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8.9 hrs on record
Unbelievably Empty

I've been looking forward to Tchia's Steam release for over a year. So I've purchased it as it released. It looked so beautiful and so relaxing. I could use that kind of relaxing game. But after completing the main story, I can say that Tchia is extremely shallow in every way.

Let's talk about the obvious first, the game looks stunning in the nature side. The graphics, the lightnings, the textures, are all well done. Interestingly, the city side looks absolutely disgusting graphically. It's uncanny how big the difference is. It's like different studios with distant abilites worked on these 2 regions.

Exploration is at the heart of Tchia, because even though it has a main story, Tchia is a sandbox game at its core. The game expects you to explore the world and spend time doing so. It has a similar game design with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. But Tchia's world is very bland, soulless, and has nothing for the player to find. Additionally, there is no challenge. There is combat but it is so unnecessary and weird.

The optimization is good, the game works bug-free. Which is a rare thing these days. The story suffers from a lack of cohesion and depth. Characters are underdeveloped and terribly written. Tchia is filled with no context events in its story, which are meaningless. Storytelling at its worst.

Transforming in other animals and object is an interesting mechanic indeed. But Tchia is a game that has various things you can play as but the also a game that doesn't provide different gameplay scenarios for you to use them. Thus, this mechanic feels meaningless.

To conclude, Tchia may be the worst open-world sandbox game I've ever played. It has one of the emptiest worlds I've ever seen, meaningless mechanics, terrible storytelling and characters, repetitive map design, and horrible game design all along.


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Posted 22 April.
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25.4 hrs on record (24.7 hrs at review time)
Bloom and Boom: Excellence in Tower Defence

I have never played Plants vs. Zombies back in the day, even when it was wildly popular, strangely, it never caught my interest. So this is a first-timer's blind gameplay of this gem in 2024. Firstly, the game definitely needs a remastered version. It needs many improvements on the technical side.

Plants vs. Zombies consists of a delightful blend of humor and strategy. What truly sets Plants vs. Zombies apart is its perfect balance of accessibility and depth. While the concept of planting defenses to fend off zombies may seem straightforward, the game gradually introduces new creative mechanics and challenges that keep players engaged throughout the adventure.

The mechanics are easy to grasp, allowing players of all skill levels to jump in and start having fun immediately. Each level is meticulously designed to provide a balance of strategic planning and fast-paced action, ensuring that players must think on their feet to succeed.

Visually, Plants vs. Zombies is a treat for the eyes, with colorful and vibrant graphics, also its beautiful aesthetics that bring its charming world to life. From the adorable animations of the plants to the comically grotesque designs of the zombies, every aspect of the game's art direction contributes to its fanciful atmosphere.

The diverse environments, coupled with inventive level design and clever obstacles, ensure that players are constantly faced with new and exciting scenarios as they defend their lawn against the zombie invasion.
Plants vs. Zombies offers a variety of mini-games and additional game modes that provide players with unique challenges and opportunities to test their skills in creative ways.

These mini-games and additional game modes add depth and replay value to Plants vs. Zombies, offering players a variety of unique challenges to tackle beyond the main campaign. The soundtrack is incredible. They are instantly recognizable, adding an extra layer of charm and enriching the gameplay experience. Once again, Laura Shigihara delivers a phenomenal soundtrack.

Overall, the gameplay and game design of Plants vs. Zombies is a masterclass in accessible yet engaging game design. Every aspect of the game is crafted with care and attention to detail. With its addictive mechanics, clever level design, each level offering a fresh and unique setting with its own challenges and strategic opportunities, it's no wonder that Plants vs. Zombies has stood the test of time as a beloved classic in the world of gaming.

Plants vs. Zombies stands as a testament to timeless fun and strategic brilliance.


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Posted 17 April.
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4.7 hrs on record
A Fun Idea

It's mind-blowing how a 2$ game can be way more fun than the 60$ Horizon Forbidden West. Well, there is no guarantee of fun gameplay with a high budget.

