Boil an egg
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chơi lần cuối lúc 9 Thg03
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chơi lần cuối lúc 8 Thg03
61 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 8 Thg03
hardy. 7 Thg02 @ 9:43am 
hey, can you accept?
nuc1eaR 31 Thg12, 2021 @ 8:19pm 
Merry christmas, let us remember the crusaders who in 1097 had to endure christmas outside the walls of Antioch with no food or shelter.
Thank you Bohemond, Goudfrey, Baldwin and Raymound for crushing the muslims. And thanks to Peter the Hermit as well, the genoese and venitian traders who supplied them as well as the Italians who selflessly dismantled their ships to construct siege weapons to finally take the holy city of Jerusalem.
Itz Sif 10 Thg11, 2021 @ 3:10am 
Waluigi is the ultimate example of the individual shaped by the signifier. Waluigi is a man seen only in mirror images; lost in a hall of mirrors he is a reflection of a reflection of a reflection. You start with Mario – the wholesome all Italian plumbing superman, you reflect him to create Luigi – the same thing but slightly less. You invert Mario to create Wario – Mario turned septic and libertarian – then you reflect the inversion in the reflection: you create a being who can only exist in reference to others. Waluigi is the true nowhere man, without the other characters he reflects, inverts and parodies he has no reason to exist. Waluigi’s identity only comes from what and who he isn’t – without a wider frame of reference he is nothing. He is not his own man. In a world where our identities are shaped by our warped relationships to brands and commerce we are all Waluigi.
nuc1eaR 9 Thg11, 2021 @ 2:39pm 
Chess is dead

Chess hasn't been updated in almost 200 years and it's obvious the devs have abandoned it. The greedy creators took your money and laughed all the way to the bank.

I remember back in 705 AD when chess was fun. Then they started adding stupid features no one wanted like "Castling" and "En Passant" instead of listening to player feedback and fixing game-breaking bugs. I've been complaining for YEARS about the collision-detection glitch with the horsey. The "clipping-thru-pieces" bug has been abused to death and the lazy devs refuse to fix it.

Don't support this awful behaviour and boycott this company.
SkyARC 7 Thg10, 2017 @ 8:48pm 
+rep friendly player and and good attitude. Would love to play again whenever
Hingy 6 Thg08, 2017 @ 3:43pm 
Ye :praisesun: