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Análises recentes de InnocenceExorcist

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67.8 horas registradas (18.2 horas no momento da análise)
I played this game during one of the betas, and of course now. I love this game to death. The devs somehow complicated seasonal mechanics and rewards, but the game itself is fun to play. The game generally hits the spot for me when it comes to the genre.

But I am not here to talk about that unfortunately. In games, Seasons are usually made so you can either experience some drastically new content, or try new character builds (like Last Epoch). But this game won't offer any of that. The short six week cycle gets reset and all you have to do is regrind everything over again. It's literally going to be pointless to play after the first six weeks. Seasons in this game make NO sense. I just don't think the devs understand the point of seasons. So unfortunately, after the first six weeks, unless they change some of the decisions they have already doubled down on, I won't play anymore, cause it just won't be fun.
Publicada em 11 de julho.
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It's very hard to do this because it in essence is a typical FF14 game. Solid gameplay, etc etc. But the expansion is marred by the story and writing. I am not gonna say much about Wuk since plenty others have, and I don't think she is that bad. It is the weakest of all the expansions. I don''t think the bad writing/quests should be handwaved away either.

The writing and quests in this game are low quality. It's like no one in the game knows how to talk or cooperate with each other. Things would have wrapped up a lot faster realistically, but they way they chose to drag it out is beyond terrible writing.

I think half of the MSQ is just fluff that could have been taken out with no effect of the story. I know fluff is needed, but it was just too much in this MSQ. The second act of the expansion is the worst. No one is trying to actually share info or ask questions about the things they see, because for whatever reason the writers decided to save it for some big reveal later that just has no pay off because this info should have been found out sooner. I have never had a single moment in FF14, up til this point, that I needed to stop grinding MSQ and play another game to let my frustration die down.
Publicada em 1 de julho.
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7.9 horas registradas (6.5 horas no momento da análise)
A buggy mess that can make heists uncompletable. Missing basic features that were in the past games. The game doesn't even seem half assed, more like a third assed.

I like the Payday franchise, so I do want to keep liking it and playing it, but it's in a bad state right now, and the updates being pushed back might just be the death knell to an already terrible launch.
Publicada em 22 de outubro de 2023.
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297.7 horas registradas (293.3 horas no momento da análise)
Is the game perfect? No. IT has flaws and issues that need to be fixed by Bethesda and some that will inevitably fall on modder's shoulders. But will the game keep you entertained for hours upon hours? Yes.
Publicada em 21 de outubro de 2023.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
8.5 horas registradas (3.6 horas no momento da análise)
I have a few things to say about this game. The freedom this game gives is fantastic. I really do feel like some aspects of the game could use a tutorial or just have some more help with it, because it is a bit intuitive. Building is the biggest thing that I think could use more info in-game.

I know I am going to sink many hours into this game, and I think with lots of polish to make the game look better (graphics, stuttering, UI improvements) and if the dev makes sure they continue to their vision with regular updates, this may be one of the best survival crafting games on Steam.
Publicada em 2 de agosto de 2022.
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17.0 horas registradas (5.0 horas no momento da análise)
So I am gonna give this game a positive. I love it. Saying it is a successor to Final Fantasy Tactics is a bit much though. It fills a hole that Tactics left, but not all the way.


-I enjoy battle. Some disagreements with how the card and dice system work, but overall battle is smooth.
-The characters are ok. Admittedly I haven't gone too far into the story, but the characters are ok. Except Brice. She is a chickenshit.
-The art is great. I love the way everything look.


-Why do we have two RNG systems at work in the battle system? The only way you can draw cards right now is either by doing nothing for the turn or having a side action on another card. This would be solved if you could draw one at the beginning of the turn, or something like that. Then there is the dice. HO BOY I LOVE/HATE THIS. Rolling and rerolling can be really fun, but frustrating RNG wise. Then you do a reroll, and the dice hit other dice and knock them over or something. Dear lord I can deal with one RNG system in a battle, but two is terrible.
-Brice is a chickenshit.

Overall 8.something/10. Definitely a game worth your time if you enjoy a little bit of what made Final Fantasy Tactics great and a decently fun RNG battle system.
Publicada em 10 de agosto de 2017.
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0.8 horas registradas
Análise de acesso antecipado
This game is early access like Elizabeth is only the Princess of England.

-Paid DLC in an early access game
-bribing people with game content for votes in Steam awards.
-promised free content then made it into paid DLC
-poorly optimized

All around cool game concept. Poorly executed by scumbag devs
Publicada em 27 de dezembro de 2016.
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138.4 horas registradas (96.4 horas no momento da análise)
I could get lost in what I could do in this game. It truly has surpassed Harvest Mooin in terms of bneing a farming simulator.
Publicada em 23 de novembro de 2016.
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833.2 horas registradas (285.3 horas no momento da análise)
You know, people say all the time how bad of a game it is. Then they compare it to Fallout New Vega which is stupid, since it is different studios that have different ways of doing things. There are many issues with the game itself. But overall, it is a very enjoyable experience. I continue to have fun playing this game and just trying to survive.
Publicada em 27 de agosto de 2016.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
313.4 horas registradas (149.3 horas no momento da análise)
The game is incredibly fun. The AI is incredibly stupid. I should not have to kill civilians just to do a mission in stealth. I am a big fan of stealth in this game, and AI pathing just ruins is.
Publicada em 16 de outubro de 2015. Última edição em 24 de fevereiro de 2021.
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