I'm a Slutmachine SlutMachine
I'm a Slutmachine SlutMachine
1 November, 2017
ABOUT I'm a Slutmachine

Am I a Wizard?

You are not born a wizard, you become a wizard. You already have the powers and magical abilities that a wizard needs. But, learning to use them to do magic is just a small part of being a wizard.

Becoming a wizard is not an easy task, there are no simple set of instructions to become a wizard. The path and journey of becoming a wizard is a process between you and the universe, I cant make you a wizard. Becoming a wizard is up to you.

The easiest path to becoming I know of is:

Step 1: Research and find out what being a wizard means.
(More on this later)

Step 2: Work to become what you understand a wizard is.
Step 3: Repeat step 1 through 3.

These steps are necessary because you couldn't work to become something you have a limited idea about. Most people don't know what a real wizard is, part of the process of becoming a real wizard is finding out what a real wizard is. Each person is going to have a different idea about this, and because of this each wizard is likely to be very different from each other.

A wizard must be able to see truth behind illusion. This requires the wizard to learn to see through what is fake, the student to become a wizard should question everything to see if it has truth or if it exists more as an illusion. Question everything, question reality.

A wizard that cannot see past illusion will be stuck in the muggle physical world. Being able to see the reality of magic and the reality of the magical world (in truth, not just in fantasy) is part of being a real wizard.

The student of the universe often sees the universe as a puzzle, the wizard strives to learn and solve aspects of this universal puzzle.