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97.7 timer registreret i alt
Ok it's finally time to review this game.

I played Dying Light 2 completely in coop mode with my wife, so this review is exclusively about experiencing this game with others.

Oddly enough the intro to this game was one of my favorite parts. It's a slow burning intro filled with tutorials but also amazing scenery and some nostalgia towards Dying Light 1. Upon getting through the rather lengthy beginning, you arrive in the city.

Before discussing the actual game there were quite a few technical issues I experienced with the game on launch and in the following months which sucked. For a while I suffered terrible screen tear which I finally resolved with lots of windows/Nvidia tinkering. There were quite a lot of coop disconnects at first too. Finally the coop experience is pretty strange at times with certain things. The pivotal story point progressions that award certain weapons and things aren't shared, so the guest player will always get screwed. For instance the PK Crossbow...you can't get it as a guest player. Another issue related to this is joining another person's game where the story hasn't progressed very far, or returning from a further storyline into your own results in you losing the wingsuit and other unlocked items. This problem continues into New Game + where you do keep your items and levels but all the story unlocks reset. If you wanted to fly around the first map in the beginning of the story you can't do that. I would expect New Game + to honor all the unlocks you have especially because once you DO unlock the wing suit you can fast travel back to the first map and fly around anyway.

So those issues out of the way the game itself was pretty great. Gameplay is easily the strongest aspect. Tons of parkour moves, although there were a few things missing from DL1 oddly like the slide + kick combo to break zombie legs. I loved that move and it's no longer in the game. But there are a ton of other moves you can perform. Weapons break so much you can't really get attached to any so you just pick the one with the highest damage number and durability and go from there until it falls apart. The armor system still doesn't make much sense to me as it had tons of arbitrary 1 - 10 % boosts or decreases in stats. It really seemed like mostly meaningless RPG mechanics that I never noticed but maybe that's just me.

No story spoilers - overall it was pretty good. The characters were definitely a lot stronger, but the actual storyline doesn't make much sense in my opinion. Especially the big twist at the end with who the main antagonist is...it just seems rushed and like it was quickly thrown in at the end. The branching storyline thing they touted wasn't nearly as impactful as I thought. We did 3 play throughs, one full survivor, one full PK and one a mix. The only thing that changes are the roof top bases and parkour/combat items strewn around the city. Some characters might die, or show up later, but the whole story doesn't really change. Choosing different dialogue options often result in the exact same thing happening anyway. This brings me to one of the most disappointing things: the impressive trailer we saw with the dam was actually at the end of the game, in the epilogue to be exact. And the sunken city you unlock is literally useless. It's just identical building blocks with suiciding exploding freaks running around and very little loot or things to explore. It's frankly a waste of space and mechanics and requires you to get a "bad" ending to unlock. That is the only true "city shifting" decision you can make and it's literally in the epilogue. Like I said you CAN change the appearance of the city in small ways with choosing PK or survivors but it is fairly minor. There is one story moment that does change a building in the downtown as well, but again it's not a massive change.

Despite this big disappointment though the game still has wonderful moments. Using the wing suit to swoop to other buildings or land on to zombies is glorious. Getting to the top of skyscrapers, is exhilarating. One thing they really did improve from the first game was allowing more exploration inside buildings. Most buildings you can access at least some of the floors and this makes the city a lot more realistic and rewards exploration. Even like 60 floors up a skyscraper you could find an office with a safe in it for instance. Very very cool details there. And of course there are tons of hilarious easter eggs in the game including a throwback to some beloved characters to the first Dying Light.

Overall the experience was very good, but it hasn't pulled me back over and over like DL1 did. Is that a game issue, or the fact that I'm a lot older since I played DL1? I dunno. I'll definitely check out the DLC for DL2 when it drops. But the magic of exploring the countryside from DL1 just isn't there for me to keep playing after 3 story playthroughs. But it's still a grand time destroying zombies with friends and parkouring all over the place. I rate it overall a 7.5/10.
Skrevet: 23. september 2022. Sidst redigeret: 23. september 2022.
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13 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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Best expansion for Destiny to date in my opinion. Campaign is 10/10, no filler garbage, "go do 10 public events" and it feels like a real FPS campaign. Plus the legendary difficulty is the most fun I've had playing D2 story do far with how satisfying it is to beat.

Weapon crafting is meh, promising but very half baked. The few weapons you can craft are nice but it desperately needs more features, more weapons, and less currency garbage. That said, being able to change my shotgun mag perk to assault mag without regrinding a whole new gun was incredible.

