Ellada Games Developers elladagames
Ellada Games Developers elladagames
8 June, 2018
ABOUT Ellada Games Developers

Main Group

Devs at Niffelheim.

Tiny Bang Story for free
The biggest update 0.9.023
Global changes
  1. New characters - our Viking is joined by Shaman, Berserker and Valkyrie! Every character has its own advantages, but my current choice is Valkyrie!
  2. New interfaces - completely new and modern. We have considered all your suggestions concerning management and inventory (more space!) I already mentioned these changes before - check out the rest yourself.
  3. Full controller support - we’ve taken all the nuances of control into account, made a lot of improvements, and now you can - or rather you should! - play using a controller. The game displays buttons for PS4, XboxOne, SwitchPro controllers and, of course, Steam Controller. Oh yeah, and my favorite Xbox360 and PS3 Dualshock, too.
  4. Descriptions for all the items in the game - now you can learn a lot about these: how to use them and much more. And if there is no description, it’s implied that the item is self-explanatory - for example, a pinecone is a pinecone! :)
  5. A new combat system including buffs and debuffs - oh, there's so much we've implemented that it would take too much time to cover all the changes - you should play and see for yourself. Some of the most important things - you will see the current active effects on your character; the enemies now have armor and various abilities. So don’t go picking fights, and you can check your stats in the inventory.
  6. All the weapons and ammunition has a new stat: durability. When inflicting or receiving damage you spend the durability of your equipment.
  7. NEW balance - we removed some things from the game, but implemented a more logical balance. We will continue to improve it based on your feedback. Something of the things will return to the game, we also have some new items in the game! But now - new crafting, new prices, and a completely new system of damage and defense.
  8. The seeds and animals, that can be used to produce various items on your farms, now also have durability. Once their durability is depleted, they will disappear.
  9. NEW bosses - meet new trolls and all sorts of evil dead creatures!
  10. TUTORIAL - everyone was waiting for this to happen! 127 000 Steam players added our game to their wish lists - it's time to buy the game! Our tutorial is a journal with 12 topics covering the main features of the game. We will add new topics later on if necessary.
  11. Earthquake - every few days your dungeons will collapse, and the resources and chest in the dungeons will be updated.

Minor improvements
  1. At night, skeletons spawn in the upper world. They won’t attack the castle, but will be looking for you.
  2. New trophies (lamb, porcupine and spider).
  3. New security system for castles. Towers are equipped with stationary weapons with only ammunition supplied later on.
  4. The production process on your farms is shown on a progress bar so you can easily find out how much time is left until the next item.
  5. We’ve added UI tip in the gaming world. These can be disabled in the game settings.
  6. When you equip a full set, the ammunition cells change showing that a set is assembled.
  7. You can immediately unload your inventory or take all items out of a chest at once.
  8. Portal fragments and the dragon statuette are placed in a special bag - there is no interaction with other items whatsoever, so you won’t lose any of them.
  9. Skills are now activated automatically - there are only 7 professions that improve your character. With each level, your character gets +5 HP.
  10. There is an event system that will notify you about what is happening in the world.
  11. In the journal you will see all your tasks, including already completed ones, as well as stories from various NPCs.
  12. The Diplomacy tab shows the statistics of your character, as well as other players.
  13. After death the character receives a permanent debuff, which can stack up to 5 times and is removed only by a Regeneration Potion.
  14. The character bar displays the effects that are active at the moment.
  15. After the damage is dealt, you’ll see the numbers showing the amount of inflicted damage. Yellow numbers depict a critical strike.

As always, we are looking forward to receiving your comments and feedback. The release is very near, we are planning to some improvement to visual effects and complete addition of the remaining two locations. The release date will be announced once we’re done polishing the game :)

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Have fun playing nice games,
Ellada Games Team

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tosiki_bosiki 26 Jan, 2022 @ 10:01am 
Жаль что игру забросили
Maltus 14 May, 2021 @ 1:12pm 
Надеюсь со временем работу ачивок почините и они все будут срабатывать и появляться )
tosiki_bosiki 25 Jan, 2020 @ 1:32am 
Здорова всем!Ё
JanuszOrPL 9 Nov, 2018 @ 7:20am 
Hi, I'm looking for people to play with Poland or England. If you are interested, please write here, I will add you to friends and we will continue to guess
/ Siema szukam osób do gry. Osoby zainteresowane prosze napiszcie tutaj, to dodam was do znajomych i się dalj zgadamy
LexusXBB 29 Jun, 2018 @ 2:56pm 
Так так! Уютно тут у вас! Всем привет!
Andrew 29 Jun, 2018 @ 11:52am 
@бас , там была новость на русском, но не прошло. но это баг просто. пока весь функционал тут в бете. И обсуждалку создадим. хорошая это идея!
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8 June, 2018