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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,595.5 hrs on record (1,068.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: 7 Oct, 2015 @ 10:28am

I've been playing this game for almost three years now and while it has had its ups and downs it's slowly settling in becoming stable, well-balanced and recieving rather frequent and good updates,

I don't know how to review this game in a coherent way over Steam as the review section is mostly used for one-liners or jokes. But to sum up quickly:

Excellent shooter if you're playing organized with a friend or more, alternatively actively try and find some in-game guys to play with. Playing alone can be tedious, as it puts so much more pressure on your performance and there's no guarantee anyone will be around to help you.

Game also hosts proximity VOIP which adds to spontanous teamplay and local communication alot.

Guns are fairly tightly balanced and getting better all the time, there's no pay-to-win element as the only upgrades that are straight up character upgrades [like carrying more ammo or getting faster shield recharge] cannot be bought for money and all custom weapons are side-grades - default weapons are the default and are solid at all ranges and all tasks but excel in none.

Lots of customization that lets you and your outfit get a distinct look which adds alot to the immersion down the line when you start recognizing friends and enemies in the MMO world.

So; if you're a single-player that doesn't feel like playing organized with others then this game might not be for you. For people who enjoyed the old Battlefield games then this game ought to be a natural step in the right direction.

The new publisher also seems to take the game in a healthy direction with pretty good updates, good amount of communication and no real signs of reducing the steady package that is Planetside 2 into a Warface-P2W cashgrab.
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