Beep-boop, maggots!
I keep in my friend list ONLY REAL LIFE friends or a nice person that I added by myself.
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Lil' info about who tf I am and just 2 links
Name: Ты кто eбaть?
Age: >0
Gender: Monsieur en sait long sur les perversions
Country: That one gоddаmn country

Just your average 3D hobbyist. But I suck at animations, making face flexes and eyetracking to work with Source. I hate that engine sometimes. Also a med student, becoming Medic main irl.


Some other places where you can find me.
DeviantArt []- Isn't it obvious? If not, my artworks will be uploaded here too.
BSky []- Artworks, WIPs, my thoughts (maybe?).
Gamebanana []- Mod making (retired from modding).

My TF2 playstyle
Average Scout - I'm about to drop this man's whole ubercharge!
Ex-Soldier main - I HAVE A SHOTGUN.
50/50 Pyro - No u.
Can't aim ♥♥♥♥ Demoman - 0.01% hits, it's true.
Roaming Heavy - I ALSO HAVE A SHOTGUN.
Emotional Engineer - I may overreacted over my destroyed sentry.
Medic main - Yes we exist.
Ultra-super-duper trash Sniper - Luck always beat skill.
Brain dead Spy - Stock revolver enjoyer.

Favorite Games:
- TF2 (occasionaly playing something other than MvM);
- Terraria (Only with my friends or solo);
- L4D2 (Only with my friends or solo on Expert);
- HL & Portal;
- DooM;
- The Binding of Isaac;
- Ori;
- Hotline Miami;
- Silent Hill 1-3;
- Amnesia;
- PAYDAY 2 (Only solo);
- Deep Rock Galactic;
- WH40K Spacemarine II.

Softwares I use:
- Blender - 3D modelling;
- SFM - Posters, artworks, etc;
- Crowbar - Compiling/Decompiling;
- GIMP - Images and Textures editing (Adobe sucks);
- Substance Painter - Textures painting;
- Audacity - Sound editing.

For traders
I'm not a trader and not going to sell my items. So DON'T EVEN TRY TO ADD ME FOR TRADING!

And (NOT) dear scammers, I know who you are and don't try to fool me. I'm not an idiot. Also, scammers/cheaters/exploiters sucks.
Витрина мастерской
"In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war." Warhammer Space Marine for Heavy 2025 March 14 Update Mark III "Iron" armour added Reworked pauldrons decals, can be painted BLOOD RAVENS ARE NOT INCLUDED THEY STOLE THE TEXTURES But seriously, i
Оценок: 198
Создано: ChoEv
Витрина мастерской
Витрина мастерской
Витрина избранных иллюстраций
Killing Fortress II
168 9 13
Витрина избранных иллюстраций
Meet the Offense
219 6 11
Витрина иллюстраций
Steel Grinder
117 6 7
Витрина иллюстраций
Digital Immortality?
122 6 8
Любимая игра
1 859
Часов сыграно
Любимая игра
3 155
Часов сыграно
Недавняя активность
1 823 ч. всего
последний запуск 22 мар
17,3 ч. всего
последний запуск 22 мар
163 ч. всего
последний запуск 22 мар
ChoEv 14 мар в 6:02 
Orks - nah, not in this year for sure
Chaos Marines, at very last, I've planned them at 7-8th warhammer related releases divided by Chaos Gods and Chaos Undivided

More details are here, at my Bsky post
Frost the polarian fox 13 мар в 9:44 
last question i swear: i know you won't make all of the races from warhammer 40k in tf2 style but do you plan at least to on making chaos space marines? since you allready made a space marine armor model it could be possible. also are orcs possible? it would come handy to have orcs and goblins for tf2 sci-fi and fantasy settings
ChoEv 12 мар в 17:53 
I do planned them, but it's not a top priority rn

And please stop asking me, I'm not some deity who can finger snap the model outta nowhere, its pretty tiring to see these requests frequently nowadays, especially when my mind is overloaded with tons of ideas and irl problems
Frost the polarian fox 12 мар в 13:49 
Do you have plans for tactical Pyro, Engineer, Demoman, Spy and Medic model soon? i'm getting very impatient to have a full model set of the whole team just to make a group photo artwork
stlsf4003 8 мар в 20:26 
Right, this is gonna be an odd question, and I know you model primarily for SFM, But do you know of any are there any GMod TF2 maps that wouldn't look out of place with your realistic TF2 ragdolls and equipment?

I haven't yet found any traditional TF2 maps in Gmod or the Workshop that complement the less cartoony TF2 assets that have been showing up these last few years.
mikeybrikey 5 мар в 12:48 
yoo hello i was wondering if it'd be okay if i make the dismemberment cannon model you made and make it casual compatible? i added some of my own sound effects i made to it as well