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Recente recensies door DefNotBearington

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1-10 van 36 items weergegeven
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2.0 uur in totaal
Just Sub-par, multiple issues makes the battles not fun or tactical. 4/10
Geplaatst 6 juni.
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42.3 uur in totaal
I bought this game with fond memories of Evil Genius 1. I refrained from purchasing it until recently when it was on special due to the poor reviews surrounding the initial release

I enjoyed this game for the first 30 or so hours. I got my moneys worth. I even think that for those 30 hours, I enjoyed it more than Evil Genius 1. Unfortunately, due to the way the game is designed, it does not foster near the level of replayability or experimentation that was present in the original.

- Most traps and loot do not explain what kind of damage or how much will be inflicted, which is a fundamental part of the way the game plays.
- Navigating the world map becomes a chore VERY quickly, and ease of access things that you would expect from a modern game are absent, eg: clicking on an objective in your objective list taking you to the map event
- Complete lack of mod support
- Most of the DLCs are overpriced for what they do at best, and at worst add tedius busywork with no upside.
- DLCs also suffer from not explaining what things actually do in the tooltips (even the external wiki, which is better, is missing information that should be in the tooltips)

The straw that broke the camels back for me was a mission where I had to get agents to drop listening devices into my lair for a mission, but even leaving my game playing at maximum speed for hours, they never would.
Geplaatst 14 april.
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37.1 uur in totaal
Got a solid roughly 10hrs out of this in co-operative with a friend in co-operative.

Good solid fun if youre into this type of game.
Geplaatst 5 februari.
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21.1 uur in totaal (3.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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The three stooges try to work and get hunted by SCPs

This is great fun for a group of friends. Has the classic survivalish resource hunt gameplay, with horror elements. Also is incredibly goofy.

This game seems to be great for generating genuine (good) horror movie moments with having people get hunted in interesting ways by new monsters.

Give it a look on youtube for some gameplay, then find your friends to play with.
Geplaatst 26 november 2023. Laatst gewijzigd 26 november 2023.
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28 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
21.8 uur in totaal
Is the game Fun for the first 3 or four hours?

Past this point it becomes a grind. No story missions. No real character development. youve virtually experienced all there is in terms of weapons or attachments. The core mechanics are good. The game has good bones. But once you have cleared one or two areas, and youve learnt all the basic mechanics, all that is left in game is to clear more areas. With the same mechanics. Again.

To make matters worse, the game certainly FEELS like theres more mechanics there, but they never materialise.

This was so close to being a great SRPG, but unfortunately falls short, which is disappointing
Geplaatst 18 september 2023.
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6 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
29.7 uur in totaal
The best analogy I can give for this is like trying to eat cereal without milk.

The story is so dry, and given without any emotion. The battles are OK, but nothing to write home about, and the interaction between your characters is super lackluster - likely due to the fact you create all of them.

All of these bar the story would be forgivable, but when the story is bad, I have a hard time trying to motivate myself to come back and play the campaign. Maybe the homebrew campaigns are better, but I highly doubt it. I tried really hard to motivate myself to play this, but I dont have unlimited time to play games.
Geplaatst 12 augustus 2023.
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76.2 uur in totaal (18.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Super fun deceptive game. Has a couple of fun playstyles, but will always devolve into a shootout.

Definately worth the price of admission provided the playerbase holds (check the player numbers)

EDIT 8/05: Player numbers are now low enough that short of more DLC or making the game free to play, or some other large change to get more player numbers, that latency in game seems to be an issue.
Geplaatst 1 mei 2023. Laatst gewijzigd 7 juni 2023.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
16.5 uur in totaal (16.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is a good game. Not Great.

For the price, the gameplay loop needs some work that it doesnt seem like the developers are going to put into the game. The game lacks features to make maps truly unique once youve seen the tricks most people are using. Currently, the game is great for the first 10 hours, then you fairly rapidly see the end of new content.

The DLC pack is salt in the wound, as it allows players to make use of blocks very close in colour to the traps, which appears to be counter to the in game designs against letting you disguise your traps. If you can pay money to get background blocks that look like traps, why cant I repaint the traps?

The lack of any way to distinguish between "fun and challenging" and "room of pain" makes finding maps to complete frustrating. I have seen some really cool and unique levels that players have made, but there needs to be a way to "downvote" crappy content or move it to a difficulty beyond brutal.

If the developers make an effort to add more content to the game, then the pricing makes sense. As it is, it needs a reduction in price, or more content. There are some other issues with the game that need visiting, -constant need to change locations resulting in revisiting the (reasonable, but frequent) load times.
Geplaatst 19 april 2023.
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Een ontwikkelaar heeft op 27 apr 2023 om 9:03 gereageerd (reactie weergeven)
7 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
9.9 uur in totaal
The battles seem really repetitive and without any real overall strategy. The story seems fairly generic to the point that I have no real motivation to finish it.
Geplaatst 6 december 2022.
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1-10 van 36 items weergegeven