New raid is also wonderful, perfect balance of challenge and mechanics but also hordes of enemies to mow through. Attempted day 1 and actually beat caretaker lmao

Overall expansion is awesome, accompanying season is really good, most loot is great, destination is cool and I'm really optimistic for destiny's future. They also added a ton of QOL updates with the expansion, small example being free mod swapping on weapons.
Skrevet: 26. marts 2022.
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38 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
5.5 timer registreret i alt
Good old Dead Space 3... the bastard child of the trilogy but still a great game by itself. The stupid microtransactions are there but can simply be ignored, and the story DLC is worth it I think. Pretty fun coop, I've played it both solo/co-op in full (60+ hours on Origin) and it does play better coop. Not as scary, though pretty trippy with Carver experiencing unique things from Isaac during certain parts.

Hate the weapon/ammo system but the crafting is pretty neat. Can definitely make some OP crap about halfway through the game though.

Overall, Dead Space 3 is very gorgeous at times, has some sweet locations and moments, and still has the Dead Space gameplay even if the horror is dialed down. Coop games that have drop in/ drop out during the campaign are somewhat rare so this is a welcome addition. I just hope any unlikely further installments to the franchise take the best of the atmosphere/sound of Dead Space 1 and combine it with the gameplay of Dead Space 2, modern graphics, and bam, I'd buy the $h!t out of that.

Biggest complaint: they neutered Ellie's character. She was so kick butt in DS2, but her character was wishy washer and just boring in 3.
Skrevet: 28. juni 2021. Sidst redigeret: 28. juni 2021.
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17 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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29.7 timer registreret i alt (14.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Incredible game, nearly the perfect blend of horror and action. Reminds me of Dead Space 2 and how it related to Dead Space 1.

Overall the level of detail, gorgeous environments, and story are done to perfection. The combat is pretty good, while being punishing on higher difficulties if you make mistakes or don't perfectly ration materials. It's such a beautiful game, and runs very smoothly even at max settings, ray tracing, the works. However there are a few non-PC friendly decisions such as NO FOV (thankfully a mod is available), odd key bindings that can't be changed and full screen/HDR completely breaking if you alt+tab.

Overall though, wow, what an incredible game. I'd say it easily surpassed my expectations and I am doing another play through. Can't wait to see what Capcom comes out with next.
Skrevet: 23. maj 2021.
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Transmog grinding and cap is a meme, but other than that, the season is actually awesome so far.

-6 man activity that is reminds me of the Sundial since it has champions, actual mechanics, and is matchmade. Very fun so far.
-Seasonal weapons look sick and have great rolls, and I actually like some of the armor as well.
-Transmog aside, the new customization system with unlimited shaders, ability to preview your entire armor set, and the few free transmog "tokens" you get, is wonderful.
-Amazing story and lore, that you get from dialogue, cutscenes and some gameplay.
-Helm is expanded, and plus a whole new area has been added that veterans will remember.
-Chosen was a great season but this one so far is looking promising as long as Bungie tweaks some stuff. If this season got some sort of mission that would be fantastic, though I know we're getting a "new" raid so that's exciting.
Skrevet: 13. maj 2021.
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5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1.0 timer registreret i alt
Wonderful demo, game is gorgeous, runs great, feels smooth af to play. Just get rid of the timer please, I just wanted to soak up all the details and ran out of time in the castle. Oh well, very excited for the main game release!
Skrevet: 2. maj 2021.
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7 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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Doom Eternal The Ancient Gods - Part 2 (TAG2) is the final DLC for this superb game. I was expecting my mind to be blown yet again after having both the base game and TAG1 completely surpass my expectations, especially after seeing the trailers. I have beaten the main game and TAG 1 on Ultra -Nightmare multiple times because I love it that much. However, TAG2 in a nutshell is a bit mixed.

I do not agree with certain content creators that seemingly the entire DLC is bad. There are definitely some weak points that should be addressed, but at a glance TAG2 has some wonderful additions such as 3 unique, absolutely gorgeous maps, really fun parkour with meathook traversal, amazing cutscenes, and the hammer.

I really have no complaints about the maps. I love everything about the sentinel world and so map 1 I think is just baller. Lots of little details and almost feels like being in a Witcher or Skyrim place. Map 2 is also really cool, makes me think of a Metro map with demons. The final map, as a map itself, is completely fine and fits the theme really well.

I think the primary negatives of an otherwise awesome DLC are these:
-Hammer, while extremely fun to use, is simply OP. I was shocked when I realized 2 simple glory kills recharged it. I mean seriously, the thing stuns doom hunters, barons, tyrants, everything. Even airborne demons it stuns. It kind of breaks the game in this form. You can even stun a Marauder with it and kill him in one phase which makes them very weak targets now.
-Shorter overall length of the DLC, it just simply doesn't take as long to play through as TAG1
-The elite guards are very poorly made. One single shot from anything makes them explode like a pinata. They have no unique animations and you can't use any of your skills on them as a single plain punch takes them out. This enemy is extremely disappointing and the only thing that makes sense is the team simply didn't have time to make them a unique foe so made them running meatbags.
-Music is still really quiet, though it is incredible (some of the songs surpass Mick Gordon, imo)
-Final boss is frankly, boring. Only one way to attack him and it can sometimes take 2 minutes for him to open up at all. It's completely random and you can't even predict when he will launch his counter-able attack, unlike a Marauder.

