Posted 13 March, 2022.
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88.2 hrs on record
Boss, You killed those Children...
Posted 19 January, 2022.
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