As I launched Buckshot Roulette for the first time and walked up to the table, I thought, "I think this game was inspired by Inscryption". Because its theme, atmosphere, camera angles, how it's played, and spookiness were all similar to that game. What I loved to see was once I checked the credits, it said "Buckshot Roulette was inspired by Daniel Mullin's work", meaning Inscryption. I love it when developers are honest because there is no shame in getting inspired by another product.
You have various tools in Buckshot Roulette. Meaning you have many options on how to strategize each round. What makes it more engaging is that you have to also think about the opponent's possible plays. When pure luck and guessing are added into that scenario, it creates a highly fun and unique gameplay.

I wish Buckshot Roulette was longer. But I can't complain about that with the 2$ price tag. After the multiplayer update, I hope we can see a fully developed game with more content because this left me itching for more, just like the 1/3 section of Inscryption.


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Posted 13 April. Last edited 13 April.
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49.9 hrs on record
One in a Million

That's what I felt during my playthrough of Outer Wilds. I am experiencing something that's very rare and special. This one hits different.

It's very difficult to talk about Outer Wilds. The less you know about this game, the better. So I won't spoil the magic. But what I love the most about Outer Wilds without revealing much, is that to progress, you do not need powerups or new skills or tools. All you need is knowledge. This is such a different game design choice from other games, I love it. I often doubted myself if I wasn't smart enough to complete this game and solve the mystery behind it. But after many difficult hours spent, I made it.

Outer Wilds is masterfully done in every aspect and is an experience I will treasure for a lifetime. The soundtrack is simply amazing, they made me feel various emotions throughout my journey. I don't think it has any flaws, even though I tried finding one.


Being able to travel seamlessly in our solar system without any loading screens is quite a feat. That's what a famous game studio should take as an example. And I guess we don't need 1000+ planets to have an amazing experience, do we? By the way, top-notch sound design is what most indie studious can not achieve. But it's implemented amazingly well here. I've never felt this frightened in a game before. Outer Wilds has some of the greatest atmospheres in games ever.

Even if you think you are stuck and can not progress anymore, please do not use Google in your time with Outer Wilds, it will only ruin the experience for you. Believe me, all the knowledge has been sprouted in the galaxy. All you need to do is read carefully and think about the things you discovered. Your curiosity is the key to progress in Outer Wilds.

I can't say that this game is for everyone, but It was definitely for me. If you have a similar taste to me, or trust my taste, I definitely recommend it. Thank you Mobius Digital for creating such a masterpiece, and Annapurna Interactive for seeing the potential and supporting it.


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Posted 11 April. Last edited 11 April.
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18.7 hrs on record
True Frustration

There was a lot of hype going on with Dragon's Dogma 2. I was also curious about it, of course. But I didn't jump on the hype train like everybody else because I hadn't experienced the first game yet. So like I always do, I wanted to complete the first game before I play the upcoming one...Seems like Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen was a terrible game after all.

This is the first and only game I am reviewing without finishing the main story. The reason is, I can't take it anymore. Even though I have very high patience with games, I can't take this frustration anymore. This is the biggest insult I can give to a game, I couldn't bear it enough to finish it before reviewing it.

Let's get the good stuff out of the way first. The game mechanics work and feel well, every class feels different and landing attacks on enemies feel really good. The pawn system is cool and nice to customize to your needs. The graphics are very good for the year 2012. The main menu music is beautiful.

One of the most important if not the most important aspect of a RPG is its storytelling and the story itself. It has an interesting concept at first bother later on the game doesn't even bother telling you any story. The pawns or any other characters aren't remotely interesting either.

The problem isn't that the game didn't age well, I've played 30-40-year-old games and had a blast through them. Dragon's Dogma's problem is in its game design. You are supposed to explore the world in the way to vague quests. In these journeys, you are supposed to walk around the map, because fast travel isn't an option most of the time. When you are walking with your party, you are ambushed by the same groups of enemies a thousand times, which is very frustrating. Speaking of frustration, you need stamina while running, which depletes very quickly, and every time it depletes, our character needs to stop and rest for 5-6 seconds. This happens countless times, and frustration grows. It makes me appreciate Death Stranding even more, for making walking this engaging and designing the environment to support the gameplay.

The game has terrible map design visually, none of the architecture or the environment is remotely appealing or interesting in any way. This leads to devouring the exploration for me. The map is very empty and lifeless. Dragon's Dogma doesn't tell you anything about how to progress in the story. I am fine with this choice, this has been implemented masterfully by many other games. But with a map this boring, and lame exploration, trying to progress in the story feels like torture.