Now, these are personal comments below, that are completely subjective:
-I wish we got to see more sentinels in action. The cutscene of invading Hell hyped me up possibly more than any other game or movie has. And the combat backdrop of the final level is incredible. But I wish I got to fight alongside other sentinels, as watching them in the distance you just see them get wrecked by explosions or shredded by normal zombie soldiers. I was hoping to see some sentinels kick some serious demon ass. I guess the mech made up for it though, wrecking the Titan.
-I wish there were more enemies and/or harder encounters. The only encounter that really gave me much issue was the 2nd escalation encounter on World Spear. I wish they found a way to keep more enemy spawns on Nightmare while decreasing the count for lower difficulties.

Overall this is a good DLC release, especially compared to DLC for other games. But there are some glaring weak points I hope ID can rectify. I don't think they ruined the game at all, and I don't feel like they are pandering to casuals. Ultra-Nightmare will still be a decent challenge on TAG2, and I have the satisfaction of beating TAG1 pre-nerf on UN. There are some legitimate problems with the actual content. There is also the question of the lore twists they add (which I won't spoil). PERSONALLY I do not like them as it feels like they pulled a Terminator Dark Fate where the twist completely invalidates all the previous lore. But that is also subjective, I've seen some people say they love it.

Anyway that's all I have to say, I wish the DLC was as incredible as TAG1 and while it's still a very awesome expansion I'd rate it at 8/10 instead of an easy 10/10.
Skrevet: 23. marts 2021.
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28 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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Best silver deal and you can gift it to people. Buy it and show a multi-million dollar company how much you care!
Skrevet: 9. februar 2021.
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65 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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46.3 timer registreret i alt (13.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
What a great game to relax and just explore with. It's got a lot going on, with learning language, crafting, surviving, building, etc. But just appreciating the journey makes it fun. Coop works perfectly, wife and I love playing it. We're playing it off and on, still definitely want to play it more. So far from what I've seen there is a lot to do and it's in far better shape than when it launched. Plus, it's downright gorgeous. I just need to figure out how to build vehicles...
Skrevet: 16. december 2020.
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56 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
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Destiny 2: Beyond Light has a lot of components that are mostly good, which I will summarize with a list:

-Absolutely stunning location (Europa)
-Chilling and atmospheric soundtrack
-Challenging and fun patrol zones, with roaming world bosses and random events besides official "public events"
-Unique and fun lost sectors, with very challenging legendary versions
-Epic campaign and cutscenes, though it is short
-Post campaign missions and (so far) an exotic quest
-For this version (DLC + season) you get the No Time to Explain, a powerful and fun pulse rifle
-Much more lore and story delivered via dialogue, which is nice for players who don't want to read all the lore books
-Stasis subclass, at least for Titan, is satisfying to use and so far seems to be a pretty decent option with practice
-New Light experience is vastly improved ( I played through it in full) that actually does a great job of introducing you to the gameplay and mechanics, at least far more than the previous New Light experience
-Cosmodrome is a cool location as well, not very much going on there, but as someone who didn't play D1 it was neat to explore
-A few new enemies
-Some great QOL improvements such as being able to fast travel during a patrol, UI updates
-The Europa armor looks badass
-The seasonal exotic shotgun is a really great weapon, useful and sounds amazing

-On the surface, there is not much to do in this DLC with a 3-4 hour campaign storyline for casual PVE players
-Nearly all guns and armor have been sunset and cannot be used anymore including Forsaken and Shadowkeep loot (currently still paid DLC)
-Nearly all weapons that AREN'T sunset can't be obtained anymore such as Season of Dawn/Worthy guns
-A paltry amount of loot in the CURRENT season
-Any obtainable loot is mostly reskinned guns
-PVP is a mess balance wise with Stasis, though I have yet to dip my toe into that insanity

The only reason I'm not rating this down is the Season mission begins soon and I am anticipating more loot to come soon with the Raid and hopefully a reversal of the Forsaken/Shadowkeep sunsetting. But it's Bungie so who knows. Overall I'm liking the DLC and there is a lot to do and explore, but once again the design decisions have marred an otherwise great expansion.
Skrevet: 15. november 2020. Sidst redigeret: 15. november 2020.
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