TTV Crimson Raven 14
mahmoud-zaqoot   Palestinian Territory, Occupied
الغراب القرمزي :steamsalty: Long live Palestine
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.
Malinovyy Voron, Moonlight helps me see how pathetic you are.
LVL 26 :sadMio::paperheart:
weird and nerd :bbtagruby:
chaotic neutral :hcs_lillian:
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7.8 hrs on record
last played on 30 May
3,634 hrs on record
last played on 30 May
8.1 hrs on record
last played on 28 May
NONCHQUEEN.TTV 27 May @ 4:36am 
@Royal Ripper get life alone crybaby,and free advice for you-if you see us in loby just dc bcs you are not that level to kill anyone from us,and know one thing we were laughing at you so hard that day you are way to unskill,who you blaim you are worst than noob ,EZZZ again and for future too EZZZZZZ now time to cry 1,2,3 start!
TTV Crimson Raven 14 27 May @ 2:08am 
@Royal Ripper who told you you are human ? you are way stupid to be human also I know cool story I'm amazing and great, downed 3 times to save my team worth it it still does not mean ♥♥♥♥ while you could not kill only one person, it's easy to counter you are just again stupid you only hooked me once because you are too dumb can't counter sabo, of course you are worse everyone will see in the video that I will post today about your game you can never kill me so go cry about it and learn how to play again, I'm better than you way better than you and I can loop you 5 gens any day of the week
Royal Ripper 27 May @ 1:48am 
cool story trash
anyways again, since you seem to be bit slow when it comes to communication with humans-
didn't you yourself said you got downed 3 times ? and got saved by sabo ?
remind me , how many hook stages is needed for a kill ?
You claim im so much worse , yet you were supposed to be dead
you couldn't outplay somone who you claim is so trash at the game
Then how trash are you ?
TTV Crimson Raven 14 27 May @ 1:46am 
@your habbibi he is just so stupid and so angry we destroyed him so he came to cry here with his lies and I still have the stream of his stupid play I will post it and share it here so everyone can see how stupid he is and how he like to cry like a little girl XD
TTV Crimson Raven 14 27 May @ 1:44am 
@Royal Ripper 3 gen loop and got hooked once mean I won lol also you didn't kill me you are too low to do that I tbagged you at the gate while I escaped I can send you the video to laugh at yourself XD you are trash you didn't kill me and only hooked me once after I destroyed you your playtime your problem not mine, your perks were all gen regression and still lost that say a lot about how noob you are, crying about my perks and you are using meta perks all you are good at is crying like a little girl, none of us had overpowered build you are just noob even if I was perkless I will be overpowerd to noob like you XD sabo is the most easy thing to counter learn how to play you dumb ass, we didn't struggle at all you tried so hard just for 1 kill sad to be you I was laughing while playing with bot like you we saved everyone it was easy 3 win, learn how to kill instead of crying like a little ♥♥♥♥♥
your habbibi 27 May @ 1:42am 
@Royal Ripper over powered build?? we didnt even have toolbox or any ''gen rush perks'' are u that blind u learn how to play EZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