Łukasz   Warsaw, Warszawa, Poland
Please read info below prior to adding me.
Impersonators alert
I have over 10000 games and 230+ level on Steam. Watch out who you're talking with, I'm not being responsible for you getting scammed by my impersonators. Please make sure that you're interacting with the right person.

I'm the creator of ASF [] and the only public bot I own is ArchiBot . I don't own any other bots and I don't use any alt accounts. I don't middleman and I don't vouch for any other people.

If somebody is using this profile in order to prove anything, they're trying to scam you. Follow safe trading practices [] and always verify if the person you're talking with is indeed who they claim to be.

Read before adding/messaging me
I do not offer support regarding any of my projects through private/group chat or comments on my profile. You have appropriate threads, Steam groups and other support channels for that purpose. All related suggestions, bug reports, technical issues, questions and discussions considering my projects should happen in above places exclusively. Not respecting this rule will result in being removed and blocked permanently - this is my personal Steam account, not a technical support page.

If I don't know you, please state the reason for adding me as a friend on my comments wall before sending me an invite, and be precise. If you want to talk/ask about something, specify the topic. I'm getting too many friend invites from people that can't understand the point above, so if I have no idea who you are, or what you want to talk about, you'll get ignored along with the rest, since you didn't even care enough to read this far and prove that you understood the notice.

I'm very open to all kind of invites, even you just wanting to have me on your friends list, but only as long as you put enough of effort to read this far, understand the notice and leave a comment, as I kindly ask you to. You can remove your message after getting added if you don't want to keep it on my wall for indefinite future. I usually accept friend invites within a day. If your comment was deleted without any response from me, it means that it didn't follow the note above or was too vague for me to consider.

If you're already on my friends list, please refrain from spamming me with game/group invites that I've not signed up for, or otherwise unrelated information - and the first point still applies, so don't forget about it :sgsmile:.

Likewise, if I've sent you a friend request, please consider accepting it. You can send me a message afterwards if you'd like to know a particular reason - I don't add people randomly. If you have a similar to mine notice on your profile, I'm always trying to respect it and leave a comment myself.

If you're interested in a trade or a donation that considers my person, you can do so without adding me as a friend, by sending me a trade offer . If we're trading often, and you'd like to have my person on your friends list, e.g. for STM purposes, or on your badge page as people with given cards, that's fine, feel free to add me as well (and state it on my wall, as pointed out above).

I'm active user of SteamTradeMatcher and you can match me using my quickmatch link []. My account is powered by ASF [] with active STM module, which means that usually you'll get your matched steam cards instantly, also when I show as "offline".

I'm trying to finish available sets on my account. If you want some card that I own, ensure that it's at least neutral+ [] for me so ASF will automatically accept it on fair 1:1 basis. If it's not and you want that card really badly, offer 1:1 and add some extra Steam gems to cover my matching time (50 is enough). You're also free to suggest other (non-1:1) trades, as long as the value of your items is considerably higher than mine (as otherwise there is no reason for me to break finished sets or trade away stuff for less). I'm also open to all other trades, simply send me an offer, include what you'd want to trade for, explain details in the description and await my confirmation or counter-offer.

Other places where you can find me
Barter [] | Discord [] | GitHub [] | LinkedIn [] | SteamGifts [] | SteamTrades [] | X []
Touhou Giveaways
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Archi's SC Farm - Offentlig gruppe
3 947 810
82 484
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624 380
30 195
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Utmerkelser mottatt
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1 742
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2 314
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18 069
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33 699
Gjenstander for byttehandel
2 314
Gjenstander eid
18 069
Byttehandler gjort
33 699
17,5 timer spilt
Glory to Arstotzka! The greatest country!


That was my original review more than 5 years ago, but today I'd like to further elaborate on this title.

Papers, Please is one of the best games I've ever played that touches the dystopian topics. Simple at its core, shows the struggle of playing as a border control officer with constant fear of being able to protect his family in regards to the ongoing events.

The game is a real masterpiece. With non-linear stories, interesting characters, awesome setting and constant pressure, you can immerse yourself in a world where you're nothing but a pawn in a huge system you don't have a say in.

I don't know what else to write it, other than a statement that this is a mandatory position for everybody even remotely interested in dystopian games, and a great title even for those that are not. I had so much fun with it that it's hard to believe the whole game was created mostly by a single person.

As I wrote back in 2016 - Glory to Arstotzka! The greatest country!
12 2 1
Don't Escape: 4 Days to Survive is one of the best point & click games I've ever played, and it'd be easily considered a masterpiece if it was released back in point & click games era.

What really shocked me is how well the game mixes point & click elements with actual post-apocalyptic survival. The moment I launched a second playthrough and realized that majority of the events that happen are now COMPLETELY different compared to my first playthrough, I was speechless, it's not just a really good point & click game, it's a point & click game with actual replayability factor, and now THAT'S something the game can be really proud of.

I don't know what else is there to say, it's a very decent story in awesome setting with very interesting mechanics and general idea for itself, done by a single person with two more supporting him. I consider it a mandatory pick for everybody who is interested how point & click fallout/wasteland could look like, and even if this isn't RPG game, the vibes and inspiration is clearly visible.

My opinion - a masterpiece in point & click genre, must-play with very unusual (in this genre) replayability factor.


If you liked my review, you can find more of them on my profile and on my curator page.
Laget av - DKA
13 599 vurderinger
A useful collection of great tools for Steam around the web.
This mod adds a civilization of Touhou fairies led by Cirno. Lead fairykind to rule Gensokyo and gain the respect they deserve! Requires G+K or BNW to function. Unique Ability: Great Fairy Wars Doubles production speed and upkeep costs of all units. (in Go
251 vurderinger
Laget av - Huitzil
ArchiBoT... ;_;
72 10 4
Oppnådd nivå
Bekjempede bosser

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29 057 632
Nylig aktivitet
182 timer totalt
sist spilt den 25. juni
1,5 timer totalt
sist spilt den 17. juni
Prestasjonsfremgang   0 av 79
1,5 timer totalt
sist spilt den 3. juni
Prestasjonsfremgang   0 av 63
UzależnienieOdNintendo 24. juni kl. 11.34 
Dzięki wielkie za fajna apke, pozdrowionka.
ava⁧⁧t4r 24. juni kl. 5.03 
Hello! I've been an ASF user for a long time, I've added you to ask something about a sponsor tool (I sponsor you on github). Thanks!
💕爱💕 18. juni kl. 9.42 
Nice bro
magxnta 15. juni kl. 15.51 
ХачБоБ в КеДаХ 12. juni kl. 5.37 
Hi Archi, I’ve been using your project for a very long time and am incredibly grateful to you! I will be very glad if you add me as a friend
xDizzel 7. juni kl. 15.31 
Hi kitten