Cheap Low End Games CheLowGames
Cheap Low End Games CheLowGames
20 December, 2014
United States 
ABOUT Cheap Low End Games

For those of us who game on a toaster and are broke

Do you like to play games on a low end device, laptop, or other similarly crappy device, and also happen to be fairly poor and can't afford anything but cheap games on sale?

Well, you're in the right place!
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Cheap Low End Games reviews
"Cheap games that will run on very low end devices! I only curate games that work on my mid-range laptop, and have enjoyed. Join our group for giveaways"
Here are a few recent reviews by Cheap Low End Games
Lizard Games Studio 6 Jun, 2024 @ 7:27am 
Become the King of Farting! | More great updates in A Story About Farting!
Discover new sounds that will make the game even more disgusting and revolting! 😎😅

💚 The new update for A Story About Farting introduces:

- new sounds that are so disgusting, you'll fart and burp yourself when you hear them! Seriously, it's really gross, but we love it!

- smoother gameplay

- now you can burp and fart even faster, making it possible to unlock all achievements in no time!

- we've fixed bugs related to some achievements - now you can definitely become the true King of Farting on Steam!

And soon, in a free update, you'll get the ability to fart and burp with the other characters. There will also be new achievements to unlock! Stay tuned! 🚀

Check our game here:
Lizard Games Studio 20 Apr, 2024 @ 2:23am 
📢 A Story About Farting will be released on April 22! Click, fart and have a great time!

Get ready for an extraordinary gaming experience that will make you laugh to tears and leave you smiling for hours! 🎮💨

Welcome to the world of A Story About Farting - a game that will transform your approach to gaming! Have you ever thought that farting could be so fun and exciting? Now is your chance to find out for yourself! 😎👀

I assure you that this game is not just about farting - it's a unique, humorous experience that will surprise you with its creativity and intriguing storyline. 💚

Add the game to your wish list on Steam right now and join in the fun! 💨🎉

✅ Check it now on Steam:
Ixhorb 2 Jan, 2024 @ 1:42am 
Lizard Games Studio 29 Dec, 2023 @ 4:01am 

I'd like to invite you to check out my latest and very cheap game - A Story About Farting. You'll get easy achievements here on Steam, the whole thing is grotesque and comedic.

Gameplay is all about clicking. For a given number of clicks you earn achievements and unlock further stages of the story.

I would appreciate a wishlist - it will help me promote! Even if you don't intend to buy the game, you will be helping me a lot in this way. Thanks!

❗ Why should you add the game to your #wishlist right now?
📌 You can easily earn up to 50 new achievements on your Steam account!
📌 You'll discover a funny and unusual story as old as the world!
📌 You'll discover new characters and perhaps an ending to the game that will make you burst into tears!
OoO 3 Jan, 2021 @ 9:25am 
Actually never died :CatMorta:
OoO 3 Jan, 2021 @ 9:24am 
Back alive now lol
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