Casey   United States
This is my official steam account, I accept most friend requests except spam bots. My YT channel is here, I'm currently at 16,754 subscribers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgMsOApdoOA5J5fkrx_kbiA
I apologize if I DC, I probably just don't like how the match is going.
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Second Prestige 100 Jake Park Ever on PC 10/26/2022
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Information About Me
:papyrus: About Me :sans:
:Star_Z: Age 18 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ:myidea: Birthday December
:Star_Z: Language: Englishㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ:puamoney: Youtube: Bub8les
:Star_Z: Registered in Steam since 2014ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ:pencilproj: Active User
:Star_Z: Frequent Evening Online ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ:yiingyang: Music Lover

:thehook: Steam :whiteward:
Spending almost all my time here, playing whatever games my friends want me to play. Got Steam because of Telltale's The Walking Dead back in 2014 and now I use Steam everyday. This Steam account is worth $2600+ and I don't plan on selling it ever. It's just too good.

:isimoon: Want to play with me? :hole:
I mostly avoid playing with steam friends besides my actual friends, sometimes i'll join a game with some people, even with DBD. I'll usually play solo queue just because i enjoy having new teammates, Plus it does get boring with god swfs where the killer stands no chance or joining a swf and its like 2 hour people wanting the 4 digit hour person to carry.

Sorry everyone if this upsets you at all.

:legendary_weapon: Gaming :spadetool:
:thehook: Dead By Daylight (playing since 2016)
:crate: Team Fortress 2 (playing since 2015)
:GDDemon: Geometry Dash (playing since 2014)
:kenny: The Walking Dead (playing since 2014)
:chainsaw: Left 4 Dead 2 (playing since 2013)
:p2wheatley: Portal 2 (playing since 2012)
:steamthis: Minecraft (playing since 2011)

:happy_yeti: Links :dazed_yeti:
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Overall Summary
I'm just some guy who got Steam back in 2014, I don't play to win, but it still feels good to win. Don't take what I say personally. I try to not be toxic but not everyday is my best day. I'm not that bad of a person, I like making content for others. The last decade I've been making Youtube videos to make my fans happy. Even if no one watches my videos the second its uploaded. It makes me happy that someone someday will watch it and make them happy or laugh. I play too much Dead by Daylight and Team Fortress 2. Most of my friends are from Dead by Daylight. I met my best friend on Dead by Daylight and that is what makes me love the game so much. Also I mess around on Rainbow Six Siege but I like messing with people so I'll keep my name private on there. That's everything I should say or want to say. Have a good day! or if not, cry about it.
Video Showcase
Last Breath the Musical Remastered
59 5
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The Last Straw With Lyrics | ULB: Renewed
5 2
Review Showcase
9,522 Hours played
If I were to rate Dead by Daylight out of ten, it'd be around 8.5/10. I've been playing the game since the first month and at that time it was about a 10/10 cause i loved the idea of the game when it first started. I've been playing Dead by Daylight since the 1st month of it being released.

Dead by Daylight right now is top selling in horror and it has a good reason.
1. It has added a bunch of scary killers along with movie killers.
2. The maps make the gameplay more scary with the OST and the sound effect.
3. The game itself is scary but for those who have played as long as me don't get scared often.
4. Blood and Gore in the game with amazing mori's showing off the killers final act on a survivor.
5. The thought of being trapped forever suffering from the entity while you try and escape but there isn't a real escape out.

Dead by Daylight isn't perfect, but it's far from bad. The game just needs to lay off updating the game with DLC's, and focus more on fixing the bugs in the game itself. My opinion for Behaviour is still stop giving us new DLC's every 3 months since it's just adding more bugs such as when console people couldn't play the game for like a week without major lag and crashes.

I've been playing dead by daylight 1/3 of my life and almost reaching 6000 hours shows that I enjoy this game still, yes i hate the game sometimes, but it's a love-hate relationship. If you want to buy this game, please buy it. It's a fun horror game, since they added perks, killers and survivors can have different builds which can make this game last forever. (even though there isn't a story mode in this game.)

Yes, I believe this game is good and dare I say "PRETTY GOOD JOB SO FAR." but this is where i met my best friend of 4 years and i don't think i could give up this game. I've put a lot of my time into this game and I've been accepting the new things Behaviour adds into the game. Please buy this game if you have the money, I promise, it's worth your $20 or however much the game is.

I understand those who disagree with me, and you all can make good points, but this is my opinion and I stand by it. Have a good day to those who read this review and good night.

Edit: After 7.6K hours, still a fun game. Got burnt out doing P100 but I'm back on the grind. Hoping to hit 9,000 before end of 2023.
Review Showcase
1,708 Hours played
Giving Left 4 Dead 2 a rating out of ten is an easy 9/10. I started playing back in 2013 on the Xbox 360 when that was popular. The amount of times I can hop on the game and play for hours is insane. I don't play it as much as games like Dead by Daylight, but you can easily have fun playing with the randoms in your matches. I love the characters in both games with their dialogue being hilarious at times.

I mostly stick to campaign as it's just my comfort game-mode. Versus is good, but the amount of teammates I get who are every man for themselves or just got the game is almost each time I get on. I just say, "f*ck it" and stick with campaign. My personal favorite map is Dark Carnival. Second goes to Dead Center as it's just a simple but fun map.

I love each character as Valve didn't give us like one clear winner, all eight have their own unique dialogues and how they act towards the others. I was so grateful in 2020 when we got all the deleted dialogues for characters like Rochelle, her character was so dull from 2009-2020 but with all these new jokes and lines, she's up there with characters like Coach and Ellis.

Let's get to characters, Ellis is my favorite of all time. Any chance I can get, I'll pick him just so I can feel like I'm him. I love Ellis so much that I'm considering getting the tattoo he has on his right arm whenever I can afford the price of getting a tattoo.

If you EVER consider buying this game, I heavily encourage you to get it. Hell, if you read this far in my review. Leave a comment on my profile saying you read through and I'll buy you the game if you don't own it to show my appreciation. (Limiting to just 1)

All of Valve's games in the early days of steam are just amazing, Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, & Left 4 Dead. It's insane how great they are and the replay ability you can have playing. Each teammate you get is a brand new person to laugh at when they fall off a cliff, Each tryhard is a new, "How far can we beat the level?" Every team player is a new, "I love this guy to death, I would die for him if I could." The list keeps going. I love playing this game and I met a lot of dope people. Even one that I commented on their profile for 5 years because they went offline on their account and never came back. Only to get added by them from another account years after he left.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and much as I had writing this. Thank you, and have a great rest of your day!
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Favorite Guide
Created by - Bub8les
40 ratings
Here is the ultimate guide for Left 4 Dead 2! We will be covering many topics about the game such as: - Survivors - Campaigns - Weapons - Infected - Versus - Difficulty Check out left4dead.fandom.com if you want to see more info about Left 4 Dead 2. Anyway
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