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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 608.2 hrs on record (6.6 hrs at review time)
Posted: 29 Jun, 2019 @ 3:48am
Updated: 29 Mar, 2021 @ 7:31am

Star Wars Battlefront
The name alone brings back the nostalgic memories;
🔹 The unmistakable bleeping as it zooms into the map,
🔸 Engaging in dogfights around Bespin's floating platforms,
🔹 Playing the single player Campaign,
🔸 Destroying the Rebel base on Hoth with an AT-AT,
🔹 Storming the beaches of Kashyyyk,
🔸 Playing as a Mute female character for the Rebellion,
🔹 Taking down an AT-AT with the the Harpoon and tow cable,
🔸 Accidentally getting eaten by the Sarlacc pit,
🔹 Destroying the Techno Union ships,
🔸 Misjudging a jump on Kamino and falling in the drink,
🔹 Loitering in the Main Menu to listen to some of the best Music composed,
🔸 Having your AT-ST destroyed by an Ewok Log trap [the shame],
🔹 Zooming around the map as a Drodika,
🔸 Crashing your Speeder Bike into a tree on Endor, oops,
🔹 Trying to deal with the unkillable Jedi/Sith Heroe's,
🔸 Dodging falling fighters as the AI bail out when reinforcements drop below 30,
🔹 Flying over everyone as a Clone Jet Trooper,
🔸 Knocking AI off the Bespin platforms,
🔹 Killing Tusken Raiders knowing they will be back, and in greater numbers,
🔸 Swooping in behind enemy lines to cheekily capturing a Command Post,
🔹 Stealing an unmanned enemy vehicle,
🔸 Blowing up the Shield generator on Endor,
🔹 Watching the mating rituals of Starfighters on the Bespin landing pads,
🔸 Commanding allied troops, to Follow, Hold or Move out,
🔹 Finding Solo in Jabba's Palace frozen in Carbonite,
🔸 Sniping enemy out of Ground & AA turrets,
🔹 Killing overgrown teddy bears, I mean Ewoks,
🔸 Setting off an explosion in the water to see dead fish rise to the surface,
🔹 Playing as the CIS [before the droids got weird personalities],
🔸 Wrecking the enemy's front lines with an Orbital strike,
🔹 Accidentally killing a Jawa,
🔸 Playing as a Wookiee with a Bowcaster,
🔹 Hunting down the last enemy troop, like some deadly game of hide 'n' seek,
🔸 Fighting through the tight corridors of Cloud City, open plains of Naboo, the dense forests of Endor & the streets of Mos Eisley,
🔹 Visiting the Cantina, if for nothing else the great music,
🔸 Piloting: X-Wings, Y-Wings, Tie Fighters & Bombers, Snowspeeders, Geonosian Starfighter, Cloud Cars, LA-AT Assault Gunships, Jedi Starfighters, Vulture-class droid Starfighters & Droid Gunships,
🔹 Riding: Kaadu & Tauntaun [if it doesn't freeze before the first marker],
🔸 Driving: AT-AT, AT-ST, AT-TE, IFT-X (Saber Tanks), Combat Speeders, AAT's, STAP's, Spider Walkers & those crazy wheeled Hellfire-class Droid Tanks.
🔹 That sense of euphoria as you liberate/conqueror the Galaxy, before you start it all over again.

Battlefront was and still is a fantastic game, and although it has ages it has done so rather well.
Yes there are a few modern things that I miss and the graphics could do with an overhaul, but considering it is now 15 years old, and it still provides a challenge, and more importantly loads of fun, I see very little reason not to relive our childhoods playing this Legendary title once more.

For the Republic, for the Empire, for the Rebellion and Roger Roger.
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Meesagotbombad 24 Jun, 2022 @ 9:23pm 
“Killing tuskens only to have them return in greater numbers” we’ll played sir
Rachaninov 21 Mar, 2020 @ 4:42am 
Can relate to all that lolz!
Arnold J. Rimmer BSc, SSc. 24 Sep, 2019 @ 1:48am 
Got to laugh at that bleeping review. That moderator should be banned LOL :steamfacepalm:
AleK 22 Sep, 2019 @ 2:47pm 
how the hell did that bleeping review get banned lmao
SwatB2 21 Jul, 2019 @ 7:46pm 
Well said good sir, you pretty much just summed up my childhood. Respect!!!
Bam Bam: Space Wizard 20 Jul, 2019 @ 6:23pm 
this is the best review of anything ive ever read. thanks for sharing all the little feels. u got me