The save system adds to the frustration, you never can trust the autosave function. If you want to save manually, get ready to spend minutes just to save your game. The game is definitely unbalanced, you are often sent for quests that are way too powerful for you and sometimes the opposite.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen feels like an MMORPG or a hack-and-slash rather than a Role-Playing-Game because it has the same bland and laboring quest design as MMOs and no well-planned quests like many RPGs.

To be honest, from what I can see from the trailers and gameplay videos, Dragon's Dogma 2 seems like it has all of the same issues as the first game. But can't know for sure without experiencing it for the first time. I won't bother buying it before it has a deep sale, I don't want to relive the same frustration anytime soon.

There are countless issues with this game, but I am too fed up to write about it already. Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is good with the combat feel, but extremely lacking in almost every other aspect. I want to delete this game from my memory and move on. Not recommended even with a deep sale. It's a waste of time.


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Posted 7 April. Last edited 7 April.
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4.1 hrs on record
7 Years of Letdown

Pepper Grinder has been on my watchlist for many years. I was anticipating it highly since its main mechanic looked really engaging. The fact that Devolver was the publisher also increased the hype for me, thus, I purchased Pepper Grinder as soon as it was released.

So what do we have here, is it a bad game? No, but it is a huge letdown for me. This game has been in development for 7 years and has a powerful publisher behind it. But the major issue with Pepper Grinder is throughout my journey, it felt like the game lacked content. By a lot. This mechanic could have been used way better, with way more varied level design. There are a few levels that have some ideas, but they wear out quickly. The music is nothing surprising. The pixel art looks good.

The bosses are terrible, they lack any imagination and play very poorly. I liked the final boss though. The controls are not bad, but they aren't as responsive and smooth as they should be for a platformer-action game. And why is there this much action in this game? It surely doesn't fit the main mechanic of this game and doesn't play well. Pepper Grinder should have been a game solely focused on combat.

There aren't any upgrades to purchase and we don't have any control over our tools/equipment, meaning we have no control over our playstyle.

Overall, Pepper Grinder feels like a wasted potential with this little content. It just feels uninspiring in every aspect. I won't recommend it to anyone unless it's like at least 50% off. This is surely a miss from Devolver Digital for me.


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Posted 31 March.
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4.0 hrs on record
4 Hours of Pure Gameplay

En Garde is a fun little game. It has a similar combat with Sekiro. The gameplay is fun, the mechanics work well, and interacting with objects around the world in combat is a fun mechanic.

The best part about the game is that it doesn't overstay its welcome, it only lasts around 3-5 hours and ends before it begins repeating itself. The bosses are well made, and even though hordes of enemies with a boss don't really suit the game design of this game, it didn't bother me that much. The game looks nice visually, it has a well-applied art style.

Another thing I like about this game is that the devs didn't feel like "we have to tell a very important story to the players!". En Garde doesn't have the boring storytelling that many indie games have. It throws 3-5 hours of fun gameplay in front of you and that's it.

It is priced accordingly, but I'd recommend you buy it on a sale. Even though En Garde is fun, it's nothing revolutionary.


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Posted 30 March. Last edited 30 March.
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8.3 hrs on record
More of the Same Fun

Ghostrunner 2 has a lot of new fun features and is a good sequel. Probably the most flashy new toy, the motorcycle is also one of the most fun to play with. The motorcycle driving in this game is among the best I've ever experienced. In comparison to the first game, there are more creatively designed levels that stand out. A good balance is maintained between the different bosses.

I once again find the storytelling and characters to be terrible. These parts feel very redundant and undeveloped. They destroy the flow of the game. The optimization is fairly bad, it needed more time. The game manages to introduce new mechanics throughout the game, which is rare these days. The length of the game is perfect, around 7-8 hours. It ends at the right time never repeating itself.

The Ghostrunner series remains as one of the most fun I've ever had in an FPS action game.


