Junior of the McSenior
변효인 ( 효인 워커 )   Taegu-jikhalsi, Korea, Republic of

"Do you like hurting other people?"

Look, it's gonna eat me alive as it keeps coming back up, but I never once looked back to say that dating you was ever a mistake. I've told you numerous times that I loved you, I'd never thought of you as someone I settled for less, and never would have dated you just for myself to be "taken". I've been taking pain pills and going to therapy because if I had finished myself off, I wouldn't be the world's biggest victim player. I plan to be better, and I hope you can too. Don't spread lies that I haven't loved you enough because if I truly didn't, I would have left you long long time ago. Every day, every second felt like my world as fulfilled, live a happily ever after with new friends who I endeared to be close to me. If you can't accept that I did indeed love you, then what's the point of fighting an endless war? Goodbye, as you were my number one partner.
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272 Hours played
Like, imagine. You are beginner at a game and you don't have much other than couple perks unlocked, no real add-ons for killers or the items, or offerings right? So put that person in 4 different person (including killer if they were in survivor team) who has more experience and better perks and knowledge of the game, to create nothing but a toxic cloud for anyone.

Literally games upon games where I don't play my main killer because the devs think it's funny to make me play non-main killers for daily BP quests, I don't have perks, don't have add-ons, don't have literally anything to fight the survivors with Dead Hard / Decisive Strike / Borrowed Time / Spine Chill or Premonition / Boons / Offerings that dictate the fate of you being able to kill everyone OR be able to not kill anyone.

Think about it: Four perks- and three survivors have three own perks- thirty three survivors. Doing the math the survivors have NINETY NINE unique perks. And from that 99 they have a good handful of 10.

This game, whether been out for 6 years or not, still unbalanced and not fun to be a killer. Do not get it unless if you want to bully more killers for not having the right perks or add-ons to be a decent killer without Hex: No One Escapes Death.
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last played on 30 May
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The United States of America. 16 May @ 12:13pm 
[KOR] Hong-Gil-Dong🔞 23 Jan @ 2:58am 
잘 오셨습니다.!
Zooming Zoroark 89 6 Jul, 2022 @ 5:46am 
Junior of the McSenior 20 Jun, 2022 @ 12:36pm 
no I don't think I will
TFalkon 18 Jun, 2022 @ 10:08pm 
Yknow what I'm just gonna stop commenting, and you should too. I believe you were pretty upset over the 2 words I spewed at you from the beginning and I can tell your going to defend your ego at all costs. Bye bye buddy
Junior of the McSenior 18 Jun, 2022 @ 9:49pm 
Maybe if you truly wanted to have a constructive comment the first thing is to not say dumbass things that start the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fire, but I get it, you're still young, maybe have a little more of your mamma's delicious milk before you talk to me. Take your little nap so you can calm down. But at the end of the day you're still a little critter and I'm just an amphibian. I don't play the dumb game enough to care anyway so why are you still commenting on my profile? Clearly someone's got a heavy obsession on me