DaFiren Maughan   United States
Holo! I'm DaFiren!
I'm a beat boxer and live streamer who fell apart due to the stress of pretending to be a man without realizing I was pretending. But I decided to live as a woman in 2024 and I mustered the last strands of my will to live and threw them towards that goal. I started GAHT (gender affirming hormone treatment) and within 6 minutes I could feel the dam that kept the happiness I was supposed to feel from any activity or achievement since I was about 8 or 9, crumble to dust. I've learned how to smile again. I enjoy doing things again. My memory is recovering and I'm no longer thinking about bolting for the final exit door, constantly. I started T blockers at the start of 2025 and instantly stopped having 3 hour long rage fits upon waking up that would only end once the temperature of my brain feels likes the sun and it's like a flash bang went off in my mind.

I finally feel like I know something concrete about myself where before I constantly looked at my own body as a foreign entity, a prison that tells a lie to those around me. I know now why I've always felt the ways I have. I am a woman. I have been a woman. I will always be a woman. Regardless of if I keep the beard or not. Who I am is not up for debate. If you want to get to know me, I love telling my stories, even the horrific, gruesome, disgusting and/or embarrassing. I love talking things through in a somewhat disconnected way but my family has never understood how to talk about things without the full weight of their emotions. I've been punched in the face repeatedly over whether or not cheap, dehydrated ramen was by definition, actual ramen. So I'm pretty sick of people thinking a difference in opinion is always a direct attack at that person.

There are times where a difference in opinion can lead to a direct attack... like how when people who believe trans people aren't real, go and misgender me on purpose causing the people around them, regardless of their beliefs on the matter, to think that maybe I identify as such, which I don't, therefore requiring me to go around setting the record straight every time they open their mouths to talk about me.

My about me was too long to put here so here's a link.

About Me.
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269 hrs on record
last played on 17 Mar
66 hrs on record
last played on 17 Mar
0.8 hrs on record
last played on 17 Mar
Blankz_ 30 Jul, 2022 @ 7:31pm 
Blankz_ 14 Jan, 2022 @ 7:14am 
DaFiren 27 Apr, 2021 @ 5:31pm 
Oh but I can.
DaFiren 29 Jun, 2020 @ 6:41pm 
Blankz_ 29 Jun, 2020 @ 12:18pm 
Next beat saber pro player
Blankz_ 14 Jun, 2020 @ 3:13pm 