space engineers qc empire s-e I.E.C
space engineers qc empire s-e I.E.C
18 March, 2014
ABOUT space engineers qc empire

Interstellar Engineers Corporation

Ce clan est québecois mais nous acceptons tout le monde tant que vous parlez anglais ou francais.

This clan is qc but everyone who speek english or french is welcome to join

La I.E.C (Interstellar Engineers Corporation) est une aliance d'ingénieurs spaciaux fondée en 2047 par Nicolas Lévesque aussi apellé ( Space Engineer Xexcel ) qui s'est au départ uni pour mettre leurs ressources en commun pour construire d'ambitieux projets. En 2053, ils sont devenu un vaste empire comptant plusieurs ingénieurs créatifs et persévérant ayant au moins une douzaine d'années de pratique, des pilotes chevronées et des hommes d'affaires ambitieux. Ils ont légalement pris possesion d'une dizaine de systèmes solaires et ils sont aujourd'hui une puissante alliance possédant une forte économie, un vaste territoire, une puissante flotte et une technologie avancée. En temp de paix, la I.E.C se concentre sur l'économie galactique, sur la colonisation de mondes habitables et l'avancée technologique. Cependant, quand une autre organisation ou une bande de pirates s'en prend à elle, la I.E.C riposte avec de puissant vaisseaux sortis tout droit de leurs usines, commandés par de brillant tacticiens.

Plusieurs rumeurs inquiétantes courent au sujet de la I.E.C mais les plus récentes parlent de marchés avec des groupes de mercenaires et de pirates ou d'aliances avec des races jusqu'à aujourd'hui inconnues du gouvernement de la Terre.

— Wikipedia, 2077 —

The I.E.C ( Interstelar Engineers Corporation ) is an aliance of space engineers founded in 2047 by Nicolas lévesque (also called space engineer xexcel). at the start the I.E.C was created to ally the recources of many space engineers for the construction of ambitious project. In 2053 they become a vast empire that count many persevering engineers with at least a dozen years of practice, skilled pilots and ambitious business man. They lawfully taken possesion of many solar-systems and today they are a powerfull aliance that own a strong economy, a vast teritory, and a large fleet of strong space ships and an advanced technology. In times of peace, the I.E.C is busy with the galactic economy, the colonization of habitable worlds and technological advance. When another organization or bands of pirates enter their terrory or attack a station, ship or a planet owned by them, the I.E.C response by dispatching a patrol or their whole fleet, comanded by brilliant tacticients.

There are several disturbing rumors about the I.E.C and many speak of deals with somes groups of mercenaries and pirates.
Others talk about some kind of aliance with alien races unknown to this day
by the government of the earth.

- Wikipedia, 2077 -
the return of the empire
vidéo de recrutement/recruting video
FireStorm 29 Jul, 2016 @ 10:54am 
If anyone is looking for an active SE SERVER run by an active group I have a few up and have a really active admin team including myself making sure they are constantly running smoothly. We just opened one in partnership with ISB who happens to be the dude commenting below me lol I'll also note the Faction server is open for any community or faction to join, the more the better as it will keep the dynamics interesting and the RP fresh alongside the PvP / PvE in game.

--Connection Info--
NAME: CDF - ISB Farpoint System

Teamspeak: Pass: Funishere
Steam Group:
Elodin 14 Oct, 2015 @ 9:36pm 
No more crap about doing shit. WE ARE GOING TO DO CRAP!
The navy will not be the navy anymore. IT will be the Royal Democractic Navy of the government. Answered to the council of leaders which are group administrators. We have a group that works on our prototypes. More alliances. A training facility is being constructed. More ships too by other group shipyards. We arent dead. We're constructing a pathway. A pathway to freedom and equality in our nation.



A message to all related groups
Elodin 4 Sep, 2015 @ 12:27am 
Yet an Introduction is needed from me. I am chancellor Pheonix of the Democratic nation of the ISB. I know French and German with some other languages. Diplomatic Realations can be discussed via steam chat or our Foreign Relations Forum within our group.


Pourtant, une introduction est nécessaire de moi. Je suis chancelier Pheonix de la nation démocratique du BSI. Je sais français et en allemand avec quelques autres langues. Realations diplomatiques peuvent être discutées par chat vapeur ou notre Forum des relations étrangères au sein de notre groupe.
Arkelyx 20 Aug, 2015 @ 11:54am 
Just so you know, guys, me and Xexcel are planning a 40-people fight (20 I.E.C. and 20 from another group) with imported ships(blueprints) and a bunch of mods. I want to know who would be interested. There's still no date for the fight, but it would help to know who's in.
Xexcel 20 Apr, 2015 @ 4:29am 
hey guys Sektan is doing logo mods and he is asking for people to send him their logos so finaly il try to do the vote quite soon so stay tuned guys ;D
Cripple 25 Jan, 2015 @ 10:28am 
Hey, just wanted to let you guys know that after scouting around a bunch of different servers I think I've found a decent procedural survival server we could actually do some PvP on. As of now I and another member have established a main base with ample production facilities to support ship construction and expansion. I've also used the faction waypoint system to perform a survey of most nearby asteroids so if you need more raw materials you should know where to go.

Most importantly, for every ship you have including spawn ship, make sure it is powered and has a beacon frame placed as soon as possible. Otherwise you will lose your work during trash cleanup. The frame only costs one steel plate, grind armor off spawnship if you have to.

Server name is "Galactic Empires"

Enter chat room
18 March, 2014