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Posted 4 March. Last edited 4 March.
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96.0 hrs on record
A "Splendent" Remake

It's my third time replaying this game. Persona 3 FES, Persona 3 Portable, and now Persona 3 Reload, which is supposed to be a remake of the original game. There is nothing much to say about this 18-year-old game's remake. It's almost completely a visual remake, being faithful to the source material. Which is something I appreciate with the story side of it. I am glad they didn't slaughter the story like how it was in FFVII Remake. If you are using the same name as the original, you shouldn't change a beloved story. Persona 3's story and its presentation are almost completely the same. That's the same for the gameplay side of it as well, this is the part where the game needed improvements. I think with Persona 6, they need to redesign the gameplay. Because it's certainly getting old and boring for me. Even though Tartarus looks way better graphically, it needed major rework with its level design. It's the same linear boring grindy infinite dungeon once again. I wish they put a little bit of effort into that like they did with Persona 5's dungeons.


Story-wise, it's pretty good. The characters are fun to interact with and our interactions with them are fun. The theme and the presentation of the scenario are well done. Which is something I care about the most in a Persona game. Even though I like our friends and our relationship with them, they kinda feel like work buddies from time to time. In Persona 4, our friends felt like they were our childhood friends. In the original Persona 3, the finale, being the boss fight and the last scene already was unforgettable, but they brought it to another level. The graphics look incredibly well for a Persona game. Atlus made the right decision by swapping to Unreal Engine 5. It looks way better than Persona 5. The music is once again, god-tier. Which is something usual for Persona games. They are beautifully remade, even though I like some of the original tracks more. The UI is absolutely gorgeous. Optimization is very good, which is a rare thing these days.

To conclude, Persona 3 is my second favorite among the series, Persona 4 being my favorite easily. I wish the FES content was included in this package, 70$ is already too much for a 2006 game. Because this is the same game at its core. Nevertheless, Atlus had done a good job. I will be looking forward to the Persona 1, and Persona 2's Duology remakes.

❤️ Many thanks to my dear friend IwillbeanU for gifting me this amazing game ❤️


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Posted 3 March. Last edited 7 April.
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168.0 hrs on record
Infinite Disappointment

This review contains major spoilers.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth (LaD 8) is the expanded version of LaD 7. But that doesn't mean it's a better game than 7 for me. In LaD 7, they decided to leave the same yakuza crap they did for 7 games. We had the yakuza dissolved at LaD 7, we strived for it throughout the game and we accomplished it. It was the beginning of a new era in Like a Dragon games, the name change from "Yakuza" to "Like a Dragon" was also a sign of this. I was excited for the series' future, being bored of the same scenarios through all 7 games from Yakuza 0 to Yakuza 6. Then, I began (LaD 8) and what did I see? The Yakuza has been established after 4 years, and we have to dissolve it once again. Great creativity RGG. What a joke.


To express my thoughts about Infinite Wealth, I have to talk about Yakuza: Like a Dragon (LaD 7) for a bit. LaD 7 had a well-told personal story about Kasuga and his family. He was the new protagonist of the series, He is funny, stupid, friendly, charming, but serious and tough when necessary. He is a multi-dimensional character, unlike Kiryu. The new and extremely fun combat system, with a deep and variable job system that worked great, poundmates with amazing cutscenes. The music was top-notch, it had a new map, the main party members had good chemistry and they were fun to watch. The side activities such as Ichiban Confections, the cinema mini-game, Dragon Kart, and the quiz school were extremely fresh and addicting. Especially Ichiban Confections, It was the best side activity I've ever played in any Yakuza Game. I loved the family-focused rather personal storytelling of that game instead of the same Yakuza crap and I was very satisfied with the finale. It was the best Yakuza experience for me by far.

