Age of Chivalry - Keeshna's Custom Maps AOC - KCM
Age of Chivalry - Keeshna's Custom Maps AOC - KCM
10 June, 2011
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
ABOUT Age of Chivalry - Keeshna's Custom Maps

Age of Chivalry Lives On

Hello, and welcome to this new AoC group which is dedicated to the creation of custom maps for this great MOD.

Perhaps I should give you a little background information about who I am and why I've started this group. I started playing this MOD several years ago and being a mapper on other source games like CS:S and DOD:S, I thought that producing maps for AoC looked like fun and also provided a new challenge. The creation of maps based on a series of objectives to win the game was a completely new concept to me.

The first map that I created is called "aoc_victory" which some of you may already have seen. The developers of the MOD were looking for new mappers and I joined the team after they had reviewed my work. Unfotunately, the team decided to go down another route with the future development of the MOD using the Unreal engine which I must say looks like the correct decision. As I had no experience with the UDK my services were no longer required by the team.

I have been busy with other projects over the past year but I thought that it might be a good idea to breath some new life into this game once again by producing more custom maps for the MOD.

The other maps that I completed during my time with the team was a map called "aoc_phoenix" and a revamped version of the official map "aoc_overlook_2".

I will initially run a dedicated server from my PC to allow people to see these maps but if there is enough interest it may be possible to set up a server dedicated to custom maps.

The MOD is also crying out for new forums so I will be setting this up in the near future.

If there are any mappers, model designers, graphic designers etc, that would like to get involved, please get in touch. I know that RK|Blaine is still keen to keep this MOD allive and I'm sure he will play an active part in any play testing of any future maps.

Let's see if we can take this game forward.


Current Maplist on Keeshna's Custom Maps server:-

aoc_victory (Created by Keeshna)
aoc_phoenix (Created by Keeshna)
aoc_overlook_2 (Created by Keeshna)
aoc_castle_wars_v3b (Created by Fightspit)

Download the AoC Map Pack (32 custom maps)[]
Get fixed version of aoc_victory here[]
Age of Chivalry Forum[]
Age of Chivalry Custom Maps Now Available
Keeshna 31 Dec, 2012 @ 8:26am 
I've uploaded an Age of Chivalry map called aoc_battle_for_fort_haven to GameBanana if anyone is interested. It's not been play tested so if you find any problems like missing materials please let me know. You can grab the map here:-
RK | Blaine 9 Apr, 2012 @ 8:53am 
Hey Keeshna, get in touch, would love to take a look ;)
Keeshna 9 Apr, 2012 @ 12:54am 
Been busy with RL matters. New map called aoc_battle_for_fort_haven almost ready.
NxWorriez 10 Jan, 2012 @ 4:04am 
no maps now?
Keeshna 26 Jul, 2011 @ 2:05am 
Not posted for a while but I'm still working on the new zone captuer map. I had a few compiling issues with the map but it appears to b working ok now. I still have a little work to do on it, including a 3D skybox, but I will let everyone see it once the map is ready in a playable form.
Demons Wrath 25 Jun, 2011 @ 3:36pm 
That sounds remarkably like the map I had in mind for the now deceased aoc revamp project. much like the DoD Avalanche map.

Castle, cap and hold objectives. Only difference I see is six objectives instead of five.
Enter chat room
10 June, 2011
United Kingdom (Great Britain)