I had way higher expectations from this after LaD 7. I expected an emotional rollercoaster about a mother and son's reunion after 40+ years. They had a 3-minute cutscene with each other that was very weak. I expected Kasuga to have interactions with Saeko, especially concerning their love life, which would be a huge change for the series after Kiryu's nonexistent love life. We get these love interactions but 1 max in a 60+ hours long game. At the beginning and the end, which doesn't result in anything. I expected Ichiban to strengthen their friendships with the squad, especially Kiryu, considering it's his final game. I expected Kiryu to mentor him throughout the journey and teach Ichiban, and Ichi would show his respect and admiration for the legend. There were none except a 5-minute talk at the last hour of the game. I am not the biggest Kiryu fan, but why can't RGG give the Dragon of Dojima he deserves? It's his last time on the stage! About Ichi's other friends, what I loved about LaD 7 was that we had 3 main side companions to our side. Zhao, Seonhee, and Eri didn't have much place in the story. Thanks to this, we got to see detailed interactions between them, and the drink links were well written there. Most importantly, just like the rest of the LaD fans, I wanted to see Kiryu finally reunite with Haruka, Haruto, and his other kids at Morning Glory. But freaking RGG will do everything to not make us see this. I know they are reunited, but why the hell wouldn't you let us see what they'll do together? Why wouldn't you let us get emotional? We deserved this after playing 9 freaking games! None of my dreams came true so I was very disappointed. Screw you RGG.


The story we have here is rather very generic and something I call classic Yakuza-mid. As I said before, we try to get the Yakuza dissolved throughout the game and can not manage to succeed, potential genius sequel scenarios I guess (!) We search for our mother but get involved in boring Yakuza and Cult scenarios that we have seen countless times before. Many generic villains like before, though I seriously liked Yamai as a villain. I wish he was the one and only villain of the game. To be honest, I think Yamai is the only well-written character in this game. There was no need to have this many villains in a single video game. This alone shows how inharmonious the plot is. Bryce and Ebina are boring and have no screen time or well-thought-out writing in their roles in the story. I will most likely forget who they were in the next weeks. The storytelling is good, seems like as the playtime increases in these games, the lesser motion capture higher quality cutscenes we get. This is not something I like. Enough with the standing and talking dialogues, especially in main quests. I hoped this would combine both main protagonists giving each the necessary attention. I mean while Ichiban would still be in the spotlight with his mother, Kiryu should have received the respect he deserves while getting a rightfully deserved happy ending. No, it's the same Yakuza is bad, we are heroes, and we have to save both the Japan and Hawaii scenario once again. Eichi's story sucked, was I supposed to care about Eichi? Why would I? Just because Ichi sees him as a friend? No way. He is a traitor and I couldn't care less about him. I disliked the final cutscene with him very much, it was straight-up nonsense. That's what I felt about the story all through. There was no coherence to it, this game has one of the worst stories in the series.

Let's Talk about the gameplay. Being able to move is a great addition that increases the strategy options in fights. New jobs, poundmates, Kiryu's fighting styles, and Dragon mods are good content. New jobs and their both in-game skill animations and cutscene skills are fun to watch. There is a good amount of new enemy types. The gameplay is fun, I have no complaints with it.


Like a Dragon has always given effort into their side content. Hawaii is visually beautiful and I can see that most of RGG's effort went into creating Honolulu. The substories were fine, they are around the same level of quality and fun as other games. Crazy Delivery was joyful, even though it's similar to the "can game" in the previous one. Miss Match was boring and repetitive, but Gaiden's Cabaret Club was way more enjoyable. The quiz school is fun, even though it has lost its originality. Sujimon battles seem cool at first, but it's too underwhelming in every way. I spammed attacks with Kiryu and won every single battle. Life links are good fan-service materials. Finally, we have seen one of the best characters in the series, Akiyama once again! Memoirs of a Dragon are nice throwbacks, even though I expected more satisfying reminiscences. I saved Dondoko Island to the last, the major side content in the game. One sentence is enough to summarize it; it is lazy and repetitive. The things you can build inside the island, the enemies, and the environment, are all reused assets from the main games. The storyline of the quest is nothing but extremely generic. The management and gameplay parts are very shallow and the exact opposite of fun. It's one of the worst side content I have ever played.

Is Infinite Wealth a bad game? No, but I can't say I liked it, thus won't recommend it. I feel like I have played the same game 7 times, excluding Yakuza 0 and 7. I am a guy who gets bored fairly easily when a game does not surprise me or refreshes itself. When it comes to a Yakuza/Like a Dragon game, the story comes first, and this has got to be one of the worst stories and finales ever in the series. Having 2 protagonists was something RGG couldn't handle, neither Ichiban nor Kiryu's story was well written and presented by any means. What a disappointment of an experience.


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Posted 15 February. Last edited 15 February.
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